I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1196 Easily suppress the magic building! Deterrence of all the arrogance present! Get the ap

After recovering.

The devil's face was ugly, and his eyes became cloudy.

Because, once Wang Mang's strength reaches the extreme fourth level.

Then, the threat to them is probably too great!

Unless, he also cultivated his physical body to the sixth-level top-grade level.

Otherwise, their end will definitely not be any better than that of the Demon Tower.

Similarly, the faces of the other four Tianjiao who were in the same realm as the Demon Tower were also pale.

Their strength is either stronger than the magic building, or weaker than the magic building, the difference is not very big.

But Wang Mang made three punches and two kicks, and beat the magic building like this.

If they were fighting Wang Mang, it would probably be the same.

Because of this, their faces were a little pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

Wang Mang's strength has already exceeded their expectations, only the sixth-rank high-grade level of the physical body.

This is simply crushing too many Tianjiao, completely invulnerable, not afraid of their attacks.

Was Wang Mang beating him to kneel on the stage without seeing that the magic tower didn't even display its supernatural powers?

Because, in front of Wang Mang, their physical bodies are really like paper!

They couldn't imagine it, once it was a battle of life and death.

If this fist falls on their heads.

It is estimated that all of them will burp on the spot!

Thinking of this, all of them fell silent.

The silence this time was completely different from last time.

Obviously, they were overwhelmed by Wang Mang's strength.

at the same time.

On the fighting platform.

Wang Mang was in high spirits.

Enjoying the adoring eyes of everyone in the abyssal dragon family.

Wang Mang even had his hands behind his back, looked at the Demon Tower next to him indifferently, and couldn't help but mocked:

"Didn't you say that you want to beat me to my knees?"

"Why did you kneel down before I exerted my strength?"

"Is this your strength? It's really vulnerable!"

Hearing Wang Mang's ridicule, Mo Lou, whose face was as pale as snow, gritted his teeth angrily.

But he didn't refute, and kept his head down all the time, covering his wound and slowly got up and walked off the stage.

Under the unscrupulous ridicule of the members of the abyssal dragon clan, they left silently.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord, who had been silent for a long time, slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I take back what I said before."

"You are from the abyss dragon family."

"There is still a very good player."

After finishing speaking, amidst the mocking voices of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan.

The devil's face was gloomy, and he left the abyss dragon city with the rest of the arrogance.

After the Mojun and other arrogances left, the members of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan cheered one after another:

"Paralyzed, these bastards of the immortal demons will not provoke us in a short time."

"It's more than that, now that the Eighth Young Master is here, these bastards will never dare to find fault easily!"

"That's right! As long as the eighth young master breaks through again, at that time, even the fifth level of extreme state will be no problem, right?"

"Haha! After this time, the eighth young master will surely become famous. At that time, among the nine abyssal clans, who would dare to look down on our abyssal dragon clan?"

"The strongest arrogance of the abyssal dragon clan is our eighth young master without a doubt!"

The corners of Wang Mang's lips rose amidst the cheering and joyful discussions among the members of the Abyssal Demon Dragon.

At this moment, he is definitely what everyone expects, and immediately has an absolute status in the abyss dragon clan!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood, under the eyes of the members of the Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan.

Wang Mang even vowed: "Don't worry, everyone, as long as I, the Abyss King, are not dead."

"I will use my life to defend the glory of our abyssal dragon clan!"

"I will never let anyone dare to underestimate our abyssal dragon family!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the abyssal dragon clan looked at Wang Mang even more frantically.

Similarly, the seven young masters of the abyssal dragon clan not far away all had extremely complicated expressions at the moment.

But it is undeniable that this time it was indeed Wang Mang who defended the glory of the Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan.

If Wang Mang hadn't stepped forward at the critical moment, their abyssal dragon clan would have become a complete joke.

After all, even Abyss Han was defeated, which also means that none of the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan can fight at all.

Fortunately, in the end, Wang Mang finally turned the tide and defeated the Demon Tower with a thunderbolt, shocking all the arrogance of the Immortal Demon Clan.

At this point, they can be regarded as completely standing up!

Because, this year's Tianjiao of the Immortal Demon Race is very powerful!

Among the nine clans of the abyss, they can all be ranked in the top three!

There are three Tianjiao of the fifth heaven of the extreme realm alone!

The existence of Wang Mang also means that their abyssal dragon clan is no longer at the bottom.

Because, among the second-to-last Abyss Nine Clans, the strongest is only the Fourth Heaven of Extreme Realm.

But judging from Wang Mang's posture of easily slapping the top four heavenly fighters of the extreme realm.

The existence of Wang Mang means that they are absolutely impossible to be the bottom ones!

At this time, Shen Yuanhan also slowly walked in front of Wang Mang, looking at Wang Mang with complicated eyes:

"From now on, you will be the strongest arrogance among the abyssal dragon clan."

"I am convinced, I hope you can shoulder the dignity of the abyssal dragon clan!"

Hearing this, the other six young masters also came up one after another, nodding to Wang Mang.

This also means that all of them are completely convinced by Wang Mang.

At this moment, Wang Mang also became the strongest arrogant of the Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan, justifiably!

at the same time.

Not far away.

A group of clan elders lurking in the dark also showed smiles on their faces.

Obviously, the previous battle completely made them recognize Wang Mang.

After all, the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan has been kicked by other clan's Tianjiao all the time.

They don't feel well in their hearts, but they are powerless, and anger is useless.

But at this moment, they are the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan.

Among the younger generation, someone has finally risen!

It is estimated that in the future, he will be kicked by another clan's arrogance.

In a short time, it won't happen again.

Thinking of this, all the clan elders present looked at each other and nodded in relief.

Obviously, at this moment, they also recognized it.

Wang Mang is the strongest Tianjiao in their clan!

In the future, the resources will be tilted and the focus of training will be raised.

They will all give Wang Mang a natural inclination.

at the same time.

The existence of these old guys.

In fact, Wang Mang had already discovered it.


Wang Mang would not deliberately swear and say these words.

In fact, what he said was for these old guys.

Therefore, Wang Mang was also smiling, nodding to the Young Master and the others.

But just when Wang Mang wanted to speak, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully complete the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 billion law points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the dominant blind box X2! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X2! 】

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