I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1175 It's the 600 million sixth-order law spar! But I never said that it is a sixth-ord

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The old man's expression finally changed.

Afterwards, he looked at Wang Mang with a smile, and said with a light smile:

"Senior, if this junior speaks out the information, what good will it do?"

"If the benefits are sufficient, the junior must know everything and say everything."

"Coincidentally, this junior just happened to know the location of a sixth-order middle-grade world."

Having said that, the old man kept silent and looked at Wang Mang.

What does this mean.

Of course Wang Mang understood.

Obviously, if you don't see a rabbit, you don't scatter an eagle!

Thinking of this, after Wang Mang pondered for a moment, Wang Mang slowly opened his mouth and said:

"How about it! If you can provide me with an information location of the sixth-order middle-grade world."

"As long as I gain something, how about I give you 50 million law crystals?"

After speaking, Wang Mang looked at the old man.

Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head and said:

"Senior, 50 million is not enough."

"If it's just this benefit, the younger generation can't do anything."

After hearing these words, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes immediately, full of displeasure.

This old thing is really greedy!

But Wang Mang still held back his anger, looked at the old man expressionlessly, and asked:

"Which Taoist friend, how much do you want, tell me the number."

"As long as I can accept it, I will promise you."

Hearing this, the old man grinned and said:

"Seniors, juniors don't want too much, just 200 million."

Hearing this, Wang Mang sneered in his heart.

This dog thing is really greedy.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang slowly shook his head and said:

"It's expensive, one hundred million! What if the seat doesn't get anything?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old man pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay! Let's say 100 million! Do you want to know now, senior?"

"Only when the seniors make the great oath, the juniors will tell the seniors the information."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately waved his hands and said:

"Fellow Daoist, you can go and wait for news from me."

"When I wait to collect more information about a few worlds, I will set off naturally."

"Don't worry, what I promise you will naturally be without you."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old ruler nodded.

Afterwards, Wang Mangyang easily broke the barrier with his hands, and the old man also left.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said slowly to the old man Jie Wang at the door: "Go and invite the next master."

Hearing this, the old man Wang respectfully nodded and said, "Good senior."

After finishing speaking, the old man King of the Realm set off immediately.

After a few sticks of incense.

An old man who ruled the sixth heaven appeared in Wang Mang's inn.

After setting up the enchantment, the two began to talk.

But after a few words of conversation, the two parties broke up unhappy.

There is no other reason, this guy's appetite is too big.

A sixth-order top-grade world wants half of the harvest.

How could Wang Mang agree?

Therefore, Wang Mang refused without hesitation.

In this way, Wang Mang negotiated with more than a dozen masters.

Among them, there are only two masters who have actually negotiated, one is a sixth-order high-grade world, and the other is a sixth-order middle-grade world.

The rest are either asking a very high price, or directly asking for half of the harvest, each of which is darker than the other.

After another half day passed.

Basically in the huge Juggernaut Inn.

Most of the masters who wanted to talk to Wang Mang basically talked to each other.

In the end, Wang Mang successfully talked about the three worlds.

Two sixth-tier middle-tier worlds, and one sixth-tier top-tier world.

Knowing the ruler of the world information of the sixth-order top-grade world, the asking price is 400 million.

The two masters who know the world information of the sixth-order middle class, the lottery is all 100 million.

After talking about this, Wang Mang invited all three of them to his room.

Afterwards, in front of the three rulers, Wang Mang directly swore the Dao Oath.

Then, Wang Mang also successfully learned from the three people the information and locations of the three sixth-order worlds.

After getting the information and location, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, then smiled at the three of them and said:

"Okay, this seat will give you the law spar, you come with this seat!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang lifted the barrier of space with his hand.

Seeing this scene, the three masters looked at Wang Mang with great joy, waiting for Wang Mang to give the law spar.

Seeing this, Wang Mang smiled slightly and said, "Little guy, give them the 600 million low-grade law crystals."

Hearing this, the old slave of the king of the world was stunned for a moment, and then quickly took out six hundred million sixth-order low-grade law crystals from the storage ring, and handed the storage ring to Wang Mang.

After Wang Mang took over the storage ring, he immediately divided up the law spar among the three people on the spot, and then said with a smile, "Okay! Three fellow daoists, we both cleared up."

After hearing these words, the faces of the three rulers became stiff and ugly.

They looked at Wang Mang angrily, and said with ugly faces:

"Senior, what do you mean?"

"That's right, what we agreed on is the sixth-order high-grade law spar, not the sixth-order low-grade law spar."

"Senior, the dignified ruler of the Nine Heavens peak powerhouse, do you want to play tricks on even hundreds of millions of law crystals?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly looked blank and said:

"Three friends, what does this mean?"

"We don't seem to have mentioned the sixth-order high-grade law spar?"

"When I made the oath of Dao, I just said the 600 million law spar?"

"Sixty million low-grade law spars are also law spars."

"Sixty million top-grade law spars are also law spars."

"So, I gave you 600 million low-grade law crystals, it seems to be no problem, right?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the faces of the three were completely distorted and became angry.

If eyes could kill, Wang Mang would have died many times.

However, Wang Mang didn't care about the angry eyes of the three, and smiled indifferently:

"Go away! Don't bother me."

"I will give you what should be given to you."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three masters gritted their teeth in anger, their faces livid:

"Senior, even if you are the peak powerhouse who dominates the Nine Heavens, you can't deceive us like this?"

"That's right! Senior, you are not short of this sixth-order high-grade law spar, are you?"

"Senior, you are completely teasing us! Are you playing us like monkeys?"

Seeing the three people's distraught looks, Wang Mang's expression was indifferent, full of playfulness:

"This seat is just playing you like monkeys, what can you do with this seat?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three masters trembled with anger.

In the end, the three of them threw down the law crystals angrily and left angrily.

As for falling out with Wang Mang on the spot.

Or what about Wang Mang.

It's just not possible, is it?

They couldn't beat Wang Mang at all.

Now being teased by Wang Mang, even though he is extremely angry and even hates Wang Mang.

But there was still nothing he could do, he couldn't fight Wang Mang on the spot!

This is simply unrealistic, and they can't beat Wang Mang either.

If it wasn't in Jiuji City, Wang Mang might even have killed them.

If you want to blame, you can only blame it, when Wang Mang made the oath of Dao Dao.

All three of them were careless.

After the three of them left angrily.

Only then did Wang Mang laugh disdainfully.

Just these three idiots still want to get 600 million law crystals from him?

It's just daydreaming!

Wang Mang had no intention of giving it at all!

Now all three world information locations are in hand.

Wang Mang was also in a good mood, and nodded to the old man Wang with a smile:

"Take back the law spar."

"There is no law spar on this seat."

"Next time I meet you, I'm rewarding you with something."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old man said in panic:

"Senior, you are being polite. It is the junior's blessing to be able to support the senior."

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled slightly, nodded in satisfaction, got up and left the Zhuzhu Inn.

After Wang Mang left, the respectful smile on the old man Wang's face disappeared.

Even, his face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but cursed in his heart:

Pooh! I bother!


Give me something next time?

Still dominating the peak powerhouse?

I've never seen it so picky!

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