After the fox woman injected the green qi into the body of the wind chime, her whole body trembled slightly, and it seemed to be extremely painful, Bi Hao saw it, felt that the situation was not good, and subconsciously asked.

“Are you okay?”


She answered softly, her eyes closed, and she poured true breath into the wind chimes with full concentration.

“In my life, so far, I have only broken my tail three times, the first time, when I was a child, I was invincible to others, so I was cut off by others, the second time, I was cut off by your own life, and the third time, I broke a tail with my own hands!”

As soon as he heard it, Bi Hao froze.

Did she break her tail herself?

When Bi Hao listened like this, he also subconsciously looked at her tail, but she had now closed her tail, so he couldn’t see it.

At this moment, the fox woman seemed to be finally well.

She stood unsteadily, and retreated on her toes, and as she retreated, her tail was finally revealed, and all at once it was all displayed in front of Bi Hao.

Bi Hao saw that those tails, all of which were white furry hairs, looked very clean.

One of them, with only a small poke, was clearly broken for a long time.

The other two, now in blood, were on display, one cut off by Bi Hao, and the other, according to her own words, was broken by herself.

The fox woman could not stand steadily, and she fell directly to the side.

Seeing this, Bi Hao was shocked and wanted to think about the past.

“Are you okay?”

However, the body of the wind chime turned upside down at this time, and Bi Hao had to go to support the wind chime, and the system reported at this time.

“15% increase in health… 20%…… 40%……”

Bi Hao looked at the wind chime, and his heart was at ease, and she finally recovered.

At this time, the fox woman who fell on the ground next to her and could not get up said.

“Soul Forbidden Technique is our fox clan, only the fox patriarch who has cultivated for more than ten thousand years can cultivate, so in the whole clan, only I will know this door control technique, but everything must be gained, this world is equal and eternal, if you want to save a person, those who use this door control technique must lose a tail, and their strength will be taken away for a thousand years.”

She struggled weakly to get up.

“I took her True Dan, and now I have lost a tail for her, and my own thousand years of cultivation have also been returned.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao looked at the fox woman.

At first, she clearly wanted to kill the two of them, so now that she had saved the wind chimes, Bi Hao was puzzled.

“I don’t understand, why are you saving us?”

Hearing this, the fox woman smiled, and she weakly looked up at the black mountain forest in the distance, indicating this.

“You see.”

Bi Hao really looked at it, however, he only saw that in that forest, except for a dark purple mist that shrouded him, he couldn’t see anything else.

The fox woman said.

“This black mountain forest, even with my cultivation, has not been able to come out, either lost in the way, or has not been able to go to the end, this place, can only enter, can not go out, so now you take me out, as a reward, I have returned to you all the things I owe you.”

She looked over, looked at the wind chimes, and then looked at Bi Hao.

“Her True Dan has already been taken out by me, so she will never put it back again, and from now on, she will no longer be able to cultivate.”

Wind chimes can only use this strange life-changing technique to save her life, but she can only be a civilian in the future.

As soon as Bi Hao heard it, he instantly froze, and his eyes looked at the wind chimes with complicated eyes.

She was still in a coma and didn’t know what would happen when she woke up and knew the truth.

Thinking like this, Bi Hao couldn’t help but feel guilty.

If he hadn’t taken her into the Black Mountain Forest, she wouldn’t have suffered at all.

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