I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1119 Ready to plunder the Three Rings of Heaven? Lord of the Mysterious Underworld: Where di

It can be said that as long as Wang Mang is not a fool for this task, he basically knows how to choose.

Therefore, without much hesitation, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: "System! I choose the second task!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was not very happy.

To him, the reward for the second task is not that rich at all.

The reward for the third task is generous, but he is completely unqualified to suppress and kill the strong masters in the late stage in a short time!

Although, in the future, he does have the ability to suppress and kill the dominant and strong.

But it was really going to be delayed until later, and he might not really like the 200 million rule value.

Therefore, the benefits that can be obtained as soon as possible are what Wang Mang needs.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to rack his brains specifically to hunt and kill a master who dominates the late stage.

Because, it's useless to rack your brains, the strong masters in the late stage are really not so easy to kill.

The difference in combat power is twofold, and it is basically impossible to complete the hunt!

Besides, he accepted the second mission, so he didn't need to worry about it at all.

He can completely bluff and deceive unscrupulously in the universe of the three-ringed heavens.

No! You can even grab it!

With his current strength, he can really grab it!

After all, in some sixth-tier low-rank worlds, the masters of one world are only so powerful.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately, and his fighting spirit became high.


He can start grabbing!

Will there be fewer resources in the future?

After taking a deep breath.

Wang Mang has already made a decision!

After leaving the customs, he will go out and snatch it!

However, before that, Wang Mang was going to practice the great sealing technique he had obtained.

The next moment, Wang Mang took out the jade slip of the Great Sealing Technique.

After Wang Mang injected the power of law.

The Great Sealing Technique turned into a ray of light from Ru's head.

Then Wang Mang's mind filled with more information about this supernatural power.

This great sealing technique is also very against the sky.

Can be used to seal the world.

It can even seal the strong.

However, what gave Wang Mang a headache.

It is best to cooperate with the existence of majoring in the law of sealing.

Only by using it can the greatest power of this magical power be brought into play.

Otherwise, it can only display one-tenth of the power of this supernatural power!

That is to say, even if Wang Mang has mastered it completely, this great sealing technique is useless to him.

Because, he can't exert the most powerful power!

This is an exclusive supernatural power of the law of sealing!

There are two formulas in total:

The first move: seal the world! Can seal the world and arrange seals and barriers that are stronger than those of the same level!

Seal all things: It can be used to seal all things, even the strong, and exert the power of supernatural powers, which is ten times the power of normal existences of the same level!

Even if the enemy surpasses the caster by a small realm, once caught, the enemy will be imprisoned by the seal after being hit by the Great Sealing Technique.

It seems that this big sealing technique is not too scary.

But once there is a master of the same level who majors in the law of sealing, he will have this great sealing technique.

Then, Wang Mang has the sixth-level top-grade magic weapon and armor, and it is difficult to kill the opponent at all.

Even with all his might, he couldn't kill the opponent at all!

Because, even if the opponent arranges the enchantment casually.

He also needs to spend ten times more energy to break it.

This already has the capital to leapfrog the battle!

Therefore, Wang Mang was very disappointed that he could not learn to master this supernatural power.

However, soon Wang Mang finally made a decision, he wanted to use this supernatural power to trade.

It is best to trade for a supernatural power that suits his cultivation, otherwise, he will not be able to exert his strength at all.

With this in mind, Wang Mang created a jade slip out of thin air, and at the same time turned the Great Sealing Technique into a beam of light to seal it.

Afterwards, Wang Mang stood up with a slightly regretful expression.

Because, he possesses a sixth-level top-grade, combat-type supernatural power.

Then, he will be able to fight enemies who are stronger than him by a small realm.

At that time, it will definitely not be as difficult as killing the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors.

At this time, the blood coffin flew over Wang Mang's head, and couldn't help asking:

"What are you in a daze for, kid?"

"Could it be that the supernatural powers of the seal master cannot be digested?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and said in astonishment:

"how do you know?"

The bloody face of the old man on the blood coffin showed a sinister smile and said:

"With the coffin master, I have read countless experiences of people."

"What's on your mind, even if you can't guess it, you can figure it out!"

"Is it uncomfortable? You can't practice even if you have supernatural powers, and you can't exert your power when you practice?"

"Not only that, little guy, I also want to tell you that trading is also risky."

"Which one with sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers is not a strong master in the late stage?"

"Unless you are lucky and meet a trading target who is as strong as you, or weaker than you."

"Otherwise, if you dare to trade easily, or if the trade is leaked, you will be targeted."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was suddenly speechless.

Because what the bloody coffin said was the truth.

Once the deal is leaked, or the target of the deal is powerful.

He is easy to be targeted, this is so embarrassing!

It's just that if you have supernatural powers and can't practice to improve your strength, it's fine.

Even a fucking transaction has such a big risk!

Could it be up for auction?

After thinking about it, although Wang Mang was a little moved.

But he still refused.

Magical powers can indeed be traded in auctions.

Even he can get a good income.

This income may even be enough for him to easily break through again.

But when the time comes, it will be difficult to get supernatural powers!

After all, there is not always a master who dominates the peak, leaving a legacy waiting for him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang shook his head, then got up and left the cave.

Seeing this, the blood coffin also flew to the top of Wang Mang's head, transforming into the size of a palm.

Afterwards, Wang Mang left this world and flew towards the universe of the three rings.

The so-called boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, and Wang Mang is too lazy to think about other things.

He has already decided, first go to get some training resources by bluffing and tricking.

After three days.

Wang Mang successfully arrived at the northern part of the Three Rings Universe.

All right!

Wang Mang actually had no idea.

But the bloody coffin above his head knows it!

Therefore, Wang Mang began to search the heavens in the third ring.

Soon, Wang Mang discovered a sixth-level low-grade world.

This immediately made Wang Mang's eyes brighten, and then immediately blasted open the barrier outside the world with his palm, and escaped into it.

at the same time.

In a heavenly palace.

This is the sixth-rank low-grade world, the master of the mysterious world.

At this moment, he couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes.

"A strong man who dominates the four heavens?"

After a murmur, the Lord of Xuanming disappeared into the Heavenly Palace.

at the same time.

Wang Mang, who had just entered the world of Xuanming, saw a gray-robed figure appear out of thin air in front of him, blocking him.

Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who was coming, and then he ruled the fourth heaven. It's a small problem, okay?

He was worried that the master of this world was too powerful.

But now it seems that he is completely worrying too much!

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang was relieved.

If the master of one side of the world is very tyrannical.

Then, the opponent is no longer just a sixth-rank low-rank world master.

At this time, the Lord of Xuanming had already raised his hand to Wang Mang and asked:

"Where did you come from?"

"What's the point of coming here?"

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