I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1152: The Desperate Mythical Master! In the realm of the same level, the strength is absolut

Sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

Moreover, there are still two!

Although they are rulers of the seventh heaven.

But the problem is, they don't have a sixth-tier high-grade magic weapon at all.

However, Wang Mang has two of them!

At this moment they finally knew.

Where is Wang Mang's confidence?

It turned out to be these two sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons!

No wonder he has no fear of them, and seals the barrier as soon as he comes up!

This is obviously to attack them all in one network!

Thinking of this, the faces of the three gods and illusion masters were all ugly.

But their eyes were full of greed.

Two sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons, who can control themselves not to be greedy?

Once you have two sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons.

Their combat power easily crushes existences of the same level!

If it were them, even if there were three or five beings of the same level, they would still have the confidence to win!

At this time, the master of fantasy stared at Wang Mang with red eyes, and said in a gloomy tone:

"So this is your confidence! No wonder you are so confident in us!"

"However, I would like to see how you can suppress and kill us with two sixth-level high-grade divine weapons!"

Hearing this, the ruler of the evil god sneered and said, "Brother, you are just worrying blindly."

"I don't believe it, just relying on his set of sixth-level high-grade divine weapons and divine armor, he wants to kill us easily."

"Besides, once we succeed in suppressing him, isn't the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon in his hand ours?"

Speaking of this, the ruler of the evil god was full of greed.

Similarly, what he said is also true, once Wang Mang is dead.

Wouldn't all these sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons belong to them?

Similarly, the words of the two also stimulated the cautious Longevity Ruler.

After all, he also wants to have a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

The best thing is to have a set of the best!

However, he was not as optimistic as the two of them, and Wang Mang was determined.

Because, he was always paying attention to Wang Mang's expression, even at this moment.

He also saw absolute confidence on Wang Mang's face!

Therefore, he was not easily blinded by greed!

After hearing what the two said, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

Not only that, in order to stimulate them, Wang Mang smiled lightly and said:

"Actually, I still have a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon, that is, three sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons."

"It's just that it's really useless! If you can kill me, these are all yours."

After hearing Wang Mang's relaxed laughter, no matter whether it was the master of magic illusion or the master of evil gods, they all became jealous.


Originally, Wang Mang only had two sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons.

But in the end, there are three fucking negativity!

This is really too much to use!

But what about them?

Not even a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

Thinking about it this way, the three of them felt sad and bitter, and they were even more envious and jealous.

Even the Lord of Mythology has red eyes full of greed.

He found that if he could suppress and kill Wang Mang this time.

He can soar in strength and make up for his background.

Even, raise your own world to the sixth-order top-grade world level!

Once that time comes, he will be the master of a sixth-order top-rank world!

Thinking of this, even though he was afraid of Wang Mang, his greed could not be stopped.

Because, the benefits gained from killing Wang Mang are too great!

Who the hell can bear this!

Must fuck him!

not only.

The Lord of Myths and Illusions even sent a voice transmission to the Lord of Longevity: "Fellow Daoist, don't sell me later!"

"Although this kid also possesses a sixth-level high-grade divine weapon, the three of us have used all our means, so it's not like we don't have a chance."

"Once we kill this kid, we will be able to get a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon. This risk is worth a try."

After hearing the words of the master of magic and fantasy, the master of longevity responded vowedly through the sound transmission:

"Don't worry! This old man is not such a person!"

"Also, you are right, although it is risky, it is worth a try!"

Of course, although the Master of Longevity responded in this way, he didn't have such thoughts in his heart at all.

Once there is danger, no matter how good the relationship is, he will put his own safety first.

The next moment, Wang Mang looked at it, and the three of them, who were about to move, shot at him one after another.

Giant palms of one after another suddenly swept over.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, Wang Mang didn't care about it, and rushed forward with a big halberd in his hand.

bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, countless giant palms of laws slammed on Wang Mang's body and the eucalyptus.

As for the giant palm of law blasting at Wang Mang's head, Wang Mang just avoided it a little.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have to dodge.

Because, a layer of protective cover condensed by the water god armor is enough to resist it.

But Wang Mang will not try with his head easily, so he will still dodge the attack that should be dodged!

Soon, Wang Mang, who was bullying himself, slashed at the master of fantasy with a big halberd in his hand!

Seeing this scene, the miraculous ruler was so frightened that his scalp went numb, and he hurriedly retreated.

Because, once Wang Mang gets close to him, he has no power to resist at all!

But what frightened the master of fantasy even more was that Wang Mang was chasing him to chop with a halberd in his hand.

This simply made the Lord of Myths and Illusions powerless to fight back, so he could only flee in embarrassment!

Because, once he slowed down a little, he would be approached by Wang Mang and might be chopped off!

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Longevity and the Lord of Evil God were helpless!

Once they continue to use the giant palm bombardment of the law!

Then their attack is very likely to attack the master of fantasy!

Once their attack hits the master of the gods, if they are a little careless.

The master of magic and fantasy may be on the spot to drink hatred under Wang Mang's halberd!

This also makes the master of fantasy very aggrieved!

Why do you keep chasing him down?

Could it be that he is easy to bully?

Thinking of this, the imaginary ruler with an anxious and angry face turned around and flew towards the two of them.

Seeing this scene, the ruler of the evil god was stunned for a moment, but the expression of the ruler of longevity changed drastically, and he immediately blasted out giant palms of laws with all his strength.

If the master of fantasy continues to fly towards them, then he will be hit by the giant palms of these laws!

This also made the master of fantasy furious, but he immediately changed his direction, avoiding these methods, and then the giant palm.

Because, once he got the trick, he was likely to be killed by Wang Mang who was chasing him on the spot!

However, despite avoiding the attack of this wave of giant palms of law, the master of illusion was still very angry.

Because, the Master of Longevity actually attacked him!

Such a move was obviously the Master of Longevity telling him not to try to get close to him!

Obviously, the so-called cooperation between them was broken in this instant!

In desperation, the master of fantasy escaped from Wang Mang's pursuit, and at the same time said furiously:

"Can't you just watch the show like this? Do you really have to wait until this seat is dead before making a move?"

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