I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1012 The Situation Sudden Change! In Shaking Heaven Holy Land, is there still a realm king w

While the disciples were discussing happily.

Although Wang Mang still had a smile on his face.

But the heart is already full of killing intent.

What a bunch of ignorant people!

I kindly saved your life.

You still want to share the chance with Lao Tzu?

It's just pushing an inch, and I don't know how to flatter!

Wang Mang was still a little hesitant at first, but now he has no hesitation at all.

This group of guys also wanted to share the sixth-order low-grade law spar, which Wang Mang could not tolerate.

After all, the total amount of this vein is estimated to be just a sixth-order low-grade law spar.

Once these guys are divided, the law spar Wang Mang gets will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Wang Mang didn't even want to share the benefits with the two honorary elders of the Heaven Shaking Holy Land.

What are they worth?

At this time, Tang Bohu who was not far away couldn't help laughing.

Especially when this group of guys are talking about sharing chances and sixth-tier low-grade crystals.

He knew that Wang Mang was absolutely upset.

Moreover, through his careful observation of Wang Mang.

He could infer that Wang Mang, like him, was also an acquired talent.

That is to say, Wang Mang has a glorious past just like him, and was once an all-powerful existence at the fifth level.

Then, Wang Mang must now be hit by Waterloo just like him.

Because, the fifth level is proud of the spring breeze, but the sixth level is very slow even to break through the realm.

This is unbearable for many acquired talents.

He is just one of them.

In fact it is.

Wang Mang also encountered this situation.

In the days of the sixth stage, the days of the fifth stage are not at all happy and smooth.

Therefore, Tang Bohu suddenly smiled lightly and said: "Fellow Daoist, how are you? These guys, can't you stay?"

"They will only push forward, they are just ants who don't know how to live or die, how can they be worthy of distributing benefits with us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Bohu smiled lightly at the disciples of the Holy Land of Demon Refining and said:

"The previous ones were all misunderstandings. Now that the misunderstandings are resolved, we can share benefits. Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Bohu nodded to Wang Mang, and then flew towards the grassland ahead with another Peerless Talent.

Seeing this, the disciples of these world master level demon refining holy lands also followed.

In their view, with Wang Mang around, they should be able to sit back and relax.

After all, the interests are all agreed, right?

Therefore, no disciple noticed either.

Behind him was Wang Mang with extremely cold eyes.

Because it's not time to turn around.

And when it came time to turn their backs, Tang Bohu and the two disciples of the Holy Land of Murderous Demon Refining, Wang Mang would definitely not have the slightest bit of patience.

Apparently, Wang Mang was very dissatisfied with the previous group of disciples from the world master level demon refining holy land who didn't know good and bad.

Soon, under the leadership of Tang Bohu and the others.

Wang Mang came to a vast grassland backed by mountains.

Yes, the grassland here is different from the usual endless grassland.

The grasslands here are actually starting to connect with the mountain peaks.

Soon, Wang Mang and others climbed the high mountain range and stopped behind a mountain peak.

Because, Wang Mang has already seen that there are many disciples from Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

In terms of number, it is even more than the disciples of refining demons.

Now there are only thirteen disciples in the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

But the number of disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land here has reached twenty!

Besides, what makes Wang Mang's heart even heavier is that.

He was among the twenty disciples who shook the heaven and the holy land.

He also discovered the peerless arrogance who respected to reach the first level of the king of the world.

Moreover, these twenty disciples are obviously completely respected by this guy.

Even Tang Bohu, who was negotiating with Wang Mang, didn't seem to have much say among these disciples.

to be honest.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was a little confused.

What's going on here?

At this time, Tang Bohu said helplessly:

"Fellow Daoist, this has nothing to do with us!"

"This Lu Shenguang is the blood of an ancestor in Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"Furthermore, this son is extremely special and innately unrivaled, but his strength is not inferior to ours at all."

"In addition, he is also a big brother of the inner sect disciple of Shaking Heaven Holy Land, and his status is very high."

"Therefore, among the disciples of the inner sect, he can be said to be well-received."

After listening to this guy's explanation.

Wang Mang suddenly realized.

But at this moment, Wang Mang noticed that Lu Shenguang was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Obviously, Lu Shenguang could also feel that Wang Mang was not easy to mess with, and his aura was very strong.

Even Lu Shenguang felt that Wang Mang gave him a stronger sense of threat than Yuhuatian!

The so-called Yuhuatian is the guy who has never spoken to Tang Bohu.

This guy has always had a cold face, even rarely speaks, and has always been taciturn.

But in fact, his sense of threat is stronger than that of Tang Bohu.

Of course, although he was a little jealous of Wang Mang, he still couldn't help but said coldly:

"Tang Bohu, Yuhuatian, what do you mean? You were asked to hunt down the disciples of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, but you brought them back instead?"

After hearing Lu Shenguang's words, all the disciples of the World Master level Shocking Heaven Holy Land couldn't help discussing in displeasure:

"Yeah! It's just a realm king's battle strength, can't the two of them take it down?"

"Could it be that the two honorary elders still want Wang Mang and him to share the benefits together?"

"Impossible? If there are disciples from the Holy Land of Demon Refining, how much can we have?"

"If not, what do these two honorary elders mean? Why did you bring them here?"

"This is too much! Are they the elders of our Shaking Heaven Holy Land, or the elders of the Demon Refining Holy Land?"

After hearing the discussion of the disciples, Tang Bohu's face was a little ugly,

Obviously, he didn't expect that Lu Shenguang would let it be so shameless.

The rest of the inner disciples also dare to talk about them in front of them.

Therefore, it is no wonder that their faces look good!

at the same time.

After seeing this scene, Wang Mang finally understood why Tang Bohu would ask each other to hunt and kill each other's disciples in the Holy Land.

In addition to maximizing their interests, the two of them also didn't like these inner disciples.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and then he couldn't help but deliberately said:

"Two fellow daoists, didn't you say that you would share the benefits with us in the Holy Land of Demon Refining?"

"Don't you two have any status in this heaven-shaking holy land? It's like farting and no one will listen?"

Obviously, Wang Mang gave eye drops to the two of them on purpose!

Moreover, Wang Mang is a blatant conspiracy!

But the next moment, Lu Shenguang's words almost made Wang Mang laugh out loud.

I saw that Lu Shenguang immediately looked at Wang Mang with disdain on his face, and sneered with his hands behind his back:

"My inner disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land, when is it their turn to manage?"

"They promised to share benefits with you, but it doesn't mean I agree to Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"The two of them don't have such great power, nor are they qualified to represent Shaking Heaven Holy Land!"

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