Thinking about the situation of the wind chime, Bi Hao asked.

“System, do you know where the wind chimes are?”

The system starts the detection, and then, the system answers.

“Answer: Not detectable for the time being.”

As soon as he heard it, Bi Hao rolled his eyes, and he said depressedly.

“Why can’t you detect it all the time?”

The system’s data is still running there.

“Investigating the cause, answer: The reason that cannot be detected may be because the distance is too far.”


Bi Hao listened, thinking: So, the distance between himself and the wind chimes is very far?

If so, even if he wanted to find the wind chime, he couldn’t find it in a day and a half, and the wind chime’s injury was so serious that she couldn’t wait.

However, there is that fox woman here, I believe she should be able to save the wind chime, will not watch the wind chimes die in vain, right?

Bi Hao asked.

“Can you transfer me to the wind chimes in an instant?”

“Answer: No, because the location of Miss Wind Chimes cannot be detected, so there is no transfer of the location of the target.”

Just knowing that this was the case, Bi Hao was a little discouraged.

He hung his head silently, first with a sigh, and then, looking at his surroundings, began to walk.

“Well, then show me the way to the nearest village here.”

“Answer: The closest here is Mojiazhuang.”

“Okay, then go to that place.”

After taking two steps, Bi Hao froze and suddenly said.

“Just transfer me to that Mo family village in an instant.”

This is not to waste so much time, now, Bi Hao does not want to waste time at all.

The system answers there.

“Okay, map transfer mode is on.”

Bi Hao blinked, and then he found himself in Mojiazhuang, which looked like a village.

Now, the place where he stood seemed to be the village entrance of Mojiazhuang.

Bi Hao saw that above his head was a plaque, a door-like column made of that kind of mud, and on the plaque, it was impressively written: Mojiazhuang, these three words, ancient characters, but looking at it as a whole, Bi Hao could still recognize those words.

Because it was night, there was no one now.

The villagers seemed to be asleep.

Bi Hao subconsciously walked inside, asking as he walked.

“System, are we going to walk in like this?”

The system was silent for a moment, then, seemingly detecting danger, but seemingly undetecting any danger, and finally, giving up and answering.

“There is no danger, you can enter with confidence.”

At this point, all the lights in the house were out, and the villagers should all be asleep.

Bi Hao walked to the door of a house, he looked at the house and asked.

“Am I going to push the door in like this?”

The system answers.

“I recommend staying here tonight.”

Then, the system was there Bi Hao analysis, and all kinds of data jumped out.

“If you go outside, the probability of encountering danger is 58%, and if you stay here, the probability of encountering danger is 14%.”

Upon hearing it, Bi Hao was amused.

“If you stay here, will you still encounter danger?”

Although the data is extremely low, Bi Hao feels that it should be 0%, right?

However, the system did not answer at this time.

Bi Hao walked to the door, he hesitated, whether to push the door in, spend the night outside, the night wind is very cool, although it is not winter now, but the night cooling is still very large.

If you don’t have a quilt on your body and sleep until midnight, you will be awakened by cold.

Bi Hao looked at the door, he thought about it, and decided to push the door in, and spend the night in the house tonight.

Otherwise, he doesn’t know the specific whereabouts of the wind chime, and the system can’t detect it, so he can’t always look around like a headless fly, right?

That would be a waste of time and a lack of harvest.

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