I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1121 After robbing one family, prepare to rob another one! Encountered a tough guy? Two powe

After the harsh words.

Wang Mang left even more arrogantly.

After seeing Wang Mang leave the Xuanming world.

Master Xuanming was trembling with anger, his face was livid.

Especially when Wang Mang left, his extremely rampant words.

It was like a slap, slapping him hard on the face.

"The ruler of the wilderness, isn't it!"

"This seat remembers you!"

After taking a deep breath, the Lord Xuanming's eyes contained killing intent.

After all, he was bullied and came to his door, and he was forced to spend money to avoid disaster.

The hatred between the two sides, Liang Zi, was completely over!

At this time, the Lord of Xuanming seemed to think of something, and his face became even more gloomy.

He just remembered that not long ago, a group of masters had exchanged and discussed.

About the ancestor of Tianhuang, who has the body of a seventh-order creature.

This is probably why this guy is so unscrupulous, right?

Are you in debt? Aren't you afraid of biting when there are too many lice?

At this thought, the Lord Xuanming snorted coldly.

He has already remembered it in his heart!

If there is a chance for revenge!

He definitely doesn't mind cleaning up this guy severely!

at the same time.

Wang Mang who had just left the Xuanming World.

Don't mention how wonderful the mood is.

He hummed a ditty.

He continued to wander in the universe of the three-ringed heavens.

A sixth-order low-grade world.

Just earned 30 million law crystals.

To be honest, that's a lot!

Moreover, this is a no-cost transaction!

If you really fight!

Unless he takes over the entire sixth-order inferior world.

Otherwise, it might not be possible to obtain many law crystals.

After all, a high-grade law spar is not a sixth-order low-grade law spar.

Thirty million sixth-order top-grade law crystals.

It is equivalent to 3 billion sixth-order low-grade law crystals!

Unless he can find the law spar vein.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to get so many law crystals.

After all, this is just a sixth-order inferior world.

Moreover, the world of the sixth-order lower-rank is not as rich as the world of the sixth-rank upper-rank.

If the sixth-level low-rank world is really rich.

Then the master of the sixth-rank low-rank world, the strength will not be like this.

The master of the sixth-rank low-rank world basically has three cultivated land resources in one scene.

It is estimated that they have almost been searched by them!

Therefore, the real rich are actually these landlords.

But if Wang Mang really wants to fight the Lord Xuanming.

Unless he can kill the opponent, otherwise, don't think about getting many resources.

In addition, if someone can't beat him, it's impossible to just stand and let him beat him!

Therefore, Wang Mang's threatening approach was actually the most correct choice!

"Boy! Not bad! Very smart!"

"In this way, it saves trouble and can grow rapidly."

"The only regret is that if you don't fight, how can I absorb the strong master?"

At this time, the old man in the bloody coffin above Wang Mang's head couldn't help but sneered.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately ignored this guy, and of course he would attack someone who was weak.

With an existence of the same level, Wang Mang also wanted to make a move.

After all, Wang Mang also knew.

Killing the strong at the same level will maximize the harvest.

But the problem is, the powerhouses of the same level are really not so easy to kill!

Especially the master of one side of the world, Wang Mang is really not completely sure.

This is not comparable to the Master of the Ten Thousand Emperors.

The Wanhuang Juggernaut can at most be regarded as a strong Juggernaut.

However, he has not yet qualified to become a landlord.

Therefore, Wang Mang didn't think that he could easily suppress a strong Juggernaut of the same level by killing a Juggernaut of the Ten Thousand Emperors.

At this time, the blood coffin also slowly opened the mouth and said:

"In addition, Lord Coffin would like to remind you that the strong rulers of landlords are often stronger than ordinary rulers at the same level."

"This is a recognized fact. Some masters who rule the world of the strong have endless means."

"Compared to casual cultivators and masters, those who are masters of the world should be more careful."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded happily and said, "Don't worry, I know it well."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang continued to wander in the universe of the three-ringed heavens, looking for a new sixth-order low-grade world.

Wang Mang was not kept waiting for a long time, after half a day passed.

Wang Mang encountered a sixth-level low-grade world again.

Don't ask why Wang Mang can distinguish between the sixth-level low-level world, the sixth-level middle-level world, and the sixth-level high-level world.

There are three levels of the sixth-order world, and the size of the world at each level is completely inconsistent.

As long as Wang Mang is not blind, he can see it.

If we say that the sixth-level low-grade world has an area unit of 1.

Then the sixth-order middle-grade world, the area unit is 10.

The area unit of the sixth-order top-grade world is 100.

The sixth-order top world is 1000.

It is worth mentioning that.

The area unit of this sixth-order inferior world.

It is about six times that of the normal low-rank world.

This made Wang Mang a little hesitant.

Because, the bigger the world of the sixth-level low-rank, it proves that the opponent's strength is stronger.

But after a moment of contemplation, Wang Mang blasted open the world barrier and plunged into it.

If even the sixth-order low-grade world makes him hesitate.

How else could he get rich?

How else can he benefit?

But Wang Mang dared to enter this world.

He immediately felt two tyrannical dominating auras.

The next moment, two figures appeared in front of Wang Mang, blocking him.

These two figures are two old men, they look like twin brothers, they look exactly alike!

Other than that, the only thing that distinguishes the two is that one of the two old men is wearing a black robe and the other is wearing a white robe.

At the same time, at this moment, the Ice God Master and the Fire God Master are also looking at Wang Mang, their eyes are full of coldness.

After all, Wang Mang's own strength is not weak, and now coming to their territory, there must be no good things.

There is no doubt about this!

Therefore, at the moment when Wang Mang appeared.

They noticed it and came out to intercept Wang Mang.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you do when you come to the World of Ice and Fire?"

"We don't remember what kind of friendship fellow Daoist has with us!"

All of a sudden, the Lord of Fire and the Lord of Ice asked coldly.

At this moment, Wang Mang really felt at a loss what to do.

He really didn't expect that there would be two strong masters in this sixth-level low-rank world.

Moreover, there are still two strong mid-term masters!

This made Wang Mang not know how to speak!

After all, there are two rulers of the Four Heavens here!

Is he still threatening directly like last time?

I'm afraid they won't be pressed and beaten by the two together!

Unless he uses Tier 6 top-rank Divine Armament and Divine Armor.

Otherwise, in a one-on-two situation, Wang Mang has no chance of winning.

But once he casts the sixth-level high-grade divine weapon and divine armor, there is a risk of exposure.

Unless he can kill these two guys with full confidence before the news leaks out.

In this case, Wang Mang will take out the magic weapon and the magic armor.

Otherwise, he would never do this, it would be too risky.

So, in this case.

It is impossible for Wang Mang to come up with the sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon and divine armor.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Mang squeezed out a smile, cupped his hands and said:

"The two fellow daoists misunderstood! This seat is just passing through here."

After hearing this, Lord Vulcan looked at Wang Mang with cold eyes and said:

"Fellow Daoist, do you think we are stupid and easy to deceive?"

At this time, the Ice God Lord at the side suddenly grinned grinningly:

"Brother, isn't this guy just a ready-made sacrifice?"

"Compared with our efforts to grab the offerings, it's easier to deliver the offerings to your door!"

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