Qinhuang City, Divine Punishment Department!

Sitting here is the god general Xiao He.

When the battle began, he commanded like everyone else.

The military and police suppressed civilian riots, and the night patrol division, day patrol division, and other awakened people, dealt with the supernatural.

But even so, Xiao He sat in his office, his expression was extremely gloomy, he looked in a certain direction, and said angrily: "Qin family, are you going to commit treason?"

Qin family!

The largest family in Qinhuang City and one of the top ten families in the Xia Kingdom.

I thought they would help the official kill the ghosts.

But they never expected that when Xiao He invited the Qin family, they ignored it at all, and even said that they would not participate in the war between the abyss and the country.

This unexpected scene made Xiao He angry, but he was helpless.

"Knock knock!"


Just when Xiao He was thinking, the two generals suddenly came over.

These two generals are both young people, and the one on the left is ordinary-looking, wearing a black 02 suit, and his expression is called Jiang Ying.

And another white-clothed, somewhat handsome general, is called He Yong.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the two of them coming in, Xiao He quickly restrained his emotions and asked in a deep voice.

"General, a central hospital in the eastern district of this city, a level 7 supernatural has occurred. "

"The people below, I'm afraid it won't be solved!" Jiang Ying bowed his head slightly and said solemnly.

"Level 7 supernatural?" Hearing Jiang Ying's report, Xiao He was slightly surprised, and then his face sank and he fell into thought.

"I thought the battle had just begun, and there should still be time for us to deal with it. "

"But I didn't expect the abyss to move so quickly and create a level 7 supernatural event so quickly. "

"The situation is urgent, if it is not controlled, Qinhuang City will be in danger"

The next moment, Xiao He immediately swept the gloom on his face and ordered the two people below: "Notify me, in a minute, everyone will gather, and I will personally lead the team to deal with this incident." "

"Yes, General. When the two of them heard the order, they immediately saluted and replied, and then quickly walked out and began to carry out General Xiao's orders.

After the two left, Xiao He immediately dialed Marshal Long Wu to report the incident.

Long Wu, who was on the other end of the phone, after hearing the news, pondered for a moment, and ordered Xiao He to go out immediately to deal with the crisis, and said that the follow-up support force would arrive in a day.

After hanging up the phone, Long Wu thought to himself in his heart: "Thinking about this incident, it should be a test of the high-level combat power of the Abyss, in this case, who should be allowed to deter them?"

On the other side, after Xiao He heard the marshal's personal combat order, his fighting spirit was high, a belligerent expression appeared on his face, his hands were gradually clenched, and he muttered in his mouth: "I want to see which one of the abysses is not afraid of death and dares to make trouble in my territory!"

A minute later, Jiang Ying and He Yong's subordinates were assembled, and this time the team included them, a total of eight people, two generals, five generals, plus the leader Xiao, who was the leader, and all the high-level combat forces of Qinhuang City.

This is the first wave of the official and the abyss, and the two parties are bound to attach great importance to it.

Moreover, this supernatural incident is related to the safety of the people of the city and has a vital impact on the stability of Qinhuang City.

Both sides now need a game to defeat their morale and stabilize the morale of the army.

Therefore, Xiao He did not dare to take it lightly, so he dispatched all of them, and there were no accidents.

Xiao He looked at the subordinates who were ready to fight, and immediately ordered: "Let's go!"

This battle will be won!

Whoever is in the abyss will be killed!

Then Xiao He led a team of seven people and walked directly towards the central hospital in the eastern district.

And the army and police below, after seeing the seven gods in the air, everyone stopped moving, their hearts suddenly boiled with blood, their eyes were full of awe, and they kept shouting in their hearts.

The state has finally struck

But at the same time, in the Qin family's villa.

At this time, the high-ranking members of the family gathered.

Sitting on the throne was a white-haired old man with a majestic expression and silence.

He is the ancestor of the Qin family, Qin Zhantian.

The existence whose strength has reached the Nine Heavens is also the pillar of the Qin family.

And beside him were two middle-aged men, the one on the left was Qin Kang's father, Qin Yongchuan.

The slightly shorter and chubby one on the right is Qin Kang's second uncle, Qin Yuan.

As for the following, it is the core members of the family, and the lowest strength has reached the Sixth Heaven, with a total of more than 20 people.

"Dad, are we really going to do this?" Qin Yongchuan, who spoke, asked the topic that everyone was most concerned about, with a solemn face.

"Yes, grandpa, the country's heritage is unfathomable, and the strong are like clouds. "

"Coupled with the newly emerged Marshal Chen Han, there are already four strongest people on the bright side. "

"If we're..."

Speaking of this, Qin Kang didn't continue, but everyone understood the meaning.

Whether it was the elders of the family, Qin Yuan, or other core members, they all set their eyes on Qin Zhantian.

I want to see how the ancestor explains.

"The strength of the country is indeed very strong!"

After being silent for a while, Qin Zhantian began to say slowly: "Even the strongest ones are not only the four who are indicated. "

"At the same time, there are other families who can help them. "

"It's not an exaggeration to say that in this war, there are at least 10 Nine Heavenly powerhouses that the country can shoot. "

As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly quiet, and everyone was worried.

Seeing the expressions of Qin Kang and the others, Qin Zhantian's words changed, and he said quietly: "But what about this 027?"

"The defeat of the nation is doomed"

Qin Zhantian's words were amazing, making everyone stunned, Qin Kang, a genius, couldn't help but ask curiously, "Grandpa, why?"

"With so many strong people in the country, will they also lose?"

"Hehe, the power of the abyss is not something you can spy on. "

"In this war, if our Qin family wants to survive, we must take refuge in the abyss. "

"Otherwise, at the end of the war, it will be when my Qin family disappears. "

The content of Qin Zhantian's words was extremely shocking, and everyone was short of breath and their hearts were pounding.

It wasn't until half a minute later that Qin Yongchuan, who was the Eighth Heaven, said in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, then we have to give the abyss a letter of nomination!"

"Voting is a must!"

"Even in order to express the sincerity of our Qin family, the entire Qinhuang City will be given to the abyss!"

Qin Zhantian's tone was extremely cold, without the slightest emotion.

And such a strong person, once he makes a choice, will no longer hesitate and immediately start acting.

"Let's go, let's go and meet the gods of the country!"

As soon as the words fell, the people of the Qin family immediately took action.

Except for Qin Yuan, the powerhouse of the Eighth Heaven, who stayed in the family, the other people who had reached the Seventh Heaven followed Qin Zhantian's footsteps and headed towards the Eastern District. _

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