I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1075 Five years are fleeting, Wang Mang recovers and leaves customs, Cao Mengde scolds his m

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately cupped his hands with a smile on his face and said:

"Thank you, junior, Master Shaking Heaven."

Obviously, this is the result Wang Mang wanted!

Otherwise, Wang Mang really didn't dare to retreat and heal his wounds easily.

Because, Wang Mang knew that he was on the way to retreat and heal his wounds.

Cao Mengde, an old dog, must have chased him to Yunding World.

Now there is the ruler who shakes the sky to sit in the town and guard it personally.

He can naturally heal his injuries with peace of mind.

Of course.

Wang Mang also knew.

It was just a coincidence, and I was blessed by the Lord of Demon Refining.

Otherwise, he is not worthy of being guarded by a strong mid-term ruler.

Hearing this, Master Shaking Heaven nodded slightly, waved his hands at the black and white old devil, and said:

"You two go down first."

Hearing this, the black and white old devil hastily cupped his hands respectfully and said: "Respect the decree of the Master Lord."

After finishing speaking, the two cast their eyes at Wang Mang, and then left the depths of the back mountain.

If there are no special circumstances.

They didn't dare to enter the depths of the back mountain at all.

Because, this is the permanent residence of Shaking God.

After the two left.

Wang Mang was about to say goodbye.

Find a place deep in the back mountain to heal your wounds.

At this time, Shaking the Heavenly Juggernaut strong man, but with a gentle smile on his face, said:

"This seat asks you, which puppet of yours has something special about it?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "Master Shaking Heaven."

"Which puppet is obtained by the junior, it needs to be driven by the sixth-order law spar."

"The strength should be the same as that of the ruler of the third heaven. As long as he can afford the law spar, he can keep fighting until he is completely useless."

"After the junior took out this puppet, it didn't take long before Cao Mengde used the law of ice to freeze it and successfully subdue it."

Speaking of this, Wang Mang's face was filled with pain.

After all, The Undertaker is his treasure!

As a result, it changed hands after only one battle.

Hearing this, Lord Shaking Heaven nodded slightly, looking thoughtful.

Afterwards, Lord Shaking Heaven waved his hand to Wang Mang and said, "Okay, I already know, you go and heal your wounds."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded quickly, then bowed his hands and retreated, and flew towards the depths of the back mountain.

Moreover, Wang Mang did not choose a place too far away.

He directly chose a nearby cave at random, drilled into it and began to heal his injuries.

Of course he can choose a better place to heal his injuries, or go deep into the back mountain.

However, Wang Mang did not do this.

Because, the master of refining demons is also retreating.

Plus, it's safer to be closer.

He is tantamount to shaking the sky and ruling, healing injuries under his nose, there is no difference.

This is the safest way.

In addition, Wang Mang also hopes that the master of refining demons can successfully break through the middle stage of master.

In this way, as long as he is in Shaking Heaven Holy Land, Cao Mengde will not dare to act rashly.

But after Wang Mang started healing in the cave.

Wang Mang just started to have a headache.

Because, he underestimated the damage Cao Mengde left him.

This law of ice still gathers and does not disperse.

Even he can't even move the law.

These ice laws, through the wound, froze his body.

In the end, it took Wang Mang half a year to successfully expel the law of ice from his body.

Subsequently, it took Wang Mang another four and a half years before he successfully healed his seriously injured body.

This is a very long process.

After all, Wang Mang didn't think of it himself.

One day, he will be seriously injured.

It took five years to recover from the treatment alone!

What made Wang Mang breathe a little easier was that.

During the long process of healing, he was not attacked by Cao Mengde.

No need to guess, Wang Mang also knew that the other party was obviously a little afraid of Shaking the Lord.

In fact it is.

In fact, Cao Mengde came to Genting World long ago.

It's just that after coming to Genting World, he also became a lot more low-key.

Have no idea!

He can't keep a low profile!

Because, Yunding Big World is not an ordinary sixth-order world.

In an ordinary sixth-order world, he, a strong ruler, can run rampant wherever he goes.

But in Yunding Great World, there are no less than thirty rulers alone.

Naturally, he couldn't be arrogant anymore.

Moreover, Cao Mengde himself is cautious and suspicious by nature.

When I came to Genting World for the first time, I was naturally very careful.

After all, he is not a native of this world, so he should be careful.

As for why he didn't dare to provoke Heaven Shaking Holy Land.

This is mainly because he is not completely sure!

In addition, every master has several friends.

Once the other party forms a gang to trouble him.

Even Cao Mengde had to flee in embarrassment.

After all, he is indeed weak in Genting World.

Similarly, he can actually choose to join a side.

With his ability to dominate the mid-term, any force would welcome him.

Of course, except for the Universal Alliance.

Because Cao Mengde did intend to join the Universal Alliance.

Especially when I heard by chance that the Universal Alliance has grudges with Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

Moreover, there are seven rulers in the Universal Alliance.

It is said that he also occupied a sixth-order law spar vein.

Of course he wanted to join in.

However, the result was without exception.

The Four Seas Alliance shut him out.

This also made him jealous.

Especially after he has the Undertaker puppet, he urgently needs a lot of law crystals.

Facing such a huge law spar vein, he could only stare blankly.

Because, the Four Seas Alliance is definitely the most powerful three forces in Genting World!

There are not just one or two strong players who dominate the mid-stage, there are as many as three!

Among them, the most powerful one has even reached the level of dominating the fifth heaven.

There are two masters of the four heavens, so naturally he can't afford big waves.

Otherwise, he would have already relied on his own strength to snatch it.

Similarly, he also tried to contact Shaking Lord.

Moreover, let Shaking Lord take the initiative to hand over Wang Mang.

However, this master who shakes the sky doesn't care about him at all.

This also made him grit his teeth in anger, but he was helpless.

Because, the same level exists, and Shaking the Heavenly Ruler doesn't love him.

The only thing that made him dare not act rashly was Shaking the Heavenly Ruler.

In addition, he also heard that it was in the Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

There is also an old guy who dominates the three heavens.

Now it is still impacting the fourth heaven of domination.

Moreover, I heard that it has been closed for a long time, and it is possible to break through at any time.

Therefore, these days, he has been wandering around the Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

Obviously, he hoped that Wang Mang could go out, so that he could easily kill Wang Mang and leave.

But what made Cao Mengde very angry was that he had waited for five years, but Wang Mang still didn't show up.

At this moment, Cao Mengde, who was sitting cross-legged on a mountain outside the Heaven Shaking Holy Land Mountain Range, finally couldn't help but get angry:

"Is this son so afraid of death? Do you really plan to hide by this old dog who shakes the sky forever?"

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