I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1105 Complete the task by mouth output? The task of making up for one's own background?

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly looked terrified, and laughed unscrupulously:

"This seat is so scary! Ahaha!"

After hearing Wang Mang's wild and disdainful laughter.

The originally proud Young Master Jiuji's face became stiff and distorted.

Even, a crowd of onlookers.

Even after seeing Jiuji's distraught look.

They couldn't help feeling extremely happy.

Of course, they didn't dare to show it, for fear of being remembered by Young Master Jiuji.

At this time, Young Master Jiuji suddenly calmed down, and then mocked Wang Mang:

"Are you not used to this young man's behavior? Or do you sympathize with this old guy?"

"As long as you kneel down and apologize to this young master, this young master will spare this old guy's life."

After hearing this, the old man in the late stage of the king of the realm, whose face was covered with blood, couldn't help looking at Wang Mang out of the corner of his eye.

There was a trace of expectation, longing and pleading in his eyes.

After all, since Wang Mang couldn't get used to it, he was willing to stand up and speak for him.

So, obviously sympathizing with him, what is the possibility?

Because of this, his eyes were full of expectation and longing, as well as pleading.

It's a pity that when he saw Wang Mang's indifferent appearance, his heart was ashamed.

Similarly, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered and mocked:

"What does his life and death have to do with me?"

"I beg you, I beg your mother!"

"This seat sees that your head is flooded, right?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Young Master Jiuji's face became stiff and ugly.

After seeing Wang Mang's eyes, there was no sympathy for the old man.

He knew that he had guessed wrongly what Wang Mang was thinking.

In desperation.

Even in front of Wang Mang, he began to violently beat the old man in the late stage of the Realm King.

All of a sudden, the old man in the late stage of the Realm King was beaten up by him and screamed again and again.

Not only that, after a violent beating, Young Master Jiuji even looked at Wang Mang with a sneer and said with pride:

"Don't worry, Ben Shao keeps his word, and soon you will end up like this, no, worse than him."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately mocked:

"Idiot! If you hadn't been born, I would have thrown away your ashes!"

"The fate of returning this seat is worse than him? Threatening and intimidating this seat? This seat is waiting!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang sneered, and walked away in front of everyone with his hands behind his back.

The next moment, Wang Mang heard the sound of the system:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the specified lucky draw chance X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X1! 】

After hearing the system's voice, Wang Mang nodded secretly satisfied.


Although he offended the Jiuji young master.


This task is very simple.

It's done just by mouth output.

As for this guy, dare to shoot him.

Wang Mang didn't believe it at all.

Just a World Lord!

Even if the opponent's background is monstrous.

But the dominant powerhouse is not the realm king powerhouse.

The strong dominator won't be able to offend the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

But the mere boundary master is still not taken seriously by the master.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was in a happy mood, really wanted to find a place to use the designated lottery chance.

Because, he found that even if he found Emperor Dog and Emperor Dog Bear, he would have nothing to ask for.

What he lacks now is template and blood!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but asked helplessly:

"System! Can you issue a few more missions!"

"Recently, the frequency of your missions has really decreased!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Ask the host to complete the details and obtain a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task Reward: Designated lucky draw chance X1! 10 million rule points! 】


[Task 2: Ask the host to complete the details and obtain two different types of sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers! 】

[Task time: within two years. 】

[Mission Reward: Designated Lucky Draw Chance X1! Free evolution chance X1! 】


[Mission 3: Ask the host to complete the details and obtain three different types of sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers! 】

[Task time: within three years. 】

[Mission Reward: Designated Draw Chance X1! Free evolution chance X1! Dominant Blind Box X1! Master level treasure chest X1! 】


After hearing the task issued by the system again.

Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

He is indeed a little thirsty for the task.

But the problem is that the task should not be too difficult!

The result is better now!

The system has issued a task!

But the problem is that the task is too fucking difficult!

Let him develop a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power!

Good guy!

I think highly of him.

to be honest.

Wang Mang didn't even know how to make up for his background.

After all, he already has a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

But the sixth-level high-grade supernatural powers, he also thought about it!

But he doesn't know where to do it!

The rewards are indeed very generous, either a designated lucky draw opportunity, or a free evolution opportunity.

But the problem is, Wang Mang really doesn't know how to complete this task!

All of a sudden, Wang Mang tensed up again.

Among the people he knows now.

Only a few people may have sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers!

The first is the eight families behind the Emperor Dog and Emperor Dog Bear!

Anyway, it was also from the seventh-order world!

There must be sixth-order high-grade supernatural powers!

There is no doubt about it!

But the problem is that even if Wang Mang has an idea.

He can't get it at all!

It is estimated that even the Emperor Dog and the Emperor Dog Bear will not be able to touch the core wealth of their clan for the time being.

So, here is hope.

In addition, his master may have a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power, which is not certain.

Of course, this was just Wang Mang's guess.

Maybe his master didn't have one, or maybe he did.

This is not sure!


Wang Mang couldn't think of anyone else who had a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power.

All right!

There must be a Lord of the Nine Great Worlds!

Needless to say!


The Lord of Genting World must have it!

Needless to say!

There must be some sixth-level top world masters on one side.

It goes without saying.

Because he can't get it either!

Could it be possible to kill a Great World Lord?

This is obviously impossible for him to do!

well! That's all!

Let's take a simple one first!

Tasks 2 and 3 have time limits.

Get two or three sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers within two or three years.

Wang Mang has no confidence at all!

Even if he was given more time, he was not confident that he would be able to obtain the sixth-order high-grade supernatural power.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while.

Wang Mang took a deep breath and said silently in his heart:

"System! I choose mission first!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

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