I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1184 Wang Mang: Senior, when this junior sees you, it feels like seeing a relative!

"How many divine soldiers do you want?"

"I'm very rich!"

"I have a lot of sixth-tier magic soldiers."

"There are still many sixth-order law crystals."

"And, a lot of things."

Speaking of the back, the giant with three heads and six arms smiled triumphantly.

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Afterwards, he resisted the thought of his lion opening his mouth.

He looked at the giant with three heads and six arms, and asked tentatively:

"Why don't you give me five sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons, plus five sixth-level top-grade divine weapons?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three-headed and six-armed giant hesitated for a while and began to count with his fingers:

"In this case, you owe me 105 pieces of sixth-level high-grade magic weapons, and 105 pieces of sixth-level high-grade top-level magic weapons."

"But you have to give me interest, you can't lend it to you for nothing."

"So, next time you come back, you have to return me 110 pieces of sixth-grade high-grade divine weapons, and 110 pieces of sixth-level top-grade divine weapons."

Speaking of which, the three-headed and six-armed giant looked at Wang Mang proudly and asked, "How about it, do you want to borrow it?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This guy really has so many magic weapons!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded repeatedly and said:

"Borrow it! Of course I borrowed it!"

"I promise to return it to you next time, 110 pieces of sixth-level top-grade magic weapons, and 110 pieces of top-grade top-level magic weapons!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three-headed and six-armed giant nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, he took out five sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons from a ring.

Then, from another ring, he took out 5 pieces of sixth-tier top-grade top-level divine weapons.

"No! Here you are, this is what you want to borrow."

"Remember to give it back to me next time, 110 pieces of sixth-level top-grade magic weapons, 110 pieces of sixth-level top-grade magic weapons!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was instantly elated.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, nodded quickly and said:

"Don't worry fellow daoist! I will definitely pay you back next time I come."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang rubbed his hands expectantly, and looked at the three-headed and six-armed giant.

Seeing this, the giant with three heads and six arms also handed over 10 magical weapons to Wang Mang.

Wang Mang immediately put away the 10 magic weapons with great excitement, and then promised to the three-headed and six-armed giant:

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I, Wang Mang, keep my word. As long as I gather all the magic soldiers, I will return to you as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the three-headed and six-armed giant nodded in satisfaction and waved his hands: "Go! I'll wait for your good news!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang left this barren land and flew towards the distance.

After confirming that the three-headed and six-armed giant did not catch up, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

If the ruler of the five gods knows.

Not only did Wang Mang not die, he also relied on a few words to resolve the crisis.

He even got more than a dozen sixth-tier magical weapons, so he might vomit blood madly with jealousy, right?

Because, Wang Mang didn't think of it himself!

It was so easy to get ten magic weapons.

Five sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons!

Five sixth-tier top-tier top-tier divine weapons!

This is not Chinese cabbage!

Even the Lord of the Great World would definitely not be able to take out so many things, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was a little afraid of these three-headed and six-armed giants.

Although this guy's head is not bright, his strength is undoubtedly strong.

Even Wang Mang suspects that this is definitely not his full strength.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to guard such a large treasure land!

In fact, what Wang Mang didn't know was that his guess was indeed right.

This giant with three heads and six arms is more powerful and terrifying than imagined.

at the same time.

Wang Mang also heard the voice of emotion from the blood coffin:

"You kid is lucky, which guy really has impaired intelligence."

"Otherwise, don't tell me you're lying to other people's magic weapons, you kid, whether you can live or not is a bit of a mystery."

After hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in agreement.

Because what the blood coffin said was indeed true.

If it wasn't for this guy's IQ problem.

Wang Mang felt that it was unlikely that he would survive.

At this time, Wang Mang suddenly saw an endless desert.

This scene made Wang Mang startled again, and continued to fly.

He wanted to find a place to cultivate his body of soldiers to perfection.

But the problem is, this is an abyss canyon after all!

Naturally, Wang Mang didn't dare to find a place to retreat.

Otherwise, a sudden crisis would be the end of the calf.

Moreover, to be honest, Wang Mang has not seen the legendary Abyss Clan yet.

This made Wang Mang a little bit hit, but he was still searching hard.

Because, according to Wang Mang's intuition, this should not be the so-called abyss canyon.

In other words, he did not find the real abyss canyon!

Therefore, Wang Mang continued to search.


Just relying on his harvest this time.

Wang Mang already wanted to leave here.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days passed.

Wang Mang was flying in this desert.

also encountered a crisis.

A powerful poisonous scorpion lives in these deserts.

They often run out and attack him.

Even if Wang Mangzhen killed many times, it didn't have a deterrent effect.

On the contrary, he encountered the terrifying poisonous scorpion several times, chasing him and fleeing in embarrassment.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not dare to stay in this desert for a long time, and flew away from here at the fastest speed.

After leaving the desert, Wang Mang suddenly saw a cliff while flying.

The bottom of the cliff was pitch black, completely bottomless and endless.

Moreover, the area covered by this cliff is also very wide.

This also made Wang Mang stop subconsciously.

Wang Mang, with his hands behind his back, stood on the edge of the cliff.

Looking at the bottomless bottom, I couldn't help guessing:

"Could it be that the abyss canyon is below this?"

At this time, the voice of the blood coffin came again:

"Go down and try it out, Lord Coffin also thinks it should be here."

"The power of the law fluctuates here, stronger than anywhere else."

Hearing this, Wang Mang stopped talking nonsense immediately.

The next moment, Wang Mang jumped down without hesitation.

Accompanied by the continuous rapid fall.

Wang Mang found that the surroundings were getting darker and darker.

It has even reached the point where you can't see your fingers.

Of course.

This situation does not mean that Wang Mang is completely blind.

On the contrary, Wang Mang's spiritual consciousness was always observing the surrounding situation.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw it.

Below, a huge black and purple dragon with wings on its back, rushed towards him from the bottom up.

Moreover, this huge dragon also opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow him completely!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was startled.

Because, the aura of this giant dragon is very powerful!

According to Wang Mang's guess, the opponent has at least reached the level of the fourth level of the extreme realm!

Therefore, without hesitation, Wang Mang performed the Wind-Treading Immortal Tour, avoiding the opponent's bloody mouth.

But the next moment, the giant dragon that hadn't swallowed Wang Mang stopped suddenly.

He was coiled in the air, the aura of the law of darkness covered the sky and the sun, and his huge flesh wings were flapping.

At this moment, the huge dragon stared closely at Wang Mang with its blood-red eyes.

At the same time, this giant dragon with a huge body and an extremely powerful aura spoke out:

"Little guy! Why do you have the aura of our abyssal dragon clan on your body?"

"I can feel your blood, and it also comes from our abyss dragon family!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang rolled his eyes immediately, and said with a very excited look:

"Senior, junior don't know what's going on."

"But seeing the seniors, the juniors feel like seeing relatives!"

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