Seven cities, a total of seven families, Chen Han's methods are like thunder.

There are some families who have all turned into ashes before they even receive the news.

This is still Chen Han didn't want Dongying to suffer too much damage, so he left a hand.

It's not because Chen Han is addicted to killing, but these families, as a force supported by the government of the Dongying Kingdom, I am afraid that it will be difficult to truly return to the Xia Kingdom, and Chen Han has to deal with them.

"What else is there to work out?"

Chen Han turned around and asked lightly at the ten god generals behind him who were already numb.

"And... The Ministry of Defense, it should also be talked about. "

"Oh. "

In the next moment, Chen Han had already appeared outside the gloomy Ministry of Defense.

The East Palace was destroyed!

All seven families have been destroyed!

The entire Dongying Awakened has been completely destroyed!

The Minister of Defense can't understand, isn't Xia Guo infighting?!

Why can such a master be freed up and directly knock the entire Dongying into the bottomless abyss?

"Who are you?!Stop!"

Da Da Da –

A brief quarrel and gunshots suddenly sounded outside the door, and the Minister of Defense 027 jumped up and shrank cautiously at the door like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Who's the supreme governor here?"

Chen Han walked into the room full of monitors, frowned and asked.

The crowd shuddered, and then pointed to the Minister of Defense who was cowering in the doorway.

Without a word of nonsense, Chen Han directly slapped his head into pieces. "Xia Guo is about to take over Dongying, and everyone is forbidden to leave. "

Everyone was stunned, but after seeing Chen Han's threatening eyes and the headless corpse on the side, how could anyone dare to say a word.

"Don't kill us..."


Chen Han didn't even look at them, and walked out directly.

The reason is naturally not that Chen Han is moved by compassion, but because as the Dongying Ministry of Defense here, there are naturally some documents and secrets that Xia Guo wants, and they still need one.


An hour later, Xia immediately convened an international conference and said that Dongying had become a thing of the past, and now it had officially changed its name to Dongying Island.

Reporters from all over the world thought that their ears were out, and they asked the diplomats of Xia Guo to say it again.

The press conference was brief, but it caused in the world!

The contradiction between Xia and Dongying is not a secret, and most countries in the world have heard of it.

Among them, there are even many other countries behind the scenes, with the purpose of getting Xia and Dongying into a fight, so as to slow down the development of Xia Kingdom.

In particular, country M, which has always stood behind Dongying Kingdom, immediately issued a statement of condemnation after hearing the news.

The president of country M is particularly angry, in order to support the Dongying country to blackmail the Xia country, they have worked hard for several years!

But now the Xia Kingdom suddenly announced such a sensational news, doesn't that mean that their efforts in the past few years have all made wedding dresses for the Xia Kingdom?

"I hereby strongly condemn what Xia Guo has done, as a civilized country, we cannot imagine that Xia Guo would make such a ridiculous move towards its neighbors..."

In addition to country M, the country of sticks and several more powerful countries in the West also jumped out to make statements, especially the country of sticks, the fear of the country of Xia has reached its peak!

They are the same as Dongying Kingdom, they are also a small country that cannot be smaller, Xia Kingdom can conquer Dongying in an hour, doesn't that mean that (acef) means that they are also in danger?

For the boiling international community, Chen Han has no regular meeting at all, so what is the M country and the stick country, Chen Han will have to toss and toss one day, let them get over it first.

However, the people of Xia Kingdom were overjoyed, and they had one more point for the affirmation of Chen Han, the new lord of the country!

This is something that many previous lords have not done, but Chen Han has completed such a feat just a few days after taking office!

The old lord could only smile bitterly at this, he did not have the strength of Chen Han, although he had such an idea at one time, but every time he had to terminate the plan because of the existence of country M.

Let Chen Han be the lord of the country, I am afraid it is also an honor for Xia Guo!

After all, the culture of the Xia Kingdom is known for its tolerance and generalization, and it will not take a few decades of hard work for the original Dongying people to be completely assimilated by the Xia people, forget their ancestors, and truly think that they are a Xia people.

After conquering Dongying, Chen Han thought that everything was fine, but he didn't expect that soon, he received a report from the god general below.

"Lord, there are a large number of sudden supernatural accidents on Dongying Island!"

Chen Han frowned: "Even you can't solve it?"

Now that Chen Han's probability of killing ghosts and monsters to obtain a physique is outrageously low, he doesn't bother to gamble on his luck anymore, after all, he is not a collector.

As for these ghosts and monsters in Dongying Island, can't even the gods and generals of the Eight Heavens have no way to solve them?

"There are too many of them, and now the awakened people in the Xia Kingdom are also in chaos, the new awakened people can't find an organization, and some of them have begun to endanger the safety of the masses. "

A cold glint flashed in the eyes of the gods. "There are even new awakened people who have caused a tragedy of annihilation!"

So serious?

Chen Han also felt that this matter had reached the point of 100,000 urgency.

"What about the Night Patrol Division and the Day Patrol Division?" Chen Han asked suspiciously, although these two organizations had lost a lot in the battle with the Abyss, their roots were still there.

The god general smiled bitterly: "Most of the captains are dead, and the two forces need to be reunited, this matter....."

He cautiously glanced at Chen Han, and after finding that the latter had no impatient expression, he continued: "This matter still needs the approval of the lord of the country before we can do it." "

"I see. Chen Han suddenly realized. "Then prepare for a meeting to reunite the Night Patrol Division and the Day Patrol Division, two special agencies. "_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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