I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1157 Master of Kamikaze: Disciple, why don't you leave first for the teacher? You are o

If he has the sixth-order top-grade supernatural power, and it belongs to the combat-type supernatural power.

He doesn't need to be afraid at all, even if the opponent has a sixth-level high-grade magic weapon, he will still be suppressed by him!

Even if two people join forces, they will have to pay a heavy price if they want to kill him!

This is because the sixth-level top-grade combat supernatural power means having the capital to leapfrog the battle.

Similarly, with the supernatural power of the sixth-level top-grade speed, his speed can rival that of the ruler Jiuzhongtian!

This is also one of the reasons why he has not been killed by these two old things until now!

However, these days, he has been too aggrieved.

Moreover, if Wang Mang did not appear.

Sooner or later, he will die in the hands of these two old guys.

There is no doubt about this.

He can procrastinate for a while.

But it's impossible to keep procrastinating.

The so-called long guard will lose, the same reason.

Even if he can run again, as long as he can't leave the barrier, he will be caught in a urn!

Just then.


A violent explosion sounded!

I saw that the law barrier instantly exploded a hole.

Wang Mang also got into the enchantment instantly.

Seeing this scene, the master who was in charge of blessing the barrier was slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, he raised his hand with a cold face and continued to bless the barrier.

At the same time, he looked at Wang Mang with a serious expression.

After all, he could feel that Wang Mang felt very threatening to him.

Moreover, Wang Mang also has a set of sixth-rank high-grade magic weapons, which is definitely not easy to deal with.

Therefore, after the old man arranged the barrier, he stopped continuing to arrange the barrier.

There was no other reason, and they did not have full confidence in being able to suppress and kill Wang Mang under their joint efforts.

Therefore, the enchantment that is arranged is too thick, and it is not a good thing for them.

Once the enchantment is arranged too thickly.

Just don't leave yourself a way out!

at the same time.

Another old man who ruled Yachongtian, who was doing it, also stopped chasing and killing the master of kamikaze.

Then, holding a long sword in his hand, the ruler came to the side of the star god ruler, and stared at Wang Mang intently.

Seeing this scene, Master Kamikaze immediately looked like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Afterwards, he immediately came to Wang Mang's side, looking at the two old guys warily.

Similarly, Master Kamikaze was extremely shocked by the speed at which Wang Mang's strength improved.

How long has it been?

Wang Mang, who still needed his help in the past.

Now it has grown to this point!

This simply made the Kamikaze Master speechless in shock.

If it weren't for the current crisis.

He definitely wanted to have a good chat with Wang Mang.

How did his apprentice do it!

After all, it's only been less than a year, right?

Wang Mang's strength has skyrocketed to the level of dominating the eight heavens!

What makes Kamikaze more dominant and envious and jealous is crazy.

As a master, he doesn't even have a sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon.

But as his apprentice, he has two sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons.

at the same time.

Star God Master and Yang God Master were looking at each other with Wang Mang's eyes.

To be honest, Wang Mang must be a little ready to move.

Because, once he successfully suppressed and killed these two old things.

Then, he will be able to gather five sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons.

At that time, he will be able to cultivate the sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers and the body of training soldiers.

Once he succeeds in cultivation, his physical body will be comparable to a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

At that time, Wang Mang will not be afraid at all even if he is the ruler of Jiuchongtian.

However, Wang Mang is not confident that he can win these two old guys.

These two old guys gave him a very strong sense of threat.

Moreover, both of them are sixth-tier high-grade attacking magic weapons.

Wang Mang really didn't dare to say that he would be able to eat them.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang did not act rashly.

Similarly, it doesn't matter whether it is the star god or the sun god.

The reason why they didn't do anything was also because they couldn't handle Wang Mang.

Moreover, there was no way for them to join forces to deal with Wang Mang together.

After all, there is still an unsightly Kamikaze Master here.

Maybe the Kamikaze Master is not their opponent, but it is still possible to hold one of them.

Therefore, they did not act rashly, nor did they have full confidence to take down Wang Mang.

Otherwise, Wang Mang's two sixth-rank high-grade magic weapons would be enough for them to kill.

After a long time, the Lord of the Sun God, who was wearing a robe of scorching sun, said with a smile on his face:

"Old man Yang God, this is my friend Star God, I don't know how you call it?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang also said with a smile on his face, "This seat devours the master."

At this moment, Master Kamikaze said angrily, "Disciples, why are you talking nonsense to them?"

"These two old bastards dare to fight against the teacher and kill them!"

Hearing this, Yang God and Star God all smiled, completely ignoring the words of Master Kamikaze.

The smiles of the two completely angered Master Kamikaze, and he couldn't help cursing on the spot:

"You two bastards! Insidious and shameless villains, how can you still smile?"

"If my apprentice hadn't arrived, I'm afraid the old man would have died in your hands."

"You didn't even intend to help the old man match the Moon God, did you?"

Speaking of this, the master of kamikaze was very furious.

Because of these two old things, he agreed to match him.

That's why he let down his guard, and was finally set up by the two of them.

If Wang Mang hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid he would have died at the hands of these two old men in a short time.

Hearing this, the Yang God Master sneered and said, "Just because you are an old bastard, you are worthy of being the Moon God Master?"

"Who made you stupid? No one else was caught, but you, an idiot."

"I really don't know you idiot, how can He De find such an apprentice?"

"I still need your apprentice to save you. If I were you, I would have no face to live!"

After hearing the ridicule from the Yang God Juggernaut, the Kamikaze Juggernaut's face flushed red and he trembled all over.

But he didn't know how to refute, he just looked at the Yang God Master with fierce resentment in his eyes, and roared angrily:

"Disciple, hurry up! Come on! Kill him for the teacher! The teacher wants them two old bastards to die!"

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched suddenly.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but ask via voice transmission:

"Master, can you hold one?"

"If you can hold one."

"I'll help you after I kill the other one."

After hearing Wang Mang's voice transmission, Master Kamikaze was stunned.

Afterwards, his face became a little unnatural, and he hesitated to speak.

If it's a comparison of speed and escape, he is very confident and doesn't have many opponents.

But if it's a fight, he really doesn't have much confidence.

In the existence of the same level, the gap is also very large.

Combat experience, etc., even if he has lived for a long time.

But because of fear of death, basically fighting is avoided if possible.

Therefore, his combat experience is basically at the bottom of the same level.

But there are not many masters at the same level as the masters, so take him seriously.

In desperation, Master Kamikaze rolled his eyes and immediately said via voice transmission:

"Disciple, why don't you leave the barrier first for the teacher!"

"I believe in you as a teacher, and I can fight against two with one!"

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