
The pro-Chen faction argues on the basis of reason.

"Marshal Chen Han is not that kind of person at all, as long as we don't mess with him, he will definitely not deliberately make such a destructive move!"

"Hmph, Chen Han is very calm now, but what if one day, he makes a request that we can't accept?

The anti-Chen faction also has good reasons, if Chen Han wants 1 million today and 10 million tomorrow, will it become 100 million, or even 100 billion, in the future?

When the time comes, who will have the final say in this country?

Is it the lord of the country? or is this Chen Han?

The two parties quarreled fiercely, and the whole conference room was like a vegetable market.

The lord sat on the throne, without saying a word, and closed his eyes slightly, as if he were asleep.

"Chen Han must be supported!"



The two sides quarreled so much that the house was about to catch fire, and the lord still didn't say a word, which made some people who were waiting for the lord to make a statement anxious.

Finally, someone couldn't help it.

"Lord, you said-something..."

"That's right, let them quarrel like this, I'm afraid there will be no results after a year of arguing. "

In addition to the anti-Chen faction and the pro-Chen faction, there is also a group of neutral factions, who neither support nor oppose it, but just wait for the lord to make a statement.

"Yes, my lord, you have a suggestion!"

The two factions also seem to be tired of arguing.

"You all have a point," the lord crossed his chin with his fingers crossed.

"Chen Han's problem must be dealt with... At present, the strongest combat power of my Xia Kingdom, that is, the Marshal of the Nine Heavens, has all lost its strength, and we must stay with a top master like Chen Han. "

All the people beat drums in their hearts, waiting for the next words of the lord.

"So I decided to nominate Chen Han as the lord of the Xia Kingdom. "

As soon as the lord finished speaking, the conference room, which was still noisy, suddenly fell silent.


Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Han and Zhao Yiyan finished discussing their lives, they heard a noisy doorbell.

"What?!, recommend me to be the lord of the country?"

Chen Han looked confused.

Regardless of whether Xia Guo is expelled or begged, he is well prepared, but he didn't expect that the lord of Xia Guo was ready to nominate him as the new lord!

"I see, you go back first, let me think about it. "

After the arrivals disappeared, Zhao Yiyan opened his mouth wide and rushed out.

"Master, you really want to be a country.?!"

Chen Han can only smile bitterly at this, although his fists can do everything, but when it comes to political means, he must admit that Jiang is still old and spicy.

The trick of the lord of the country is worthy of being high, since the problem of Chen Han's stay has been solved, it will not make Chen Han feel any dissatisfaction.

This is the position of the lord of the country, the highest condition that the entire Xia Kingdom can give!

"This lord of the country, in order to keep me, he really made a lot of money..."Chen Hai shook his head with a smile.

"Master, won't you accompany me in the future..."Zhao Yiyan burst into tears.

"How is that possible?"

"I guess the old fox has already made a calculation. "

"But how can I have the leisure to take care of the affairs of the state?

"So when the time comes, it's not up to him to take control of the country. Chen Handong looked at the fire and said lightly.

However, Chen Han still decided to agree to this condition.

This is not some kind of puppet country master, but real power! It can directly decide all the decisions of Xia Kingdom!

Although Chen Han is not very interested in this, as a man, the desire for power is innate!

At that time, Chen Han only needs to be a hands-off shopkeeper and throw trivial matters on the old lord, which will be a happy ending for both parties!

Wearing the crown but not bearing its weight, Xia Guo is indeed full of sincerity, and Chen Han has no reason to refuse.


For ordinary people in Xia Kingdom, after two terrifying days, life seemed to suddenly return to normal.

The supernatural events that haunted them seemed to disappear in an instant, and apart from the stories that were circulating, few people claimed to be alive and dead.

It's just that what interests them more is not this matter, but that Xia Guo is about to change to a new lord.

0·Ask for flowers·····

Everyone has a lot of discussions about this, and there is also speculation about the former lord who is suddenly going to abdicate.

"Have you heard, but in three days there will be the succession ceremony of the new ruler, who is said to be a young man. "

"Listening to rumors, it seems to be the illegitimate son of the lord of the country!"

"This news came too suddenly, didn't it? There was no movement before!"



Chen Han also quickly received the news that three days later, he would go to Shendu to take up the position of the new lord.

At the same time, the old lord also frequently appeared in various interviews, and the many deeds about Chen Han also spread quickly.


As a result, Chen Han's name has not only become a myth in the circle of the awakened, but also left an indelible impression in the hearts of ordinary people!

There were even countless posts on the Internet to confess Chen Han, and the various comments below were tinged with a sour smell, saying that Chen Han didn't even have a photo, and the cliff was extremely ugly.

Zhao Yiyan was extremely angry about this, his master was obviously a handsome guy!

Chen Han understood in his heart that this was the lord of the country building momentum for him, mainly because he was too young, and if he wanted to be the lord of the country justifiably, he had to be famous, powerful, and meritorious!

The latter two things are not lacking at all, and what is lacking is only popularity in the whole country.

However, Xia Guo's media industry is quite developed, and there is an official endorsement for Chen Han behind him, and Chen Han's limelight is unmatched for a while, and his name even appears in the most remote mountain villages.

Powerful, mysterious, unsung heroes who have made great contributions to the country!

This is the impression of Chen Han in the hearts of ordinary people, after three days of fermentation, the recognition of Chen Han on the Internet has gradually improved.

Although some people still found it difficult to accept, they were soon invited to drink tea and educate them.

On the day when Chen Han became the ruler of the country, all TV stations and all online live broadcasts in Xia Kingdom also received an order from the above that the inauguration ceremony of the monarch must be broadcast throughout all channels!

The entire Shendu City is full of lights, and those who don't know think that the Xia Kingdom has unified the world. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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