I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1102: A Completely Unreliable Cheap Master! Just let go of Wang Mang and leave it alone?

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was instantly elated.

Cool! Very cool!

As long as he wants.

Once a brand new bloodline and template can be obtained.

Then, he may evolve at any time!

But the problem is that he has just evolved not long ago!

This is if it evolves twice.

His realm and combat power have all entered the master.

At that time, even if you meet a strong man like Cao Mengde who dominates the four heavens.

Wang Mang also showed no signs of fear at all.

Think here.

Wang Mang couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Alas, why is it so easy to break through the realm?

If it goes on like this, maybe it won't be long.

He will be invincible in the universe of the three rings, the heavens and the ten thousand realms!

This is probably the trouble that geniuses have, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling complacent.

He has fantasized about going to the Eastern Three Rings Universe.

Living a dandy life!

There are people covering their heads.

At that time, he will wander around in the universe of the three rings, the heavens and the ten thousand realms.

As long as it is not too extreme, there is basically no danger of life.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

Because, he is confident that he can also progress into the gods in the realm of dominance!

After all, he has already thought about the way to get rich.

What a bluff!

Therefore, Wang Mang is not going to use the free evolution opportunity for the time being.

Because Wang Mang knew that the further he evolved, the more evolution he would need to spend.

Now that I have obtained two free evolution opportunities, it is better to stay behind and evolve.

I dare not say to save it until the seventh level, but he can definitely use it in the later stage of the master.

Well, even if he wants to use it now, it is impossible,

His evolutionary template and bloodlines are all restricted.

Now he has to find a way, first get the bloodline and template.

Therefore, along the way, Wang Mang was also very honest.

Under the leadership of the master of kamikaze.

It only took three days.

Wang Mang came to the east of the Third Ring Road.

The universe of the heavens in the east of the third ring is also very large.

Likewise, Kamikaze dominates the world in which it resides.

It is also one of the three top worlds in the East.

Named: Nine Great Worlds!

After entering this top-level world with the master of kamikaze.

Wang Mang then discovered that this world is even more powerful than Genting World.

Because, there are more than fifty statues of the aura of the dominant powerhouse alone!

Although Wang Mang was surprised by this, Wang Mang didn't care too much.

Because, in these top big worlds, the rulers are basically mobile.

After all, they are the dominant powerhouses, even if they are the masters of one of the top worlds, it is not easy to restrict their freedom.

Moreover, the dominator can't be restricted if he wants to.

Once the threat of force is used to restrict freedom, it will indeed make the top world look more prosperous.

But this is too offensive, once it spreads in the universe of the three rings, then the reputation of this top world will be stink.

Therefore, basically one of the top world masters would not make such low-level mistakes.

After coming to the Nine Great Worlds.

Wang Mang came to the Jiuji City in the Jiuji World.

Yes, it is called Jiuji City.

The Jiuji City here is the same as the Arctic God City in the Arctic World.

It is the city where the most prosperous and strong people gather in the center of the whole great world.

Not only that, but Wang Mang also learned about it from the Master of Kamikaze.

There are many strong people stationed here.

Even the three-ring universe, one of the eight major families.

Crazy blood bear family.

The Black Moon God Dog Clan.

All races are stationed here.

After learning the news.

Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

What a coincidence, isn't it?

You know, Wang Mang himself has a very good relationship with these two clans.

Well, it should be said that he has a very good relationship with Emperor Dog Bear and Emperor Dog.

Now they stay together in the Nine Great Worlds again, what the hell is this for?

Could it be that he was asked to repay the favor of Emperor Dog Bear and Emperor Dog?

However, Wang Mang discovered that he really had nothing to repay, the King of Dogs and the King of Dogs and Bears.

On the contrary, staying in Jiuji City, he may need to ask someone else!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was relieved.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the Nine Great Worlds.

There are nine great cities in total.

Among them, Jiuji City has the most respected status.

The second is Baji City.

In addition, in the Nine Great Worlds, the forces are very mixed.

Master Kamikaze also introduced Wang Mang.

First of all, the least to be messed with is the Black Moon God Dog Clan and the Crazy Blood Dog Clan.

In addition, it is the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

Also, Master Taixu cannot be provoked.

Moreover, Master Kamikaze told him even more.

In the great world of Nine Extremes, there are four young and old who cannot be messed with.

Among them, there are the Dog Emperor, Dog Bear Emperor, Nine Extreme Young Masters, and Young Master Sheng Xu.

Because they represent the most powerful and powerful people in the Nine Great Worlds!

Needless to say, Emperor Dog and Emperor Dog Bear are both one of the eight major families behind them.

Although the status is not as good as the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds, there is no difference.

As for the Jiuji young master, Wang Mang knew it by name.

This so-called young master must have a very deep relationship with the master of the nine great worlds.

Even, it is almost the same as the descendants of the family!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling extremely emotional.

At the same time, after arriving at the Nine Great Worlds.

Only then did Wang Mang realize how happy the two guys, Gou Xionghuang and Gouhuang, are having fun now.

listen! Nine Great Worlds, one of the famous Four Young Masters!

This identity is far more valuable than his master disciple of the kamikaze.

Moreover, after coming to the Nine Great Worlds, Wang Mang discovered that his cheap master was a casual cultivator.

Yes, in the Nine Great Worlds, there are some human relationships, but that's all.

In addition, the master of kamikaze, even in the Nine Great Worlds, is also ranked first.

But not the top powerhouse.

There are four top powerhouses!

Moreover, all four are rulers of the Nine Heavens.

They are from the Crazy Blood Bear Clan, and there is one.

Among the Black Moon Dog God Clan, there is also one.

Then there is the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds, and the Ruler of Taixu.

The four of them stood on top of the entire Nine Great Worlds!

Even an existence that rules the eighth heavens like the Kamikaze Master can only be regarded as top-notch.

From here, we can see how powerful the Nine Great Worlds are.

At this time, after taking Wang Mang around the Nine Great Worlds.

The master of kamikaze immediately said to Wang Mang:

"Disciple! After all, the master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual."

"As a teacher, I can't teach you too much, and you have reached the level of dominance."

"As a teacher, there are not many places that can help you, and resources and the like have to be relied on by yourself."

"As for the name of being a teacher, you can use it whatever you want, just don't make your master and I feel bad."

"Okay! This is the end of the teacher's talk, apprentice, you can do whatever you want!"

"As a teacher, I don't need to serve you tea and water for the teacher, it's too empty."

After finishing speaking, Master Kamikaze left Wang Mang and walked away immediately.

For a moment, only Wang Mang was left stunned on the top of the huge mountain.

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