Despair spread in Team Chen's heart.

He closed his eyes in pain, and this time... It is not known how many people will die.

"Old Qin, you shouldn't have come..."

Team Chen muttered to himself.

"This is your reinforcements, why hasn't the lord of the country come yet?"

Ander looked around, a little disappointed.

Of the four awakened people who rushed over, the highest strength was only the Divine Hidden Eight Heavens, and to him he was like an ant at all, and he could be killed at will.

"Hmph, hubris. "Old Qin was originally a member of the family, "With your group of people, it is not the turn of the lord of the country to make a move." "

Having said that, Qin Lao was extremely cautious in his heart.

He couldn't find out this person's strength at all, and he thought that the other party had no fear.

"Captain Chen, your team members..."

Before Qin Lao's words were finished, he saw the members of the Japanese Patrol Division who had fallen to the ground and had been dead for a moment.

Rage, gushing out of his chest.

Among those team members, there was the son of him, who Qin Lao had always regarded as the pride of the sky.

With a roar, Qin Cheng made a streamer of light and rushed straight towards Ande!

Team Chen couldn't stop it, he couldn't even make a sound, and only one thought could pop out of his mind!



Just like Team Chen, Qin Lao flew back backwards at a faster speed, smashing a few thick tree trunks before stopping, lying motionless on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Seeing this, Team Chen couldn't help but close his eyes in pain.

"Fortunately, there are only four people here..."Team Chen felt a touch of happiness in his heart.

Previously, Chen Han had taken away twenty Awakened Persons of the Divine Hidden Eight Heavens, but none of them came.

Unlike Team Chen, the other three awakened people who rushed to help were dumbfounded, this kind of strength was simply unheard of, and even made them see the shadow of the country lord Chen Han.

Qin Lao didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and the fighting spirit in their hearts was also gone.

No one facing such an invincible opponent will be able to muster even a little bit of spirit.

Putte, who saw everything through the satellite, was ecstatic.

This is the clarion call for a counteroffensive!

Under the iron hooves of these twelve transcendents, the outcome of the Xia Kingdom was already doomed!

"One more statement!"

Putt called his assistant, gritted his teeth and said, "What the damn Xia people took from me, I want them to spit out ten times as much today!"

"I didn't ask you, Your Excellency. When the assistant saw the ecstatic Putte, he said with some hesitation: "Your Excellency, Luther has asked to call you." "


Who's that?

"Prime Minister of England, Your Excellency the President. After the assistant saw Putte's expression, he instantly guessed, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said in his heart that others have helped you a little, but I didn't expect to forget about people so quickly.

"It's him," Putt thought for a moment and nodded, "Plug it in." "

"My Excellency, do not forget your promise!"

Luthor suppressed the anger in his voice as best he could.

In order to help Putte, he had to abandon his glamorous life as prime minister and hide in a damn safe house.

He swore that if Heaven gave him another chance, he would never grant Putt that damn attention.

Now that his sweetheart's puppet prime minister has announced that he, the former prime minister, is dead, Luther can't wait to jump out and fight the damn clown.

But he knew that he could never do this, and the whole of England did not know how many people were looking for him, and if he was discovered, it would be a dead end.

"Of course not forgetting. Putt smiled, "The Awakened Project has been successful, and the people of the Xia Kingdom will immediately understand that they are not worthy of the position of world overlord." "

Luther was overjoyed, but so was the panic.

After the success of country M, will it choose to unload the mill and kill the donkey, or will it support him, an old ally?

Luthor had no bottom in his heart.

"Wait for our good news. Putt hung up the phone casually, not taking Putt to heart at all, "Send someone to contact this Luthor and kill him directly." "

If Luthor hadn't stepped down, Putt wouldn't mind making him a puppet, but now that there was a ready-made puppet, he didn't bother to care whether Luthor was dead or alive. "

The assistant took the order, and Putt was in a good mood and continued to enjoy the real-time pictures on satellite TV.

The four people who came to support were like chickens and dogs in front of Ender, and the other transcendents of country M had no intention of making a move, and only one Ender would beat them to life and couldn't take care of themselves.

The three Awakened were biting their lips and were about to die when a meteor-like shadow suddenly crossed the horizon in the distance.

"Interesting, is the lord here?"

Ander licked his lips and smiled bloodthirsty.

A person with this speed will definitely not be an ordinary awakened person, and nine times out of ten it is the goal of their trip - the Lord of the Xia Kingdom!

"It's the lord of the country..."

A smile of relief appeared on the corners of the mouths of the scarred awakened people, but soon, they found that although the person who came was only hot, it was not Chen Han.

"Yes Fang Ran!"

"The group of people who have been specially trained by the lord of the country?"

"But why only one?"

Fang Ran frowned, he felt the same aura as himself from Ender in front of him.

That's right, he was the only one of the twenty Awakened to break through and wake up.

Today's Fang Ran has also reached the realm of the king of the realm.

Looking at Ande with his head high, Fang Ran didn't have any nonsense, since the other party made it clear that he was here to find trouble, then he would go straight to the fight.

"So fast!"

The injured Japanese Patrol Division only felt that his eyes were glazed, and there was no way to capture Fang Ran's movements.

Emotions of surprise and envy rippled in their hearts, and they all knew this Awakened One with remarkable talent.

Not long ago, he was only a god hiding the Eight Heavens, but after being selected by Chen Han, in just a few days, he had already become an existence that they could only look up to.

In country M, Putt was a little nervous at first.

He could see at a glance that it was not Chen Han, and then he figured out that these eight achievements were the transcendents of the Xia Kingdom.

But after a long time, he found that there was only one person who came, and a stone that he had lifted in his heart fell to the ground.

"But alone... We've got thirteen of them!"

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