I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1045 The eighth-order world belongs to the first ring? The seventh-order world belongs to th

Obviously, life is under great threat.

Even the ancestor of the corpse demon begged for mercy without hesitation.

It's not that he's spineless!

He really wanted to escape!

But Wang Mang didn't give him a chance!

Moreover, how difficult it is for him to cultivate to the sixth heaven of the realm king!

He struggled in the heavens and worlds for 300 billion years before he came to today!

Moreover, the stronger the existence, the more afraid of death, this is a fact.

No one wants to fall!

Because, once it falls, there is nothing left.

The true spirit, once silent in the six major rivers.

It's so hard to wake up again.

The vast majority of creatures will perish in the heavens and worlds.

Although this is not absolute death, it is still 90% dead.

So, of course, his patriarch, the majestic king of the world, doesn't want to die!

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was about to kill the ancestor of the corpse demon, was suddenly a little surprised, and then asked with a smile:

"Tell me about the value of the news. If it's not worth enough, I won't spare your life!"

Well, in fact, Wang Mang didn't intend to let this guy go at all, he just wanted to hear the value of the news.

If the news is of great value, Wang Mang doesn't mind killing him after he gets the news.

At this time, the corpse demon patriarch also heaved a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Wang Mang would kill him without listening to him.

In that case, he would die unjustly.

Thinking of this, the corpse demon patriarch hastily said:

"The value of my news is definitely not less than two billion, the sixth-level low-grade law spar."

After finishing speaking, the ancestor of the corpse demon squinted his small eyes and looked at Wang Mang, obviously paying attention to Wang Mang's every move.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately, and then he said indifferently:

"Continue to talk, how does this seat know, are you talking nonsense?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the corpse demon patriarch immediately swore:

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I can take you there myself."

"My ancestor, I have discovered this small mineral vein for a long time."

"It is prepared to attack higher levels."

"Moreover, due to a special relationship, my ancestor, I never excavated this vein."

Hearing this, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes.

If Wang Mang didn't believe in this old thing before.

So now Wang Mang is somewhat convinced that this old thing really has a hand.

There is a frankly one, the crystal vein of the sixth-order low-grade law, who would dare to believe this!

Moreover, this sixth-order low-grade law spar vein was discovered by him but not mined.

This also made Wang Mang guess in his heart, I'm afraid this benefit is not so easy to get!

There must be some reason why the ancestor of the corpse demon did not dare to act rashly.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered and said, "Are you sure that this sixth-order low-grade law crystal vein can be easily obtained?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the ancestor of the corpse demon suddenly laughed twice, and quickly explained: "Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible."

"Also, as long as you and I act carefully, we can also quietly mine the sixth-order low-grade law spar together."

After hearing this, Wang Mang's heart sank immediately, and he said with displeasure, "Say directly, what's the trouble with this sixth-order low-grade law spar!"

The corpse demon patriarch smiled awkwardly and said:

"The sixth-order low-grade law crystal veins are within the sphere of influence of the Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

Wang Mang suddenly flew into a rage, and said with a gloomy expression:

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

"Within the sphere of influence of Shaking Heaven Holy Land? Could it be that you can't let Lao Tzu compete with Shaking Heaven Holy Land?"

"Besides, which holy land doesn't have law spar veins?"

"Not long ago, the Holy Land of Demon Refining also had its own mines, right?"

"Besides, there may be even more astonishing mineral veins in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, right?"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to attract such a large-scale attack from the Universal Alliance."

"Why don't you let me go and grab it with the people from the Universal Alliance?"

The ancestor of the corpse demon suddenly said helplessly: "There is no other way."

"But this vein has never been discovered by the people of Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"It is indeed possible to plot something."

After hearing this, Wang Mang said with a cold face: "If it's just like this, you don't need to live."

"Such a troublesome sixth-level low-grade law spar vein, I am not interested in trying to get it."

Wang Mang's words immediately made the ancestor of the corpse demon feel cold all over, and hurriedly said in a panic:

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry! I have another piece of news, which is worth as much as this piece of news."

Hearing this, Wang Mang said indifferently: "Speak up! This is your last chance!"

"If you still can't satisfy me, don't blame me for being cruel."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the corpse demon patriarch hurriedly said:

"I know the whereabouts of a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately, but he couldn't help questioning:

"Sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon, are you sure his value can be compared to two billion sixth-grade low-grade law crystals?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the corpse demon patriarch couldn't help but cursed.

For a while, he wondered whether Wang Mang really understood, the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

What is the concept of a sixth-level high-grade divine weapon?

It needs the refinement of a seventh-order powerhouse!

It is not comparable to the sixth-order middle-rank divine weapon at all.

The sixth-order middle-grade divine weapon can be created by the dominant and strong.

But only the seventh-rank powerhouse can create a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

But the problem is that in the heavens and worlds, except for the seventh-order world.

A sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon is too precious.

Because, the seventh-order world is only open to the Invincible Supreme!

Similarly, the living beings in the seventh-order world are in a completely different environment.

For example.

If we say that the heavens and myriad worlds are a prototype target.

Then, the eighth-order world is probably the center of the heavens and worlds.

Then, the seventh-order great world is within the range of the heavens and myriad realms, one ring.

The sixth-order great world is within the range of the heavens and myriad realms, the second ring.

The fifth-order great world is located in the heavens and worlds, within the range of the third ring.

By analogy, the heavens and worlds can finally be formed!

It can also be understood in this way.

The sixth-order world is in the third ring, and these worlds are isolated from the fifth-order world.

Even, block the heavens and worlds, and isolate the heavens and worlds within the third ring.

That is to say, the fifth-order existence cannot break through the enchantment jointly arranged by the sixth-order world.

Then, the fifth-order creatures are destined not to be able to enter, and the sixth-order world is in the universe of the three rings, the heavens and the ten thousand worlds.

The same is true for the seventh-order world.

They blocked the range of the universe of the heavens and the world within the second ring.

The creatures in the sixth-order world were all stopped outside the second ring.

The eighth-order world is even more ruthless, directly blocking the central area of ​​the heavens and worlds.

They didn't even give a gap, and blocked the center of the heavens and worlds, denying any living beings to enter it.

Only those who can break through the eighth order can be accepted by them unless they are outside the second ring.

But this is basically impossible!

Because, the eighth-order great world blocks the core area of ​​the heavens and myriad worlds.

They occupy the best cultivation resources, the best cultivation grounds, and the most abundant resources.

This also made all the seventh-level creatures desperate outside the eighth-level world, unable to enter it at all.

Even, in order to suppress the creatures of the heavens and the worlds, the eighth-order worlds standing in the center of the heavens and the worlds.

They will even massacre the heavens and worlds regularly every long period of time.

It can be said that among the heavens and worlds, only one creature who can enter the eighth-order world is the former main god.

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