I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1004 Praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind! Already succeeded? Wang Mang made a s

Hearing this, Wang Mang no longer hesitated, and the God-devouring Halberd appeared in his hand out of thin air.


Accompanied by an angry shout, Wang Mang also rushed out with a big halberd in his hand!

Seeing this scene, Huo Dou was very surprised. He didn't expect Wang Mang to have a sixth-rank low-grade top magic weapon.

Sure enough, these strong men who can sneak into the secret realm among the disciples are all real guys!

Soon, with Wang Mang's joining, the battle completely turned into a state of complete crushing!

The youth of the tauren has completely changed, and dangers abound.

Under the pressure of Wang Mang and the other two, it was impossible to compete.

After all, just Huo Dou can easily suppress him.

What's more, with Wang Mang and Huo Dou joining forces?

At this time, Wang Mang easily seized a flaw, and immediately swung his halberd and chopped it down.

The young Tauren, who was in such a panic, quickly raised his sledgehammer to block it.


Accompanied by a crisp sound!

The sledgehammer, which was already full of cracks, was cut in two by Wang Mang with a halberd.

In the end, Wang Mang withdrew most of the power of the law in time, so he didn't split the guy in half on the spot.

But Wang Mang's halberd still left a deep scar on the chest of the tauren youth.

Seeing this scene, Huo Dou was overjoyed immediately, and slapped it with all his strength from behind.

"Ah!" There was a scream.

The tauren youth vomited blood on the spot, and he didn't even react to Gulai.

He was bound into a rice dumpling by the rope that Huo Dou had already prepared.

Afterwards, Huo Dou took the opportunity to take out the cage and imprisoned him in the iron cage.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately laughed and stepped forward, "Fellow Daoist, you're done."

Hearing this, Huo Dou, who was holding the cage in his hand, was in a good mood, and said with a smile on his face:

"I would also like to thank you fellow daoist for your help."

After speaking, Huo Dou prepared to put the cage into the storage ring.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly made a move.

He raised the big halberd in his hand, and slashed at Huo Dou's arm that was holding the cage.

This frightened Huo Dou and quickly raised his spear to block in front of him.


After the sound of weapon collision sounded.

Wang Mang was extremely fast, and with his other hand, he used the power of the law with all his strength, and slammed into Huo Dou's chest.

Huo Dou, who was unable to dodge in time, suddenly let out a painful scream, and immediately let go of the cage in his hand.

At the same time, under Wang Mang's full-strength palm, he was slapped until he vomited blood and flew out backwards.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and took the opportunity to grab the cage and put it in the storage ring.

Huo Dou, who kept his body steady, was even more ferocious when he saw Wang Mang put his cage into the storage ring:

"How dare you sneak up on me? I'll kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Dou had a grim face, raised the big gun in his hand, and angrily charged at Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and with an extra iron box in his hand, he activated the Boundary Breaking Crossbow.

The next moment, a silver embroidery needle burst out from the iron box, as fast as lightning, cutting through the space!

Seeing this scene, Huo Dou's expression changed drastically, and he raised his body subconsciously, avoiding the embroidery needles attacking his face.


But the embroidery needle pierced through his chest in an instant, and Huo Dou screamed in pain.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and was about to continue urging the Boundary Breaking Crossbow to kill him.

But when he saw a stream of light in the distance rushing towards him at high speed by riding the wind and breaking through the waves.

Wang Mang was startled, another realm king from the tauren tribe came back so quickly?

The next moment, Wang Mang took out the Escape Talisman from the space, and activated it without hesitation!

Afterwards, Wang Mang completely disappeared in place.

At the same time, Huo Ye, who was full of pain, came back to his senses.

Seeing that Wang Mang had disappeared.

And saw the powerful tauren tribe killed at a very fast speed.

He suddenly turned pale with fright, and without hesitation, he took out the Escaping Talisman and activated it.

Then, the whole person also disappeared.

But even so, he still lost a lot.

Because, not only was he injured, but he also used the Escape Talisman.

In the end, none of the benefits were reaped, so it can be said that all previous efforts have been wasted!

at the same time.

On a grassland.

Huo Dou, who had just escaped from birth, was pale and angry.

Remembering that the title of Realm King he had just obtained was cut off, he couldn't help shouting angrily:

"Despicable and shameless guy! I want to kill all the disciples of your demon refining holy land!"

But at this moment, something happened that made Huo Dou collapse again.

He suddenly felt that the power of the law was fluctuating in the sky, which was a bit unusual.

He suddenly turned his head and saw the distant sky.

A familiar figure is flying towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Isn't this just the world king and powerhouse of the tauren?

Seeing this scene, Huo Dou was even more angry and vomited blood.

The youth king of the tauren tribe was not captured by him at all!

If he had captured the Tauren Youth Realm King, he would have recognized him even if he was hunted down by this guy.

The problem is that he doesn't have any at all!

He didn't get any benefit!

He was also seriously injured by Wang Mang's sneak attack.

My chest is still hurting like a heart!

Thinking of this, Huo Dou was furious.

But it's impossible for him to stop and explain to the strong king of the tauren world, right?

He didn't need to guess that he knew that the tauren king was in a rage.

Therefore, no matter how angry and aggrieved he was, there was nothing he could do.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take it out again in pain, and a sixth-order escape talisman was activated without hesitation!

Then, his figure disappeared again.

At the same time, Huo Dou also secretly swore in his heart.

He swore that he would never die with Wang Mang!

Once he meets this shameless person again.

He will never let this despicable guy go!


at the same time.

On the other side, over a vast grassland.

Wang Mang, who was flying in the sky, was in an extremely happy mood.

Entering the Magic Heaven Realm this time did not disappoint him!

This is just the beginning! He got a world king powerhouse!

With this in mind, Wang Mang continued to fly with his hands on his back, and at the same time muttered happily:

"Not bad! Not bad! I hope I can gain something in the future."

After speaking, Wang Mang continued to fly deep into the vast grassland in the distance.

Not long after.

Wang Mang suddenly discovered something new.

I saw that it was on a slightly barren grassland.

There are a total of eight realm kings and powerhouses, surrounding a vast lake in the grassland.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang quickly restrained his breath, and then turned into a mosquito, approaching it quietly.

But at this moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the cemetery of the master-level powerhouse, choose to turn a blind eye. 】

[Task time: Select to get it. 】

[Mission reward: 50,000 rule points! World Master Level Treasure Chest X1! 】


[Mission 2: Facing the cemetery of the master-level powerhouse, choose to participate in it. 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 80,000 rule points! Realm king treasure chest X1! 】


[Mission 3: Facing the cemetery of the master-level powerhouse, choose to participate in it, and gain something! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 100,000 rule points! Realm king treasure chest X1! Realm King Blind Box X1! 】

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