I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1123 Repeat the old trick! Threat again! Successfully obtained 30 million law crystals again

Such a shameless request!

It's the first time they've heard it!

To be honest, they couldn't even find anyone more shameless than Wang Mang!

But when they thought that if they didn't give it to Wang Mang, the other party would stalk him to death, they also had a headache.

After all, they don't have time to spend with Wang Mang, once they miss the day of sacrifice.

They can only continue to wait for the next sacrifice day.

Moreover, if the Lord of Sacrifice is angered.

In the future, they will not be able to benefit from the Lord of Sacrifice.

Therefore, they didn't dare to delay any longer, and spent it with Wang Mang.

Therefore, they are also struggling now, whether they really want to take out the law spar to send Wang Mang away.

at the same time.

In Wang Mang's mind, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the appearance of the Lord of Sacrifice, seize the opportunity and make a deal with the Lord of Sacrifice! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 20 million rule points! Master level treasure chest X1! 】


[Task 2: Facing the appearance of the Lord of Sacrifice, seize the opportunity to trade with the Lord of Sacrifice and obtain a satisfactory sixth-level top-grade supernatural power! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 50 million rounds of containment! Dominant Blind Box X1! Master level treasure chest X1! 】


[Mission 3: Facing the appearance of the Lord of Sacrifice, seize the opportunity and successfully kill him! And live successfully and tenaciously! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission Reward: Free Evolution Chance X8! Dominant Blind Box X9! Master level treasure chest X9! 】


After the task issued by the Ting'an system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

What the hell is this mission?

What the hell is this Lord of Sacrifice?

Could it be the guy who killed him on Earth?

However, after Wang Mang thought about it for a while, he found it impossible.

The Lord of Sacrifice on Earth in the past.

Just a sacrificial fragment.

Moreover, it was finally absorbed by the system.

But the task issued by the system now does encourage him to kill the Lord of Sacrifice.

Even, the rewards given to him were very generous, but Wang Mang was not fascinated by the system rewards.

After all, such a high reward proves that the task is very difficult.

Because of this, Wang Mang ruled out the third task almost without hesitation.

The rewards are indeed very rich, even outrageously rich.

But the problem is that the more rewarding the task, the more dangerous it is.

Tasks like this that release terrifying rewards are basically no different from sending them to death.

As for the first task and the second task, Wang Mang also didn't have to worry about it.

Now that he has traded with the other party, Wang Mang will definitely choose to trade with something that best suits his needs and interests.

At this point, Wang Mang said silently in his heart without hesitation: "System! I choose the second task!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After listening to the system's voice, Wang Mang looked calm and stared at the two with his hands behind his back.

After seeing Wang Mang strolling in the courtyard.

The faces of the Fire God Master and the Ice God Master were even uglier.

Finally, after a long silence, the master of Vulcan said with a gloomy face:

"After giving it to you, you will leave the world of ice and fire?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled and nodded, "Of course!"

"Otherwise, I have time to spend with the two of you."

"If you dare to leave the world, I will dare to sink your world!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of Vulcan said with a gloomy expression:

"Here! Get out of here!"

While speaking, Lord Vulcan took out a storage ring from it and threw it at Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang immediately searched him and picked it up.

After some testing, Wang Mang's eyes lit up even more.

There are indeed 30 million law crystals in it!

This somewhat surprised Wang Mang.

He wasn't really prepared to consume the opponent.

These words are just to scare the other party.

If it doesn't work, Wang Mang will definitely leave.

After all, there is no benefit here, he can go to other places to get it.

But now he actually got it, which was beyond Wang Mang's expectation.

However, even after putting away the law spar, Wang Mang still had no intention of leaving.

This also made the Fire God Master and the Ice God Master frowned, looked at Wang Mang with unkind eyes, and asked:

"The law spar has been given to you, why do you still stay in this world?"

"Could it be that dignified rulers don't even want face when they turn back on their promises?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly smiled and said: "The two fellow Taoists have misunderstood."

"I just want to know, who do you want to sacrifice this seat to?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the expressions of the two rulers changed greatly.

The two looked at Wang Mang warily, and said coldly:

"That's not what Fellow Daoists need to know."

"Also fellow daoists, don't try to ask."

"We will never tell you."

After hearing this, Wang Mang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then said:

"In this case, the two fellow Taoists, I will bid farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang left the world of ice and fire under the cold eyes of the two.

However, Wang Mang just left the sight of the two of them, and did not leave anywhere else.

At this moment, Wang Mang was waiting quietly outside the universe.

He knew that these two guys would definitely leave the world.

At that time, he will follow closely behind.

Because, once Wang Mang wants to complete the task.

He had to follow the two to find the Lord of Sacrifice.

Moreover, judging by the attitude of these two guys submitting to him.

It won't be long before they go to the Lord of Sacrifice!

as expected.

Wang Mang was not made to wait too long.

Wang Mang saw it, the Lord of Fire and the Lord of Ice rushed out of the world of ice and fire.

Afterwards, the two of them did not know what method they used, and they actually disappeared the huge world of ice and fire out of thin air.

Although surprised by the means of the two, Wang Mang did not act rashly.

He turned into a star worm that is common in the three-ringed universe, and quietly followed behind the two of them with restrained breath.

But what made Wang Mang speechless was that these two guys were not good people, and they actually wandered around the universe of the three-ringed heavens.

It feels like Wang Mang is almost certain, and these two guys may also be preparing to go to other worlds to rob houses!

as expected.

Soon, Wang Mang saw that these two guys had entered a sixth-order low-grade world.

Wait until Wang Mang follows and enters.

Wang Mang saw it, and these two guys directly fought with the master of the sixth-rank low-rank world!

Not only that, the two of them also relied on their numbers to besiege the Lord of the sixth-rank low-rank world!

This also made the Lord of the sixth-rank low-rank world instantly suppressed by the two, which can be said to be an obvious defeat!

Even, under the joint siege of the two, this sixth-rank low-rank world master quickly became dangerous.

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