I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1060 Bearing the burden of humiliation, you obtained a large number of law crystals by colle

Thinking of this, Wang Mang sneered in his heart, but he didn't attack.

After the Apprentice Acceptance Meeting was over, Wang Mang naturally didn't mind having a fight with the other party.

Is it true that he is easily bullied if he is from the outside world?

Since his realm reached the realm king level, although Wang Mang has not fought against several beings of the same level.

But even if it is a stronger existence than him, Wang Mang is not in vain, because he has more cards.

As the hole card for escaping, he still has two sixth-order high-grade teleportation charms.

However, the opponent is only the late king of the world.

He is not yet qualified to use the sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman.

In addition, Wang Mang also owns the puppet mourner who dominated the early stage!

He is not worried at all if the dominant master wants to fuck him.

It's just that he knows that the price to pay for a dispute with the ruler is too high.

Because of this, Wang Mang always felt that it was not worthwhile, so he didn't provoke the strong master.

But the king of the realm existed in the later stage.

I'm not qualified to pick him up yet!

Unless the opponent is the king of the world, Jiu Chongtian.

The gap with him is as much as a hundred times!

So after calming down.

Wang Mang waved his hands expressionlessly, conjuring a table and chair out of thin air, and said softly with a smile on his lips:

"Friends of the Daoist who want to apprentice, you can start."

As soon as Wang Mang's words fell, he was instantly surrounded by crowds.

Many fifth-order god-emperor-level monks talked excitedly:

"Senior, we are finally waiting for you."

"That's right! Senior, we have already collected the fees for apprenticeship, and we are just waiting for you to come."

"Don't worry senior! We just want to be your apprentice."

"Senior, since I first saw you, I swore to be your apprentice."

"Senior, this junior is not joking. You look like my grandfather when he was young. Later, my grandfather died tragically in order to get some cultivation resources for me. This matter has become a demon for the younger generation. Now I only want the senior to be my grandfather. "

"Senior, do you think this junior looks like you? This junior feels very close to you! Could I be your long-lost son, senior?"

"I'm going to you, if I didn't see the senior, I would have thought this was a large-scale confession scene!"

"Can you show some face? You are already the god emperor's top powerhouse, won't you blush when you say such words?"

"Exactly! Do you think you can become senior's apprentice by saying good words? If you can, count me in as one?"

After hearing the enthusiastic discussion of a group of monks.

Wang Mang was speechless for a moment, but kept smiling all the time.

Then, he nodded slightly to the fifth-level top monk in front of him.

The fifth-rank God Emperor monk in the front line quickly brought up the ring that he had prepared for a long time:

"Senior, this is the sixth-order low-grade law spar prepared by the junior."

Hearing this, Wang Mang took the storage ring, checked it and found that there was no problem, then smiled and pointed.

Afterwards, between the eyebrows of the fifth-order god emperor monk, there was a black spot condensed by the law of devouring, which gathered but did not disperse.

Then, Wang Mang smiled and said:

"Okay, go and wait. You can also wait half a month later and gather here again to participate in the apprenticeship election."

"Remember, the black dots on the eyebrows cannot be dissipated, otherwise I will not recognize them."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the fifth-order god emperor monk nodded excitedly and said, "Okay, senior."

After finishing speaking, the fifth-order god emperor monk immediately walked aside and waited quietly.

Similarly, Wang Mang continued to collect fees for participating in the election for apprenticeship.

After watching Wang Mang smile and collect a sum of apprenticeship campaign fees.

Not far away, the young man who was about to stiffen Li Daitao had a very unhappy expression on his face.

Although there are many people in front of him.

But after the appearance of Wang Mang.

The team that was originally on their side.

Many people were attracted by Wang Mang's side.

Because of this, the handsome young man in the green robe had an ugly expression on his face.

However, he didn't dare to find fault blatantly.

Although, behind him is a strong ancestor of the late king of the realm.

But Wang Mang is also a strong fighter in the late stage of the king of the world!

Once Wang Mang was angered, it would be too easy for the other party to kill him.

Although he didn't dare to act rashly, he already had an idea in his heart.

He decided to arrange for people to make trouble, all in all, he just didn't want Wang Mang to have a good time.

Soon, he beckoned to summon a few of his subordinates, and then he gave some orders via sound transmission.

Not long after, several subordinates turned around and entered Gouxiong City.

This scene also fell into Wang Mang's eyes.

However, Wang Mang didn't pay attention to it at all.

Just a clown.

After he has collected the apprenticeship fees.

He will naturally start to settle accounts after autumn.

Soon, one day passed.

What made Wang Mang a little relieved was that.

He also harvested a lot of law crystals this day.

It has reached a hundred million rule spar.

This also made Wang Mang secretly nod in satisfaction.

If not for someone trying to replace him.

Wang Mang believed that the number of law spars he got would be even more.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang looked to the side not far away, and he was also in the fiery recruiting team, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

But Wang Mang still didn't express, but continued to have a hypocritical smirk on the corner of his mouth, and continued to collect crystal stones of the apprenticeship law.

Soon, the harvest the next day still did not disappoint him.

The sixth-order low-grade law crystals harvested on the second day reached 120 million!

Obviously, Wang Mang's harvest the next day was still steadily increasing.

Moreover, the number of fifth-order monks is still very large.

Wang Mang guessed that the harvest this time was definitely more than he imagined.

In fact it is.

On the third day.

The sixth-order low-grade law crystals that Wang Mang collected that day hit a new high again, reaching as much as 130 million.

On the fourth day.

The sixth-order low-grade law spar collected by Wang Mang broke through a new high again, reaching 150 million!

So far, only four days.

The sixth-order low-grade law spar harvested by Wang Mang.

The number has accumulated to about 500 million.

On the fifth day, the sixth-order low-grade law spar collected by Wang Mang finally began to drop sharply.

In the end, the fifth day was only about 100 million.

The sixth-order law spar obtained on the sixth day still has not changed much, and it is also about 100 million.

The sixth-order law spar harvested on the seventh day was still about 100 million.

On the eighth day, the harvest of sixth-order law crystals finally fell, only about 80 million.

The sixth-order law crystals harvested on the ninth day are still falling, only about 70 million.

On the tenth day, Wang Mang collected only about 50 million sixth-order low-grade law crystals.

On the eleventh day, it fell again, only 30 million.

On the twelfth day, there were still only 30 million.

30 million on the thirteenth day.

25 million on the fourteenth day.

20 million on the fifteenth day.

So far, Wang Mang's accumulated expenses for recruiting apprentices have been completely settled.

In fifteen days, he accumulatively harvested 1.135 billion sixth-order low-grade law crystals!

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