This battle was unexpectedly wonderful, and even if those spectators left the venue, there was a lot of discussion along the way.

The name of God B is even louder, and his battle with the iceberg goddess Lin Xiaoxiao has also been photographed by many people and hung on the Internet.

In just one night, the click rate exceeded 100 million, millions of comments, and countless reprints.

At this moment, almost the entire Chinese martial arts circle knew about the existence of this B god.

A valley surrounded by mountains, the clouds are shrouded and do not disperse all year round.

It is impossible to see inside from the air, not even outside the valley.

Deep in the valley here, however, sits a palace version of the building.

“Demon Lord, did you watch that video?”

“Well, No. 1, this time the ** martial arts school broke out a lot of geniuses, I marked it down, all arranged for C-level people to clean it up.”

Among them, Lin Xiaoxiao was set as an A-level target, and as for the one named Bi Hao, it was also listed as an A-level target. ”

“Order! But Demon Lord, does this Bi Hao need to be listed as an A-level? He doesn’t have a backstage, he only needs to wait another 2 months, he can go home for the New Year and leave the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, he can kill him! ”

No. 1 asked with some puzzlement, that Lin Xiaoxiao confirmed that he was a reincarnation after all, and her father and grandfather were both military leaders, and they were both strong at the level of a grand master, and it was very understandable to be listed as a class.

However, this Bi Hao, the information shows that his parents are ordinary farmers, and there are no relatives of strong people, there is no need to list such a high level.

A grade, but to dispatch the Nine Star Sect Master level master!

“This Bi Hao is not simple, without any background, he can reach such a point, and it is not simple for him to defeat Lin Xiaoxiao, the Seven-Star Sect Master he has also defeated before, although it can be seen that he relies on simple spiritual power, if he is close, he may not be Liu Mang’s opponent, but such a demon, if he can’t kill with one blow, let them have a defense, and then it will be difficult to do it, simply let the Eight Stars kill, there is no mistake!” We don’t tolerate failure! ”

Hearing No. 1’s words, the demon lord said slowly.

“Okay, I get it!” Number 1 nodded, then turned away.


Bi Hao had benefited a lot from this battle, and was sorting out these feelings in his room at this time, but he didn’t know that he had been remembered.

“Bang bang bang!” There was a knock at the door.

When he opened the door, it turned out to be Wang Xuan, and Bai Hesheng came with Wang Sisi.

“Uh, Headmaster, how did you get here?” Is it because the school wants to reward me for my good performance today? ”

Bi Hao was stunned when he saw the comer, and immediately laughed, his system has not been upgraded for a while!

“Go, be proud of a little achievement, and when the game is over, the reward will naturally not be less!” Wang Xuan said without anger.

“Oh? Hey hey, I know that the school will not be stingy, I don’t ask for much, just give a dozen or two billion is enough to spend! ”

“Cough cough!” It is said that Wang Xuan and the others were almost choked to death by saliva, and your boy was really embarrassed to open his mouth.

Or give a dozen or two billion? Is it really money to be a cabbage?

“Don’t make a fool of yourself, let’s come here and ask, that knife you have today…” Wang Xuan said a little embarrassed.

Originally, he didn’t want to ask, everyone has their own opportunities and secrets, there is no need to investigate the roots, after all, they are all students of the college.

The stronger they are, the happier they are as principals and mentors.

However, what Bi Hao took out this time was a suspected divine soldier’s slashing sword, so naturally he had to ask, if it was true, he had to let him hide it.

Divine soldiers are not something that anyone can wear, and it is easy to attract people’s eyes and provoke the disaster of killing.

“Oh! That’s the slasher that Lao Bai gave me! Bi Hao said casually.

“I gave it to you? I didn’t give you the Divine Soldier, that one was just a Class A alloy! Bai Hesheng rolled his eyes and said.

“That’s right, it’s a grade A!” What’s the problem? Bi Hao asked with a puzzled face.

Staring at his expression for half a second, Wang Xuan frowned: “A grade? Take it out and I’ll take a look! ”

“Whoa. Here you go! After the game, he expected that these masters would come to inquire, so at this time, he did not put the chopping sky into the space ring, but placed it in the cabinet of the room.

Wang Xuan turned out to slash the saber, got together with Bai Hesheng, and turned over and checked several times.

Subsequently, the two looked at each other and saw each other’s doubts.

However, this slasher was indeed only A-grade quality, which made them suddenly uncertain.

“How is that possible? Can a Class A weapon withstand the slash of a divine soldier? Just kidding, right? Bai Hesheng shouted in disbelief.

“But really, yes, this is the B-grade long knife you always gave me, isn’t it just a few more openings?”

With that, Bi Hao took out the B-grade large knife that he and Lin Xiaoxiao had used when they slashed each other before, and handed it over.

The two checked again, confirmed that it was correct, and suddenly became even more confused, how could not understand.

However, since they had all checked it and the weapon was not a divine soldier, then they didn’t care, and they were also worried that the divine soldier would cause him trouble in Bi Hao’s hands.

“By the way, you boy can actually cut out a second knife?” When will it be? ”

At this time, Bai Hesheng was interested and asked Bi Hao.

“When will it be?” I really don’t remember this, anyway, chop and chop will be! I forgot exactly when! ”

Hearing Bi Hao say this, Bai Hesheng rolled his eyes and did not believe it at all.

Chop and chop will do? Why don’t you brag about not going to heaven? If it was really so easy to learn, would those few of his own disciples still be unable to cut off the second sword?

You must know that among his student disciples, there are several six-star ones who have not yet been able to cut out the second sword!

However, this guy refused to say, then he asked again is also a white ride, so he simply had a ride without a ride and talked for a few words and went back.

Wang Sisi, on the other hand, stayed, and Wang Xuan did not object.

“Bi Hao! Do you like that Lin Xiaoxiao? Wang Sisi held back for half a day or asked out.

“Huh? Bi Hao didn’t know how to say it, saying that he liked it, this Wang Sisi would definitely cry again, and he could also see that Wang Sisi liked himself.

If you don’t like it, this Lin Xiaoxiao seems to have really moved his heart.

After thinking about it, he still said, “Like! However, I also like you a lot! ”

Hearing his previous sentence, Wang Sisi was about to cry, but when she heard the next sentence, she was a little happy.

This is the first time Bi Hao has taken the initiative to say that he likes her, of course, he is happy!

As soon as this person was happy, his mood was good, his mood was good, and Lin Xiaoxiao forgot all about it.

She didn’t twist it either, and directly and happily grabbed Bi Hao, and wanted to kiss him.

But this time, the door was opened again.

“Bi Hao, I heard that you were mighty today and captured the iceberg goddess of Nanchuan?” Gah…”

Liu Qingyun rushed in while shouting in a fiery way, but when he saw this scene, he was immediately stupid.

“Snap!” Another heavy slap came over.

“Bi Hao, I’ll go first, I’ll look for you next time!” Saying that, Wang Sisi glanced at Liu Qingyun and ran directly!

“What the hell am I going to do?” At this time, Liu Qingyun cried out.

(PS: Finally today’s 15 is more completed, thank you for the great first order support, code a day word, dizziness, today will be here first, the author bacteria to go to bed early. Tomorrow at noon to continue the update, thank you again for your subscription support, please continue to support the subscription every day! Thanks! Oh, by the way, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas in advance! )

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