I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1154 Wang Mang, after his strength has inflated, is a little drifting! Not even giving face

This also led to the master of fantasy and the master of evil gods.

The last stubbornness in their hearts completely disappeared.

They looked at Wang Mang with despair on their faces, their eyes filled with bitterness.

Even, they no longer have the idea of ​​​​resisting.

Mainly, they really have nothing to do!

Otherwise, how could the ruler be slaughtered by others?

But at this moment.

The magical ruler seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes lit up immediately, and then he couldn't help but probed:

"Senior, can you let us go for the sake of the Lord of the Eternal World?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was in a bad mood, said coldly, "The Lord of the Great World? Who is it?"

"Also, why does this seat want to let you go for the sake of others?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the master of fantasy was instantly stunned.

Doesn't Wang Mang know about the Eternal World?

Thinking of this, the master of fantasy quickly explained:

"Senior, you don't know something! There are three top-level worlds in the four directions of the Three Rings and All Heavens Universe."

"In the eastern part of the Third Ring Road, the three top-level worlds are: Nine Great Worlds! Shenwu Great World! Tianzu Great World!"

"In the south of the third ring, the three top-level worlds are: Manggu Great World! Eternal Mark Great World! Sword Ancestor Great World!"

"West of the third ring: three top-level worlds, namely: Yunding World, Eternal World, and Gods World!"

"North of the third ring: three top-level worlds, namely: the Great Arctic World, the Great World of Gods and Demons, and the Great World of Ancient Demons!"

"The master of mysteries and illusions, the junior, happens to be the favorite student of the Lord of the Eternal Great World. Please, for the sake of the younger generation, please let the younger generation go!"

While speaking, he already had an extra space-time communication stone in his hand, and the previous words were passed on without reservation.

As for why he sent the news, of course it was to tell his master that he was dead.

Although, he also knew that it was unlikely that his master would avenge him.

However, if he can cause trouble to Wang Mang, of course he doesn't mind.

Moreover, once Wang Mang kills him, he naturally doesn't want Wang Mang to have a better life!

Thinking of this, the master of fantasy couldn't help asking tentatively again:

"Senior, you are the master of the eighth heaven, and you also have three sixth-rank high-grade weapons, so you won't make things difficult for this junior, right?"

Undoubtedly, his words were also transmitted through the space-time communication stone.

Similarly, these methods were also seen by Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang didn't care at all.

He now dominates the combat power of the eighth heaven!

Once ransacked these two guys.

And after the magical world, he is not far away from impacting the battle power of the Nine Heavens.

what does that mean?

Means his combat power.

It is about to reach the ceiling of the three-ring universe!

At that time, who else does he need to be afraid of?

He doesn't need to be afraid of anyone!

Moreover, Wang Mang believes that as long as his strength is spread.

The only one who dares to hit his attention is the ruler of the Nine Heavens!

But how many strong people can dominate the Nine Heavens?

Very few, right?

As for dominating the Eight Heavens?

Does Wang Mang need to be afraid?

Come and deliver food to him!

It will only add to his background!

This is also the reason why Wang Mang is confident.

Therefore, in the face of the questioning of the master of fantasy.

Wang Mang was not afraid, and said indifferently:

"Do you think that this seat will be afraid if you send the news of this seat to the communication communication of the ruler of the third ring?"

"This seat is about to hit the Nine Heavens' combat power in a few days, do you think these little tricks of yours are useful to this seat?"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang had his hands behind his back, his face full of confidence.

I have to say, this feeling of dressing up is really cool.

In the past, his strength was weak, so he was completely unqualified to pretend.

But now that he is stronger, of course he doesn't mind pretending to be better.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Mirage Lord's face turned even paler.

Although his conversation with Wang Mang has already spread.

But he also knew that he wanted to rely on his master's face to save his own life.

It's really unlikely.

A super strong man who is about to attack and dominate the Nine Heavens.

Even in the face of the top Great World Master.

Although there is still a very large gap.

But it is also strong enough.

The next moment, Wang Mang made an instant move.

Under the terrified eyes of the two.

Wang Mang rushed out with a halberd in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the desperate master of fantasy held the time-space communication stone tightly and cried out in despair:

"Master, you must avenge your disciple!"

The next moment, the master of fantasy couldn't call out.

Because, his head was instantly pierced by Wang Mang's halberd, and it exploded into blood mist.

At the same time, the terrified evil god ruler was about to get out and retreat.

As a result, he hadn't reacted yet.

Wang Mang slashed away with a big halberd with his backhand.

His head was also completely chopped off!

So far, two rulers of the Seventh Heaven exist!

All fell on the spot!

They didn't even last a stick of incense!

Because, this is the gap in strength!

How big is the difference between dominating the seventh heaven and dominating the eighth heaven?

The physical body is ten times different!

The law is ten times different!

The speed difference is ten times!

Ten times the gap in all directions!

What's more, Wang Mang also possessed the sixth-rank top-grade magic weapon and the sixth-rank top-grade god armor.

Therefore, it is a breeze to kill weak opponents.

The next moment, the blood coffin flew out of Wang Mang's head and began to clean up the battlefield.

In just a few cups of tea, the corpses of the two were completely swallowed by the blood coffin!

Similarly, Wang Mang also obtained two storage rings.

The only thing that makes Wang Mang feel that there is a fly in the ointment is that.

Escaped from a long-lived ruler.

But that's okay.

Aren't there still a few masters in this world?

Killing to make up the number should be able to make up for the loss!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's mood became better.

The next moment, Wang Mang raised his hand, and blasted out several giant palms of laws.


Accompanied by a shocking loud noise!

The half-meter rule enchantment once arranged by Wang Mang.

In just a moment, it was completely shattered.

When the law enchantment is broken.

Wang Mang swept through the magical world with his spiritual sense.

But after sweeping the magical world, Wang Mang was instantly stunned.

Because, in the fantasy world.

It has long been gone, the breath of dominating the strong.

In other words, these masters have already run away!

After all, these rulers are not fools.

They can't wait for the battle to end before evacuating!

This is irresponsible for your own life, right?

Therefore, when Wang Mang was setting up the enchantment.

These masters have long since fled.

Now I don't know where I have fled.

After all, there is no fool who can become a master!

Because of this, after discovering this situation.

Wang Mang's face also darkened.

Afterwards, with a gloomy face, Wang Mang took away the world seed and source of the magical world.

After doing all this, Wang Mang left the fantasy world unhappily.

Afterwards, he continued on his way to the Nine Great Worlds.

And, in the process of flying in the universe and rushing.

Wang Mang also took out two storage rings.

Prepare to count the harvest this time.

But after checking the storage ring of the master of fantasy.

Wang Mang's originally gloomy face suddenly burst into a smile.

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