I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1099 The Lord of Gods and Demons Hemorrhages? After tonight, the relationship between people

Looking at Wang Mang who was crying bitterly in front of him.

To be honest, Master Kamikaze was also dumbfounded.

Good guy, this complexion really changes at any moment!

Similarly, the lord of gods and demons was suddenly speechless.

Previously, Wang Mang had a high-spirited look.

Now, it seems that he has been wronged by the sky.

To be honest, if Wang Mang hadn't helped him.

He doesn't even miss Bird Wang Mang now.

It's a shame to throw it home!

How can there be a ruler who is crying?

But today he saw it!

at the same time.

The Lord of Gods and Demons also saw it.

The master of kamikaze gave a somewhat bewildered look.

Obviously, it is estimated that the master of kamikaze is also encountering this situation for the first time.

After calming down for a while.

The master of kamikaze comforted:

"Okay, apprentice, if you have any grievances, if you have any appeals, please tell me!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang stopped selling misery, and then begged with his hands:

"Master, I would like to ask you to help me catch the master of ice."

"It's best to let the disciple personally cut him off!"

"Otherwise, this master of ice may become a demon in my disciple's heart!"

Well, this is just Wang Mang's nonsense.

Now, his combat strength has broken through the second level of dominance.

Although, it is indeed impossible to compete with the master of ice (Cao Mengde).

However, if Wang Mang wanted to escape, he still had enough trouble.

In the past, he was perfectly fine after being hunted down by Cao Mengde for several years.

Let alone now?

The reason why he said so.

It's just Wang Mang thinking about Cao Mengde's head.

Cao Mengde's head is worthless to others.

But to Wang Mang, it was very valuable!

Don't forget.

Cao Mengde's head.

But it is equal to two free evolution opportunities!

Once you have two free evolution opportunities.

Wang Mang can truly break through the realm of dominance!

Similarly, his combat power will also reach the middle stage of domination!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt very happy.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at Master Kamikaze eagerly, his eyes full of longing and anticipation.

Even though the master kamikaze didn't want to agree, and even refused, he still didn't refuse.

After all, Wang Mang had just asked him to be his teacher, so it was hard for him to refuse.

Moreover, Wang Mang's potential is really good.

Now it has the power to dominate the second layer of heaven.

It is impossible to reach the seventh level, but there is basically no problem in reaching his height in the future.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Master Kamikaze nodded and asked, "Disciple, do you want to kill Master Ice?"

"What kind of cultivation level is this ice master? But disciple, one of the three people you were referring to at the auction?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded repeatedly, and then said hastily:

"Yes, Master, that's the guy with the master puppet!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Master Kamikaze immediately had an impression, and then he was a little confused:

"It's not that I don't help you as a teacher. Now I can't find this guy at all as a teacher."

"Of course, after the auction is over, many masters will follow them."

"As a result, all of them were lost, and they all ran away."

"The teacher didn't follow out that day, otherwise, this son would be doomed."

"But now I want to find out his traces, unless there is a sixth-order high-grade tracker."

"Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the teacher to help you get rid of this son, just like finding a needle in a haystack."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was also a little dumbfounded.

He calculated it carefully, and it was true!

After all, Cao Mengde is also a strong master of the realm.

As long as he doesn't show up, Wang Mang has nothing to do with him.

Unless Wang Mang has a sixth-order high-grade tracking talisman, he can find this guy.

But the problem is that the sixth-tier top-grade items are very expensive and worth a lot.

Wang Mang guessed that even if the old guy had one, he probably wouldn't take it out easily.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little tangled.

He has a way to do it, which is to take out one of his only three talisman papers.

But Wang Mang didn't want to take out any of the three talisman papers!

The sixth-level top-grade bad luck charm will definitely be useful in the future.

A sixth-order top-grade lucky charm, this thing can be used at any time.

The sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman, this thing is necessary for escape!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but look at the Lord of Gods and Demons.

Seeing Wang Mang staring eagerly at him, the Lord of Gods and Demons was speechless.

He gave Wang Mang three teleportation talismans back then, so naturally he had a lot of talisman papers on him.

Anyway, the former Japanese Venerable was also a seventh-order existence!

Not to mention talisman paper, he even has better things.

If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Mang had saved him.

It is also impossible for him to give Wang Mang three teleportation talisman papers.

After taking a deep breath. The lord of gods and demons immediately took out a piece of yellow talisman paper.

Afterwards, he handed the paper talisman to Master Kamikaze, and said nothing with a dark face.

After this incident, their grievances and grievances were completely settled.

Seeing this, Master Kamikaze immediately smiled, and then said to Wang Mang:

"It seems that you have a very close relationship with the master of gods and demons!"

"In order for me to recruit you as an apprentice, he gave me a talisman."

"Now, for your sake, I gave the old man a second talisman paper."

Speaking of this, the smiling Kamikaze Master suddenly smiled and said:

"Okay! With this tracking talisman, I naturally don't mind helping you catch this Ice Master, and let you vent your anger and let you do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Thank you, Master!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang bowed his hands to the Lord of Gods and Demons and said gratefully: "Thank you, senior."

"Don't call me senior anymore."

"I don't dare to be your senior anymore."

"It's too expensive to be your senior."

"From now on, you can just do it yourself!"

After speaking, the dark-faced Lord of Gods and Demons left with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Wang Mang had no choice but to laugh, feeling a little embarrassed.

However, Wang Mang had a thick skin after all, so he immediately adjusted himself.

At the same time, he recalled the scene of rescuing the Lord of Gods and Demons in the past.

Wang Mang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

It just saved the Lord of Gods and Demons.

The rewards obtained in the end were obviously beyond Wang Mang's imagination.

Otherwise, Wang Mang was suspicious for a while.

Even if he is a dominant existence.

It is also very difficult to become a teacher!

Especially those who dominate the late stage powerhouses.

Didn't you hear about Kamikaze Master?

The master of gods and demons has given benefits.

Only then did he promise to accept Wang Mang as his apprentice.

Let's just take this as a teacher's ceremony!

Moreover, I want to enter the eyes of those who dominate the late stage powerhouse.

It must be a sixth-level top-grade thing, otherwise.

It is simply impossible to attract and dominate the strong late game.

What's more, it is still a strong man like Kamikaze Master.

This apprentice ceremony is really not cheap!

At this time, Kamikaze dominated, suddenly chuckled and said:

"Okay, apprentice, as a teacher, I will take you to catch the master of ice."

"After you catch the Master of Ice, you can go back to the east of the third ring as your teacher!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was overjoyed immediately, and quickly cupped his hands and said obediently:

"A disciple must follow the master, and be on the saddle for the master!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang heard a familiar voice from the system:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the apprenticeship task! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 million rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the dominant level blind box X1! 】

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