“Old White, what are you?” The crowd asked doubtfully, could it be that Lao Bai and this boy had an unpleasant affair?

“Don’t think about it, it’s this boy, it’s too evil, everything that can be taught has been taught, and there is nothing to teach at the moment, so come to the savings!”

After saying that, he patted his ass and left, and said without looking back


“Boy, cultivation must not be slack, continue practicing when you are empty, and after these four old guys finish teaching in two days, you will come to me to get a knife!”

When the words fell, Bai Hesheng’s figure disappeared in the same place, not knowing where he was going.

The crowd has not eased up so far, this is the end of the teaching? Only a few days? Didn’t the first seven days help Bi Hao forge bones?

Although the speed of this bone forging was a little frightening, it shocked them for a while at the time.

But this is the elite team has not arrived for a day, right? Nothing to teach?

They knew that Lao Bai’s sword was not easy to learn, even more difficult to learn than the other four’s fists, feet, physical skills and dark weapons.

Surprised and surprised, but Bai Hesheng wanted to come unrestrained, but without a few of them stable.

Besides, everyone else is gone, what else can they say.

However, the four masters were also excited, teaching the demon, everyone liked it, and wanted to see how this demon really was.

They had witnessed and heard about the sensational things before, and now it was their turn to teach them, just to experience them for themselves.

Therefore, the four of them began to discuss who would teach first, but they did not expect Bi Hao to speak directly at this time.

“Four teachers, I think it is better for you to teach together?”

“Together?” The four of them looked back, stunned for a moment, and their brows could not help but wrinkle.

“Boy, you are indeed a demon, but learning four martial arts at the same time will not pay off, and we don’t know if you can adapt to our martial arts, you must know that maybe you have a talent for cultivating sword techniques, which does not mean that you also have such talents in boxing, leg techniques, physical skills and dark weapons!”

“I think I can!” Bi Hao heard what he said, but still insisted.

“That Bi Hao, you see, this boxing technique, leg technique and physical art are nothing to learn together, after all, they also belong to the same sect, and learning together may have complementary effects, but this dark weapon is completely different from these three disciplines, or is it divided into two batches?”

Seeing that he was so simple, Wang Xuan finally spoke.

“Oh! All right! After thinking about it, Bi Hao nodded and replied, too much insistence will make them unhappy, in case they hide some private, then the last loss is themselves.

However, he was ready to wait for the five masters here to dig up almost everything, and he was also ready to find an opportunity to learn the skills of several other masters by the way.

Bite off more than you can chew? Non-existent for him!

Seeing Wang Xuan’s words, Bi Hao also agreed, and the four masters did not say anything, so they decided that Liu Yidao would teach him the secret weapon.

This is also the result of the final discussion between the four people, this boy is a bit crazy!

Although this boxing, leg and physical skills are not easy to learn, it is simple to get started, after all, these three are also the most common genres.

As for the dark weapon, this thing pays attention to the eyes and the hand, but also to do a good job of the imperial weapon, to achieve fast and accurate, it is difficult to get started.

So they unanimously decided to let this boy taste the sense of failure first, and don’t think that he can practice the sword technique so much.

The four exercises on my side are not so simple to learn!

For their decision, Bi Hao’s face did not matter.

Therefore, Liu Yidao began to teach Bi Hao.

And this time, it was Liu Yidao’s turn to be confused.

Deeply realize that imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Liu Yidao did not hide his secrets, and when this boy chose himself, he was relieved for a while.

Therefore, as soon as he came up, he explained all the main points and techniques of the dark weapon in detail, and it took more than 2 hours to explain it alone.

But then, he was not calm.

After listening, the boy just closed his eyes and sorted himself out for a few minutes, and then he began to practice.

Just over an hour later, Liu Yidao walked out of the house with a bitter smile.

When the three masters outside the door saw him, they couldn’t help but laugh, “What? That kid knows it’s hard, right? ”

“Oh, hard? Oh, don’t say it, sad, go in by yourselves! ”

Liu Yidao sighed and said with a bitter smile that he had seen what was a true demon.

It took more than 2 hours to explain, this kid only spent more than 1 hour to master the way of the dark weapon, I don’t know if I should admire my good teaching, I am deeply shocked, I think I have been practicing for several years.

Seeing his appearance, the other three were stunned again.

“You are, finished teaching?” The three asked in disbelief.

“After teaching, I have nothing to teach, it’s your turn!” He’s so wicked! ”

“What!!!” At this time, the three people are not calm, this is only four hours less, right? Darkware learned?

“Old Liu? You wouldn’t be colluding with the old white to tease us, would you? Can dark weapons be learned so quickly? The three of them shouted in disbelief, is this too unreasonable?

“I’m not idle until it hurts, you’ll know it when you go in!” Liu Yidao didn’t bother to explain, and left after saying it directly.

The three of them looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds, and walked toward the house.

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