Chapter 230: Night

After a while, the thick darkness enveloped Chen Han as if he had fallen into a dense sheet of ink.

The originally bare woods seemed to come to life, and the sound of the wind blowing through the thin rustling sound made people feel cold.

Chen Han sat firmly on the Diaoyutai platform, not only did he not have the slightest fear in his heart, but was full of interest in this monster.

"This grove doesn't look like a good place either. "

The dense forest, which used to be clear and clear, is now extremely turbid, making people feel nervous and uneasy at a glance.

I don't know where Li Jianyi's kid went, although Chen Han is not a good person like a white lotus, he has a good feeling for Li Jianyi, and he doesn't want to let Li Jianyi die like this.

It's just that because Chen Han is still in the body of the Void Beast now, and for the time being, "027" can't use the ability to shuttle through space, and it is really not an easy thing to find Li Jianyi quickly.

"I can only rely on mental power to find it. "

If the mental power doesn't work, then Chen Han will have no tricks.

As for the reason for saying this, it is because Chen Han found that in this darkness, it seems that it can also have a great impact on a person's spiritual power.

Although for a freak like Chen Han whose strength breaks through the limit, this kind of impact is minimal, it can be said that there is almost none, but for a half-person like Li Jianyi, this impact is almost fatal.

This means that Li Jianyi is likely to be similar to a blind man at this time, he can only move forward by a glimmer of light in the dark woods, and whether he escapes with one foot or falls into the bottomless abyss, Li Jianyi can only look at his luck at this moment.

Even with Chen Han's help, if he himself couldn't spread even a little bit of information about the living, even Chen Han would only treat him as a dead man.

You know, there is nothing else lacking in this wood, and the only thing that is not lacking is the dead.

There are dry bones everywhere, Chen Han is too lazy to tell which corpse is who, besides, if Li Jianyi really dies like this, Chen Han will not be idle to help him clean up.

"Can't find it..."

Chen Han frowned slightly, but he didn't expect things to suddenly become a little tricky for a while


Just as Chen Han was thinking, there was a sudden sound of slight footsteps behind him.

Subconsciously looking back, Chen Han found that it was not a demon, but a young woman who looked extremely beautiful.

The woman's clothes were ragged, and although the surrounding environment was extremely dark, it still couldn't hide the half-leaking spring light, and the slippery skin looked extremely smooth under the faint light that emanated from nowhere.

In the woods where the demonic aura was rolling, an incomparably beautiful woman suddenly appeared, even before crossing over, Chen Han could think on his toes that this was definitely not a lost girl.

"Who are you?"

However, Chen Han was happy in it, and he didn't have the hand to make the woman in front of him lose his fragrance.

For more than half a year, let alone women, even women's hands have been him.

Even if it was a banshee, Chen Han would not be burdened, as long as she did not suddenly show her original form.

It's just that Chen Han's dirty wish in his heart has not been realized.

The woman didn't even say a word, and Qingli suddenly burst into a strong red glow with a hint of pity in her eyes, which looked quite eye-catching.

"This is not in accordance with the rules..."Chen Han was extremely surprised, the correct plot, shouldn't the woman in front of him seduce herself first, and then suddenly kill the killer, and then be killed by herself?

I didn't say hello and started directly, so why do you have to pretend to be such a picture?

Just as Chen Han pondered the reason, the woman who had already revealed some of her ghost appearance had already rushed over, and the scream even made the nearby woods shake.

In an instant, the woman passed by Chen Han, and the nails of her right hand had risen to an inch, with a faint cold glow, which made people tremble at a glance.

"How does it feel... This banshee is also like a puppet?"

Chen Han was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it in his heart, since this strange woman was worthless, then kill it.

Facing the banshee that swooped down again, Chen Han did not dodge, but raised his fists to meet him.

"It's a puppet!"

Chen Han controlled his strength, otherwise this punch would go down, let alone the banshee in front of him, even this dark forest would become a ruin.

However, the banshee who was destroyed by Chen Han, even at the last moment, did not show a trace of fear, which also made Chen Han even more firm in his conjecture0..

Whether it is a human or a demon, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, at the moment of death, there will be psychological fluctuations.

But the banshee in front of her didn't care at all, until she was torn to pieces, and there was no trace of waves in her eyes.

The fist wind dispersed, Chen Han pursed his lips, and was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly noticed a trace of wind passing not far behind him.

"Someone watching?"

Chen Han didn't move at all, he just dispersed his spiritual power, and soon noticed the swiftly flickering figure.

To his surprise, the shadow was not a demon, but a real human.

Moreover, this figure is leaping in the sky.

"It's getting interesting. "

Chen Han showed a playful smile, according to what Li Jianyi said before, the vicinity of Longzhou is a place where cultivators are not allowed to fly, otherwise they will be targeted by the powerful cultivators and formations in Longzhou, but this person flies well, plus the puppet banshee that just appeared, Chen Han also seems to have figured out something.

"This murderous forest that has killed countless people doesn't seem to be caused by demons alone. "

Relying on his keen mental power, Chen Han also noticed a rather crucial piece of information.

The darkness is fading.

Like a surge of ink, a pitch-black darkness was rapidly retreating from the fierce forest, following the footsteps of the figure, disappearing faster and faster.

After a while, a faint ray of moonlight poured on the ground.

The thick and strange darkness of the qi disappeared, and was replaced by a calm starry sky.


Li Jianyi was hundreds of meters away, carrying two fat rabbits in his hands, and rushed towards Chen Han with an excited face.

"Hero, did you feel a strange darkness before?"

Li Jian asked excitedly.

"Of course, don't you?"

Chen Han originally thought that Li Jianyi was in danger.

"Yes, but it was only a momentary effort, the woods were back to normal, and I thought I had met a youkai at first, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly. "_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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