I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1112 Decide the winner! Successfully suppressed and killed a dominator! Be the last winner!

There is no other reason.

Because, the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon in Wang Mang's hands.

It can really hurt him.

Even, it will seriously affect its recovery.

Today, it wants to restore its former glory.

Then he must absorb enough sixth-level high-grade divine weapons.

Or the spirit, spirit, body, soul, etc. that dominate the strong!

That's why.

One of the reasons why he wanted only one of the two to die.

If it weren't for the excellent relationship between the former seal master and him.

Even, he can even seal the corpse of the master.

However, the cooperative relationship between the two parties has led to him having a deep relationship with the seal master.

In the past, it was knocked down to the seventh rank and turned into a fifth rank magical weapon, and even the spirit of the weapon fell asleep weakly.

In the end, the seal master quietly obtained him, and after killing many enemies, he gradually recovered.

Later, the seal master did not help him less, so that he gradually recovered to the present level, the sixth-rank top-rank level!

However, his relationship with Wang Mang and Master Wanhuang is extremely unfamiliar.

He doesn't care who inherits the inheritance of the seal master.

The reason why he made a move was because Wan Huang ruled this guy, and he angered him twice.

Otherwise, he would just quietly wait for the two to decide the winner, and then hand over the inheritance of the seal master to them.

At this time, facing the attack of the blood coffin, the Emperor Wanhuang was shocked and angry.

He didn't expect that this coffin, which was supposed to come to watch the show, would also attack him!

Although he admits that this blood coffin is indeed very extraordinary!

However, this guy is at best a treasure, right?

He even shot at him!

It's just too deceiving!

While furious.

The Emperor Wan Huang became more vigilant.

Because, now he is facing a pincer attack from both sides!

What frightened Wan Huangzhu even more was that this blood coffin was extremely difficult to deal with.

Because, no matter how he bombarded the blood coffin, he couldn't repel the blood coffin at all.

On the contrary, it was Wang Mang who was forced to retreat by him under the pressure of his imperial principles.

But even so, he was still suppressed by both sides so that he couldn't hold his head up, and he was even in a hurry.

Lord Wanhuang also tried to focus on dealing with Wang Mang.

But the blood coffin was extremely fierce, and a coffin slammed into him fiercely, ignoring the power of the law.

Completely in the posture of taking advantage of his illness to kill him!

This also made him very helpless, and he didn't dare to ignore any party easily.

Because, if he ignored the blood coffin, he would probably be seriously injured by the blood coffin!

However, if he dared to ignore Wang Mang's words.

Then it's not as simple as being seriously injured.

If he is careless, he will be in danger of falling!

It's a pity that no matter how cautious the Wanhuang Juggernaut was, he still missed.

Then he tried his best to blast out the giant law palm to block Wang Mang's approach.

The blood coffin behind him roared towards him!


Accompanied by a loud noise!

The next moment, Wan Huangzhu was directly knocked out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

For a moment, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors looked extremely embarrassed, with disheveled hair and a hideous face.

"Don't let this seat win, otherwise this seat will cut you into pieces!"

While roaring, the Emperor Wanhuang looked at the blood coffin with extremely vicious eyes.

He himself had already fallen into a disadvantage when fighting Wang Mang.

Now the blood coffin still sneaks up on him from time to time.

This simply made him want to die!

Hearing the threat from the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors, the blood coffin immediately said with a sinister smile:

"Boy, if you still survive, I will write my name backwards!"

While speaking, the blood coffin once again floated around the Wanhuang Juggernaut, ready to make a sneak attack at any time.

As for Wang Mang, his face was full of joy, and with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, he roared towards the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors again.

When he was alone, he already had the confidence to kill the opponent.

Now with the help of this strange blood coffin, Wang Mang is more confident in killing the opponent!

Seeing Wang Mang attacking again, Master Wan Huang had no choice but to deal with it exhaustedly.

But as the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. This sentence is not groundless.

After another six hours of fighting.

More and more flaws were exposed by the Emperor Wanhuang.

Similarly, under the attack of Wang Mang and the blood coffin.

Wang Mang even seized an opportunity in the gap.

The halberd in his hand chopped off the arm of the Lord of Ten Thousand Emperors!

The next moment, the shriek of the Wanhuang Ruler resounded:

"Ah! Wang Mang, I am going to tear you into pieces!"

Holding the blood gushing shoulder, Wan Huangzhu looked pained, and quickly pulled away and retreated.

Moreover, the wound on his arm cut off by Wang Mang couldn't heal at all, not only the blood was flowing.

Even the vast laws of the emperor's way in his body began to leak from the wound, which could not be cured at all!

This is obviously the sharpness and terror of the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon in Wang Mang's hands.

The power of law left by the divine soldier made it impossible for the opponent to even stabilize the wound.

Wang Mang didn't care about the ruthless words uttered by the Lord Wan Huang, instead he let out a smirk.

Afterwards, Wang Mang raised the halberd in his hand, and rushed forward with a roar.

The Ruler of Ten Thousand Emperors after losing an arm.

Wang Mang naturally ignored him even more.

Moreover, Wang Mang is even confident that he can kill the opponent within an hour at most!

Sure enough, after seeing Wang Mang bullying him again, Lord Wanhuang was completely panicked.

He drew back almost subconsciously, and at the same time took out a sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman from his body.

After taking out the sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman, the Master of Wanhuang heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Wang Mang with a ferocious face, gritted his teeth and said:

"Wait, I will come to settle accounts with you after my injury is fully recovered!"

At the same time as he was speaking, the Lord of Myriad Emperors began to urge the sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman in his hand, with a cold grin on his face.

Obviously, Wang Mang wanted to kill him, thinking too much!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was also a little anxious.

Especially seeing that the space around Wanhuang Juggernaut began to distort.

Wang Mang's speed soared even more, and the big halberd in his hand chopped towards the opponent's head, roaring angrily:

"Death to this seat!"

But the next moment, the Master of Wanhuang couldn't help being shocked and angry: "Damn it! How could this happen!"

While speaking, he had no time to dodge, and subconsciously raised his hand to cover his head.


I saw that the halberd in Wang Mang's hand flashed with blood.

The next moment, the Emperor of the Ten Thousand Emperors screamed again.

At the same time, his other arm flew out directly with blood.

At the same time, the shrill and screaming Master Wanhuang had a hideous and painful expression on his face.

Because, at this moment, he was completely seriously injured!

Losing an arm is already a serious injury!

Not to mention losing both arms?

Moreover, it is impossible for Wang Mang to give the opponent time to heal.

Therefore, at this moment, the Ruler of Myriad Emperors is doomed!

After screaming and suffering, the Lord of Ten Thousand Emperors suddenly roared with a ferocious face:

"I am dead! I will not die in your hands!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the Wanhuang Juggernaut began to swell violently.

"It's too late to blow yourself up!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and shook the halberd tightly in his hand.

Then, he raised his hand, and the halberd roared out.

next moment!


Wan Huangzhu was decapitated on the spot!


Wang Mang also became the final winner!

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