“Son, in the future, you have to find a way to improve your relationship with this Hao Brother, hey, how can you offend him?”

Boss Gong said with some sadness, but thinking that his son had finally been admitted to the martial arts academy, becoming a martial artist should be a nail in the coffin, and he was happy again, and led a group of people to the hall to open a table.

Only Gong Jiang had a look of resignation on his face and said, “How do I know that Bi Hao can suddenly be so good?” You still blame me for offending him, didn’t you yourself almost offend him just now? ”

For his father’s IQ, he is also very helpless, lower than himself!

This was just an episode, and Bi Hao’s three people were already eating in the box at this time.

Since there was a payment from Gong Jiang’s father and son, naturally there was no need to be polite, and Wang Haoran and Liu Ming were more open.

I ordered a table of dishes and ate them comfortably.

After eating a meal for an hour and a half, I sat paralyzed in a position with a bulging stomach, a satisfied face.

In the end, it is the best restaurant in Changzhou, and this meal tastes like nothing to say.

The meal was eaten by nearly 40,000 people, or because the three high school students could not drink alcohol, only vegetables and drinks.

However, when Boss Gong checked out, he did not have a trace of pain, and even felt that he could still brag about the bull when he went out in the future.

If he could invite this demon to dinner, no one else would be able to invite him, although he would not tell others that they were not at the same table.


After the three separated, Bi Hao returned home and began to pack up, and in a week he was going to report, and he was ready to go to his hometown.

Early the next morning, he got on a bus and went back.

Xiaxi Town, Changzhou City, this is his hometown, the people in the town are engaged in the cultivation of trees and flowers and stones for a living.

His parents also worked in a medium-sized private workshop, but fortunately people still value the greenery, so the forest business is still passable.

However, even so, the salaries of both parents together will be more than 5,000 points in January.

Although it is not much, but in the town it is more than the upper and lower levels, but it is also very hard.

This time back, Bi Hao also wanted to change the environment with them, thinking about the past life of their parents in order to provide for their own study, but they themselves were thrifty, in this life they have the ability, naturally to repay it well.

“Huh?” Before I reached the door, I saw that there were people in my small courtyard, people coming and going, and there were still some voices of contention inside.

This made Bi Hao frown unconsciously, what happened?

“Isn’t this a rat?” Are you back? At this time, an old master saw Bi Hao and shouted in surprise.

“Uncle Liu, how are you?” Our home is this? Seeing this person, Bi Hao also smiled and said hello.

This is his neighbor, and he usually takes great care of his family.

“Hey, it was said that your father accidentally broke a few flowers and trees on the order a few days ago, isn’t this the boss Wang came to the door?” To compensate him, tens of thousands, seriously, this matter really can’t blame your father, when your father settled this batch of flowers and trees, the time to go to the toilet, was damaged by the second ancestor of Boss Wang’s family, this matter was spread on his head. Uncle Liu shook his head and sighed.

Hearing this, Bi Hao’s brow frowned even tighter, and his parents’ boss, he also knew that he was more bitter and mean, and he had been exploiting their workers.

So, he went straight in.

“Bi Zhantian, I can tell you that you have to accompany this list!” A good deal for you to make it like this! ”

At this time, Boss Wang, that is, Wang Wen, drank fiercely.

“Boss Wang, how can you blame me for this?” Your son broke it! ”

Bi Zhantian said indignantly.

“Fart, you were on duty that day, and you didn’t take good care of the flowers and trees, this is your responsibility!” You pushed it backwards on my son’s head? ”

“However, when I went to the toilet, your son took a group of his friends to dismantle the flowers and trees to play, and Lao Zhang was also present!”

“Oh? Old Zhang, you saw that it was my son who broke it? ”

Hearing this, Wang Wen stared at a middle-aged man on the side.

“Huh? Me, I didn’t see it! Old Zhang heard the words and shrank his head, and said weakly, his eyes did not dare to look at Bi Zhantian, and he was afraid of Wang Wen’s forces.

This Wang Wen has some family background by himself, and he can also be regarded as a bully in this town.

His own family eats under him, and Lao Zhang does not dare to offend.

“Old Zhang, you…” Bi Zhantian pointed angrily at Lao Zhang, unable to say a word for half a day.

However, looking at his sharp undulating fierce mouth, he knew that he was not lightly angry.

“Hear no, he didn’t see, don’t talk nonsense, a total of 60,000, pay fast!”

Wang Wen waved a big hand, and the little brother behind him also took a step forward.

“6,6 million? Where did our family come from with 60,000? Those few flowers and trees are at most more than 20,000. ”

At this time, Bi Hao’s mother, Liu Xinlan, also shouted.

“, this comes and goes my losses do not need to be calculated? The order is not done, my reputation loss fee does not have to be calculated? 60,000 or see your family so poor, it is less, otherwise… Hum! ”

“Lose your uncle!!!” At this time, an angry hum sounded after itself.

Immediately after that, I saw several little brothers on the side of Wang Wen’s body, and they were suddenly thrown out.

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