I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1192 Become the strongest abyss dragon clan? Large-scale costume than stage scene?

"Damn it! Come on! Abyss Han! Defeat him! Defeat this guy!"

"Abyss Han, you are the strongest arrogance of our Abyss Demon Dragon Clan, you can't lose!"

"Abyss cold, cheer up and defeat this abyss undead bastard!"

"Trash! It's useless! The abyss dragons have never stood up."

"Hehe, this is all within my expectation, the abyssal dragons will not be able to stand up."

"Hey! Although I belong to the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan, I am disappointed in the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan!"

"Come on! Demon Tower! Kill this Abyss Han!"

"Damn it! Are you from the abyssal dragon clan or the undead demon clan?"

"So what if I belong to the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan? Their young generation doesn't live up to it."

"Anyway, I just like the magic building, the magic building, you are the strongest!"

All of a sudden, the members of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan who were watching around the battle platform began to discuss.

However, all of them were not optimistic about Abyss Han.

Because, Abyss Han has been suppressed and beaten by the Demon Tower all the time.

Therefore, many girls from the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan directly shouted the slogan of letting Abyss Han lose.

So, in their view, they are losing anyway, so why fight? Wouldn't it be better to just give in and admit defeat?

at the same time.

Wang Mang also saw the situation on the battle platform.

Seeing the strongest genius of the abyssal dragon clan being ravaged by the rest of the geniuses, Wang Mang still felt very sour.

To be honest, he was worried that Shen Yuanhan was too powerful.

Now it seems that whether it is combat experience or strength, it is nothing more than that.

Even, after observing for a while, Wang Mang is confident that he can suppress this abyss cold!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood immediately, he folded his hands in front of him, and hid in the corner to watch the play.

Now he just needs to wait for the battle to end before he directly challenges this so-called magic building.

Because Wang Mang also has confidence in this magic building.

The opponent's combat experience may be considered mature, but the physical body is not as good as him, at most it is because the law is better than him.

Therefore, Wang Mang is still confident that he can take down this magic building directly.

At that time, he won't have to fight Abyss Han anymore, once he defeats this magic building.

He is the well-deserved strongest arrogance of the abyssal dragon clan!

After all, the eyes of the masses are discerning!

As for the rest of the extreme fourth level, Wang Mang did not have full confidence.

First of all, these guys didn't fight, and Wang Mang couldn't see their depth.

However, Wang Mang still has undefeated confidence in the face of the other Tianjiao of the fourth level of extreme realm.

Except for the young arrogance of the fifth heaven in the extreme realm.

It is absolutely impossible for Wang Mang to take down the other side.

Everything else posed no great threat to him.

at the same time.

There were also many Tianjiao who paid attention to Wang Mang.

Among them, the six Tianjiao of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan looked at Wang Mang with gloomy expressions.

Especially when they saw Wang Mang watching a play, they were even more angry.


Is this guy still a member of their abyssal dragon clan?

If so.

Why are you hiding these days?

Even if Wang Mang came out together to be beaten together with them.

They will also feel much better in their hearts!

But Wang Mang disappeared for more than a year.

Naturally, they had a lot of resentment towards Wang Mang.

Now Wang Mang still came out to watch the show.

It completely made them feel disgusted with Wang Mang.

Although they have accepted Wang Mang's existence from their hearts.

But Wang Mang's behavior made them look down upon him very much.

However, when they felt Wang Mang's strong sense of threat.

The six members of the Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan looked suspiciously.

Because Wang Mang's aura was too threatening to them.

Even the sense of threat that Bi Yuanhan gave them was only strong but not weak.

"What's the matter with this guy? Why is the breath so strong?"

"This breath, compared to the coldness of the abyss, is only stronger than weaker!"

Abyss Lie couldn't help frowning and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Concubine Abyss also nodded slowly and said:

"He should have broken through the realm!"

"But his aura is indeed the third level of the extreme realm."

"But he can give stronger pressure than the fourth heaven of the extreme realm. I think he has a lot of cards."

Hearing this, Abyss Yan couldn't help but turn livid and said:

"Since he has such strength, why didn't he come out earlier?"

"He didn't regard himself as a member of the abyss dragon at all."

"If you really regard yourself as a member, how can you watch us being bullied."

Hearing this, Shen Yuantai nodded helplessly and said:

"I don't know about him, but this guy's strength is stronger than ours. I'm afraid he doesn't take us seriously at all."

When the six people were discussing.

On the other side, the Abyss Immortal Demon Clan, the six young Tianjiao also talked one after another:

"This kid is obviously only in the third level of the extreme realm, but his sense of threat to us is not weaker than that of the Demon Tower."

"Is he the wild species who joined the abyss dragon family not long ago?"

"Wild species? They belong to the abyssal dragon family, don't say that."

"The wild species is the wild species, what is he to us?"

After hearing the discussions of these guys.

Wang Mang couldn't help frowning immediately.

Let's just talk about these dogs.

They even directly called him a bastard.

The key is to let these dogs scold him.

And he said it so blatantly!

This is simply not taking him seriously!

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help squinting his eyes.

At the same time, he also hated the Abyss Immortal Demon Clan in his heart.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang has already made a decision.

Later, he directly slapped them in the face severely.


These little bastards.

I simply didn't take Lao Tzu seriously!

Wang Mang thought viciously in his heart.

Just then.

Wang Mang suddenly heard a scream.

After looking up.

Wang Mang saw it.

At this moment, Shen Yuanhan was covered in blood, and his body fell on the barrier.

At the same time, the barrier on the battle platform also collapsed automatically.

Obviously, the meaning goes without saying, Abyss Han lost!

In the same realm, it was suppressed by this so-called magic building!

next moment.

The Demon Dragon Clan watching the battle shook their heads one after another.

At the same time, they couldn't help but mocked:

"It's really not as good as one generation! Shen Yuanhan has let me down so much!"

"I finally came to the battle platform to watch the battle, but this guy couldn't beat even the magic tower of the realm."

"The one who rides the horse is really useless. I will never come to watch the battle again. I am so disappointed."

"It's simply outrageous. I can understand that I can't beat the fifth level of the extreme realm. I lost even the realm!"

"Hey! The abyssal dragon family, it seems that they will have to rely on my grandson in the future!"

at the same time.

Amidst the discussions among the members of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan.

Abyss Han, who was deeply wounded, also buried his head involuntarily.

Similarly, the remaining six young masters of the abyssal dragon clan.

At this moment, they all lowered their heads in shame and remained silent.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but get excited.

Paralyzed, the pride of the abyss dragon has all been defeated!

Next, it's time, it's time for him to put on a show!

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