The Demon Beast Mountain Range, located in the northwest direction of the Lingxiao Sect, stretches for thousands of miles, and it is a forest hundreds of miles away from the small city.

This was the only way for them to go to the Ling Xiao Sect, in a sense, it was also a test road, where the demon beasts were rampant and very dangerous, and every year a group of new disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect died on this road.

After spending a night, Bi Hao and they finally crossed the outskirts of the Demon Beast Mountains, and because they had been rushing through the night, the road was surprisingly calm, and they hardly encountered any obstacles.

More than a dozen new disciples all had a relaxed face, and the rumored very sinister Demon Beast Mountain did not seem to be so terrifying.

“Give me twelve points of spirit, and then we are about to step into the interior of the Demon Beast Mountains, this is not a joke, and once you encounter danger, I may not be able to save you!”

Xu Hu looked at the increasingly dense jungle in front of him, his face was very solemn, and he reminded everyone of his words.


Everyone was shocked to hear this, and one by one a large number of people were cautiously filled with this miasma from the forest.

The section of road they had just crossed was destined to be the Wangfeng Forest, but it was only the periphery of the Demon Beast Forest, and deep in the Wangfeng Collar was the Demon Beast Forest, the Demon Beast Forest was incomparably vast, stretching for thousands of miles, and it was said that on the other side of the Demon Beast Forest was the jurisdiction of another dynasty, which Bi Hao had heard from those disciples in the past few days, in fact, he did not know many things on this continent.

Feet step on fallen leaves, rustling. From time to time in the surrounding bushes ran by one or two hares, and from time to time there were birds chirping on the branches, a quiet and peaceful.

Of course, this was only the outskirts of the Demon Beast Mountain Range for the first time, as Bi Ren entered, gradually, the trees in front of them began to thicken, and faintly, a faint roar of the beast came from the depths of the forest, but Bi Hao They were not afraid, this had not yet entered the Demon Beast Forest, this was only the periphery of the Demon Beast Forest.

The Youxia Forest is the Demon Beast Forest, there are only some ordinary beasts here, ordinary beasts of prey can be described as ferocious to ordinary people, but for Bi Hao, who is already in the Forging Realm, it is not a big problem.

Not to mention that there were also several masters of the Ling Xiao Sect guarding it, so they didn’t have much fear along the way.

For this so-called demon beast, Bi Hao was quite curious, after all, he had just entered this world, and he did not know much about these things, and after he had asked the wind chime, he had a preliminary understanding of the demon beast.

Demon beasts are actually those ordinary beasts of prey who have achieved success in cultivation, and those who know how to cultivate are equivalent to human beings who can cultivate, who know the method of tuning and understand the way of cultivation, and those more powerful demon beasts not only have wisdom, but also can transform into human form and go further on the path of cultivation.

Some powerful demon beasts will give birth to a demon dan, which is a rare good treasure, whether it is cultivation, alchemy, alchemy, it is inseparable from such a magical thing as a demon dan.

“Youdan? Gathering a large number of spiritual energy essences? I don’t know if it will be useful to my broken system! ”

Bi Hao’s heart suddenly moved, the system has always been the thing he relies on the most, but now it has suffered serious damage, lost most of its functions, and needs to be repaired, I don’t know if this demon can accelerate the repair of the system.

Thinking about it, his heart was on fire, and he wished he had met a demon beast and brought him a demon to experiment with. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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