Bi Hao saw that he finally exited the system, he thought about the warning issued by the system, he looked around uneasily, and then looked at the wind chime coming from Yingying and said.

“Wind chimes, be careful, there seems to be something wrong with the mountains and forests here.”

After all, he couldn’t say it was a warning given to him by the system.

Because the wind chime did not know his origin, he said that the wind chime would definitely be suspicious, and then he would ask about it.

As soon as the wind chime heard, she looked around uneasily, and then, very frightened, she looked at Bi Hao again.

“Really? In fact, I felt it just now, so after I saw the fire, I guessed that it was you, so this is coming, two people, better than one person. ”

Coming to the fire, the wind chimes sat down.

Beside him, Bi Hao also sat down.

He looked at the roasted pheasant, which he handed over and asked with a smile.

“It’s delicious, freshly roasted, do you want to eat it?”

Hearing this, the wind chime raised her eyebrows, and she raised her hand to cover her nose.

“Well, it’s really fragrant.”

This wind chime was a bit too ladylike, however, Bi Hao didn’t seem to realize it yet, because in his cognition, he would never have thought that there would be such a thing as a second person in the world.

When Bi Hao saw her say incense, he smiled, and immediately withdrew the pheasant, pinch it with another stick, pull half of it to her, and hand it over again.

“To you.”

The wind chime looked at the pheasant in front of her, she raised an eyebrow, and when she reached out to take it, she also said.

“You’ve been so nice to me.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao smiled, but he was a little embarrassed.


Then he began to eat it with his head down, and just like that, he tore the meat with his hand to eat, and he ate it while thinking about the day’s events, and he asked casually.

“By the way, wind chimes, are you still mad at me?”

Hearing the words, the wind chime’s eyes moved, and she ate and answered lightly.

“I’m not angry, I’m already angry.”

The two of them ate roast chicken there and talked a lot.

After eating, the two went to the lake to wash their hands, Bi Hao squatted there, he began to wash his hands, behind him, the wind chimes stood in full bloom, she looked at Bi Hao by the lake, her eyes were a little cold.

At this time, Bi Hao turned his head and saw that she could not come, shouting.

“Wind chimes, what are you still doing standing there?” Come and wash it, wash it, let’s rest early, tomorrow morning, we will hurry and leave the forest as soon as possible. ”

Upon listening, the wind chimes moved.

She came over and said.

“Inseparable, this mountain is called the Black Mountain Wild Forest, and those monks in the outside world do not dare to set foot here, this is their honorific title for this mountain, but it is just a name, in fact, it does not matter what it is called.”

With that, the wind chime crouched down beside Bi Hao.

She put her white jade hand into the lake and began to scoop and wash it.

Beside him, Bi Hao looked at the past, momentarily attracted by her beautiful hands, he was wondering how she would know this, and it was also at this time, through the sparkling lake, Bi Hao vaguely saw that it was a fox face, not the face of a wind chime at all.

At the first sight, Bi Hao’s heart sank.

At that time, the system had been warning to be careful, and he also thought that it was to let Bi Hao be careful of other dangerous objects, it turned out that Bi Hao was told to be careful of wind chimes.

Bi Hao didn’t know what was going on with the wind chimes, but when he looked at the fox face in the lake, his heart was afraid.

He looked nervously into the face of the wind chime.

It was strange that when he looked at her face, it was indeed the face of a wind chime, but through the water, what he saw was indeed a fox’s face.

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