I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1089 The Fire Clan Chief Who Jumps Like Thunder? Threatening the Emperor Bear in a fit of de

After hearing the task issued by the system.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

This is to let him offend these enemies to the death!

Of course, Wang Mang didn't mind.

Of course.

This premise is the Lord of Gods and Demons.

Help him find the master and backer who dominate the late stage powerhouses.


Wang Mang really had a headache.

It's almost like telling these enemies to come and kill me quickly.

However, not all are bad.

As long as Wang Mang can't spread the news.

There is no doubt that all of these people will be in great trouble.

Because, when the time comes, they will have no time to take care of staring at Wang Mang.

It is even possible that they will all be targeted by the dominant powerhouse.

The point is, the other party has nothing to do with him!


For example.

The ancestor of Tianhuang, as long as he has an idea about the sixth-level top-grade divine weapon in his hand.

It is impossible for the other party to publicize this matter.

Otherwise, it would be cheaper for other dominant powerhouses.

What if another strong ruler snatched it from Wang Mang?

The same is true for Cao Mengde.

As long as he still has ideas about the treasures on his body.

The other party will never confess him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly realized that this is not necessarily true, it is completely a bad thing!

It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Even the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

With this in mind, Wang Mang no longer struggled to offend them to death.

Anyway, it's all endless hatred, and if you offend, you will be offended.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart without hesitation: "System! I choose task three!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible! Earn rewards! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang also relaxed.

After that, he quietly waited for the auction to start.

Of course, as long as his enemies have items to bid on.

Moreover, he still has the attitude of being determined to win.

Then, Wang Mang would not hesitate to get involved.

The enemy is not happy.

Wang Mang was naturally happy.

He is not in a good situation now, so he naturally wants to add trouble to his enemies.

What makes Wang Mang happy is.

This is a special opportunity to raise the bar.

Didn't make him wait too long.

When auctioning a strange parchment map.

After some explanations followed by the beauty master.

But there is still no master interested.

At this moment.

One of Wang Mang's enemies made an offer.

It is the chief of the fire tribe who leads the anti-inflammatory:

"50 million top-grade law crystals."

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help looking at the other masters.

But a group of strong masters did not express their views.

Because they didn't even know what map it was or what map it was.

Naturally, it is impossible to make a move.

Seeing a group of strong masters, they did not bid with him.

The Fire Clan patriarch also showed a smile on his face.

But at this moment, a crisp voice sounded:

"60 million high-grade law crystals!"

After hearing this sudden bid.

The smile on the Fire Clan patriarch's face froze.

He suddenly turned his head and saw Wang Mang squatting under the auction stage.

An ant who is not even qualified to sit in a seat dares to provoke him!

He obviously recognized Wang Mang, which is why he was so angry.

In anger, the chief of the Fire Clan couldn't help standing up, looking at Wang Mang fiercely.

Similarly, the rest of the rulers were also somewhat surprised.

But when he saw Wang Mang staying with Gou Xiong Huang and Gou Huang.

They immediately realized that the identity of this kid might not be simple.

Therefore, they are not surprised.

But just when the chief of the Huo clan was about to question him angrily.

The displeased voice of the strong came from the seat behind him:

"Don't block this seat."

"That is, what are you doing standing up? Do you appear to be taller?"

Hearing this, the Fire Clan patriarch's face was stiff and he looked back.

See, after the existence of the two masters of the fifth heaven and the sixth heaven.

It was hard for him to speak, so he sat down again, gritted his teeth and said:

"61 million top-grade law crystals."

After asking the price, he looked at Wang Mang with sharp eyes, wishing to swallow Wang Mang alive.

After all, if Wang Mang hadn't intervened, he would have already successfully auctioned off the cemetery map.

This cemetery map is a map obtained by the ancestors of their clan in the past.

It is rumored that a seventh-order powerhouse fell in the universe of the three rings and established the place where the cemetery is located.

There are four maps in total, and the Fire Clan has collected three maps, and the last one is missing.

This is also the main purpose of their coming, just for this map.

Back then, members of the Fire Clan learned about this map.

After appearing in the hands of a strong man in the Arctic Great World.

The members of the Fire Clan rushed over without stopping.

Therefore, nature will not give up easily.

Because they want to collect this map.

A lot of resources and energy have been invested.

But as long as you successfully get the map, find the cemetery of this seventh-order strong man.

Then they are definitely earned by blood, and they may even rise up to this point.

Similarly, Wang Mang also saw that the strong Fire Clan was determined to win this map.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be gnashing his teeth because of his asking price.

Therefore, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered, and said loudly:

"70 million top-grade law crystals!"

After hearing this, Huo Yan, who was furious, couldn't help saying angrily:

"Can you get so many law crystals?"

"The auctioneer, I suspect that he maliciously raises the price."

"I can't get so many law crystals at all!"

"Therefore, this seat strongly requests capital verification!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment.

Similarly, the beauty who hosted the auction on the stage looked at Wang Mang with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Wang Mang immediately said in a low voice: "Two old brothers, help me quickly."

"I just want to give it this time. My enemy just took the opportunity to drive up the price."

After hearing these words, the dog emperor and the dog bear emperor immediately understood.

The leader, the bear emperor, also likes to do this kind of thing of pretending to show off.

Therefore, the Bear Emperor shouted on the spot:

"71 million high-grade law crystals!"

After hearing the bear emperor's bidding price.

The beauty host nodded with a smile, indicating that the chief of the Fire Clan can continue to bid.

Wang Mang may not have so many law spars.

But the Bear Emperor is different, he is the young master of the bloody bear clan.

Those who participated in the auction this time were also masters in the late stage, so there was no doubt about their financial resources.

Seeing this scene, the Fire Clan patriarch's expression turned ugly.

He still doesn't know that the bear emperor has a good relationship with Wang Mang.

It can be seen from the whispers between the two.

Moreover, Wang Mang said it without any concealment.

These words are basically impossible to satisfy the crowd of masters present.

Many rulers couldn't help laughing.

People have no intention of buying it at all.

It is completely intentionally raising the price.

Obviously, there is a conflict between the two sides.

Similarly, the chief of the fire clan was also trembling with anger.

Even, he couldn't help gritting his teeth with a gloomy face and said:

"Little friend, it's better not to make trouble for yourself!"

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