I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1202 Doubting the Kamikaze Ruler of Life! Cheap master, sorry to ask for more law crystals?

Hearing this, the old man smiled proudly and said:

"Senior, there are a total of 35 Tianjiao here!"

"Among them, there are 20 Peerless Tianjiao!"

"In addition, there are 10 peerless arrogance!"

"Unrivaled Heavenly Proud, there are also five!"

"Senior, the price is exactly 1 billion sixth-level top-grade law crystals."

Hearing this, after Wang Mang made an inventory, he nodded indifferently and said:

"Not bad! It is indeed as you said, good! I will accept it!"

While speaking, Wang Mang threw out a storage ring and said indifferently:

"You order the number of law crystals!"

Hearing this, the old man who ruled the six heavens immediately nodded and began to check the storage ring.

After a while, the old man cupped his hands with a smile all over his face and said, "Thank you senior, the junior will not bother you."

After finishing speaking, the old man left quickly with an extremely vigilant expression, obviously worried that Wang Mang would do something to him.

Regarding this, Wang Mang was very speechless. It was only a mere 1 billion, and it was worth his black hands?

For Wang Mang, this bit of law spar is nothing more than sprinkling water!

After all, the current Wang Mang is not what it used to be, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is rich and powerful!

However, if there is no strong support from the abyss dragon family.

It is really possible that Wang Mang will give the opponent the law spar with his front foot, and then quietly attack him with his back foot.

Closer to home, Wang Mang couldn't hide the smile on Wang Mang's face after looking at the crowd of geniuses in front of him.

Because, 20 peerless arrogances represent 20 points of talent!

In addition, the 10 peerless talents represent 50 talent points!

The five Peerless Talents represent 50 talent points!

In other words, this time he got hundreds of talent points again!

Therefore, Wang Mang was naturally happy, smiling like a chrysanthemum blooming.

But this fell into the iron cage, and in the eyes of these Tianjiao, they became extremely frightened.

Being sold as goods, their fate is naturally not much better!

They are obviously well aware of this!

But the next moment, something that made them even more frightened happened.

I saw that Wang Mang suddenly opened the cage and smiled evilly at them.

Then, the next moment, they couldn't help but screamed in horror.

Because Wang Mang had already opened his mouth, and the terrifying devouring power swarmed out.

This also made these arrogances instantly sucked into Wang Mang's mouth.

After devouring these arrogances, the system's voice kept ringing:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord Erzhongtian peerless arrogance! Successfully obtained 200,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1 talent point! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord, the five heavenly peers! Successfully obtained 500,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord triple heaven peerless arrogance! Successfully obtained 300,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1 talent point! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord Yachongtian peerless arrogance! Successfully obtained 800,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1 talent point! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord Erzhongtian peerless arrogance! Successfully obtained 200,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 5 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the lord of the world, the seventh heaven, the peerless arrogance! Successfully obtained 700,000 rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 5 talent points! 】


Wait until the sound of the system is completely over.

Wang Mang also continued to meditate cross-legged, closing his eyes and resting his mind, waiting for the business to come.

But even when he was meditating cross-legged, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth were raised, which meant that he was in a good mood.

Because, up to now, his cumulative talent value has reached 220 points!

As for the sixth-order high-grade law spar spent, it is only about 2 billion!

For Wang Mang, who has tens of billions of assets, this is nothing more than sprinkling water!

Even, Wang Mang can say that, even if he has collected thousands of talent points!

He estimated that he only spent about 10 billion law crystals!


What else should he worry about?

Absolutely not!

He just needs to wait for the business to come and continue trading Tianjiao.

Finally, it is enough to complete the accumulation of promotion to the legendary Tianjiao.

in the blink of an eye.

Another few days passed.

But these days.

Wang Mang did not open again.

No realm king monk has found a deal.

Similarly, no ruler came to look for him.

However, Wang Mang was not in a hurry.

He was not surprised that Brother Realm King didn't ask him for a deal.

These world kings, how could they sell so many grandsons to him?

Moreover, during this period of time, as the news of Wang Mang's collection of Tianjiao spread.

In the entire huge Nine Great World, many monks were trembling.

Especially those arrogances were even more frightened.

They didn't dare to show their heads, or hid them.

Therefore, Wang Mang's main trading target next.

It's the strong masters who rushed over.

Moreover, these masters are really ruthless!

The first master to trade with him was more than thirty celestial prides!

Then, for the rest of the masters, I am afraid that there are many Tianjiao who have been captured and traded!

In particular, it is also possible for those landlord-level rulers to capture the entire world's arrogance and trade with him!

Just at this time, Wang Mang felt another powerful ruler flying towards him from a distance.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a familiar figure appearing in his sight.

This person is none other than his master, the Master of Kamikaze!

Similarly, after seeing Wang Mang, Master Kamikaze couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Especially when he saw the plaque of Wang Mang recruiting the sixth-rank Tianjiao.

The master of kamikaze couldn't help but look shocked.

He pointed at Wang Mang and said in disbelief:

"Yes... you are taking Tianjiao?"

"No, how is this possible!"

"How long has it been! Have you reached the limit?"

"Are you the master of devouring?"

"The master of Yunding Great World said that the guy with the combat power of the fourth level of the extreme realm is actually you?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded and smiled indifferently:

"If the Master of Yunding Great World is right, then it should be!"

"Why, do you want to find me, Master, can't you trade Tianjiao?"

Seeing Wang Mang admitted.

The Kamikaze Master with a complicated and bitter face.

He was still speechless in shock.

Wait until you come back to your senses.

Master Kamikaze looked at Wang Mang, his eyes rolled.

Afterwards, the master of kamikaze suddenly said with a serious face:

"Disciple! I also caught some Tianjiao for my teacher."

"But these Tianjiao, if you want."

"Is your price going to go up a bit?"

While speaking, as Kamikaze Master waved his hand, a huge cage emerged out of thin air.

And in the huge cage, there are more than 50 Tianjiao, imprisoned in it.

Seeing this scene, even Wang Mang couldn't help being stunned at the moment.

He didn't expect that his master would capture so many geniuses!

Seeing Wang Mang's stunned look, Master Kamikaze finally found a sense of superiority.

Then, with one hand behind his back and one hand stroking his white beard, he proudly said:

"Teacher! There are a total of 50 Tianjiao here!"

"20 Peerless Tianjiao, 25 Peerless Tianjiao, and 5 Peerless Tianjiao!"

"Let's do this! It's embarrassing to be a teacher, I want more of your top-grade law spar."

"Excuse me, just give the teacher 5 billion sixth-level top-grade law crystals."

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