I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1213 Wang Mang: Don't say I'm bullying you! Look how old and frail you look! This

It's too exaggerated!

Defeat Genting Big World Lord!

It took almost a year!

But it took less than a year for Wang Mang to defeat the Lord of the Great World of Gods?

Just thinking about it makes their scalps tingle and their eyes are full of fear!

Because, if so.

This is too scary!

Wang Mang grew and became stronger too fast!

Of course.

As for the truth, they obviously don't know.

Wang Mang has never defeated the main god at all.

But no one explained it, and no one in the world of the gods knew the result.

Therefore, they deduce their imaginations out of thin air.

But it was under such fantasy that Wang Mang became even more terrifying in their hearts!

All of a sudden, countless rulers started talking about it:

"It's so fucking awesome! This devouring master is so fast, he defeated the master of the gods and the world."

"This is a bit scary! I really want to know how long our Lord of the Great World can last!"

"Yes! After all, even the Lord of the Great World of Gods has already been defeated."

"It seems that the devouring master is really going against the sky! After a battle with the master of Yunding Great World, he has grown to such a terrifying level!"

"Niubi! Is this the super genius? It's really terrifying!"

"Thinking back in the past, my purple energy came eighty thousand miles east, and I was born with a dragon and a phoenix. I never thought about it, but I was stuck in the realm of dominance."

"You're a fart! Are you worthy of being compared with others who can devour a master? You don't even have a perfect master state, and you still hope for the extreme state?"

"That's right, we can become masters, which one is not born with dragons and phoenixes? When I was born that year, the Taoist blessings, the dragons and dragons shook the sky, and the gods and phoenixes made auspicious clouds. The masters knelt down and said that they would become my guardians." .”

"Stop bragging, do you really think of Juggernaut as a Chinese cabbage? Why are you kneeling down to be your guardian?"

"That's right! If someone devours a super arrogance like Juggernaut, maybe only Juggernaut is willing to become a guardian?"

"Don't talk about the protector, as long as the master of swallowing speaks, I am willing to let Lao Tzu become his plaything and beauty!"

"You fucked up by an old man, and you still become a beautiful woman? Do you want to lick like this? Although gender has no meaning to us, but what you said is too humble, right?"

Amidst the hot discussion among the rulers, many realm kings naturally got the news.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang's reputation quickly spread throughout the three-ring universe.

Because, there are too many strong people talking about him, and his reputation will naturally increase.

at the same time.

Wang Mang also waited for the Lord of the Eternal Great World.

This is an old man who looks very handsome, dressed in a white robe with a fairy air.

However, at this moment the old man was looking at Wang Mang with a frown!

Because, he didn't believe that Wang Mang defeated the Lord of the Great World of Gods so quickly!

After all, it took Wang Mang such a long time to defeat the Lord of Genting Great World.

How could it be possible to defeat the Lord of the Great World of Gods so quickly?

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but said: "Have you defeated the Lord of the Great World of Gods?"

"It's not that the old man looks down on you. I don't believe that you can defeat the Lord of the Great World of Gods so quickly."

"Also, even if you defeat the Lord of the Great World of Gods, you cannot easily defeat this seat."

Speaking of this, the old man's face was full of confidence, and the expression between his brows was even more fierce.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have not defeated the Lord of the Great World of Gods."

"Because he is too powerful, so powerful that I feel desperate."

"So, I decided to challenge him one last time and ask him for advice."

After hearing Wang Mang's humble words.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then his face soon became gloomy.

What does Wang Mang mean by this?

Could it be that the Lord of the Great World of Gods is too powerful.

So, skip the Lord of the Great World of the Gods.

Choose to challenge him?

In anger, the Lord of the Eternal Great World, flew into a rage and said:

"Junior, how dare you humiliate the old man like this?"

"Do you think the old man is weaker?"

"Still think the old man has a false name?"

"This old man tells you that the Lord of the Great World of Gods can make you despair."

"This old man can only make you more desperate! If you are sensible, then leave quickly!"

Speaking of this, the old man's face was gloomy and impatient.

At the same time, the eyes he looked at Wang Mang were full of killing intent.

Because what Wang Mang said really made him feel humiliated!

If it weren't for Wang Mang's strength, it would give him a strong sense of threat.

He even wanted to kill Wang Mangzhen on the spot!

Because, he and Wang Mang themselves had a feud.

In the past, his apprentice, the master of fantasy, was also the master of the fantasy world.

This kid was his favorite student in the past, but Wang Mang killed him in the end.

If it weren't for him back then, he would have disdained to attack Wang Mang with his own identity.

Just because Wang Mang killed his apprentice was enough for him to make a move.

But he didn't expect that this ant who killed his apprentice in the past.

Now, it has grown so fast to where it is today.

Moreover, I still want to challenge him and look down on him!

This is simply unforgivable!

This is simply deceptive!

Similarly, after hearing the words of the Lord of the Eternal Great World, Wang Mang was speechless.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at the old man with the eyes of a fool, and said mockingly:

"Just you? Are you worthy of being compared with the Lord of the Great World?"

"Who do you think you are? I don't think you've woken up, old man!"

"Still making me desperate? Come on! Let me see how capable you are."

While speaking, Wang Mang was full of mockery and contempt, and his words were full of disdain.

This scene also completely angered the Lord of the Eternal Great World.

Let this handsome old man's face become hideous and frightening:

"Okay, okay! You brat who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!"

"It seems that you don't take me seriously at all!"

"I want to see how capable you are!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately sneered at the old man:

"If you are not afraid of death, come and try!"

After speaking, Wang Mang soared into the sky and flew directly outside the Eternal Great World.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Eternal Great World also became completely angry:

"Junior who doesn't know how to live or die, I will send you to meet my beloved apprentice today!"

As soon as the words fell, he followed closely behind and rushed out of the Eternal Great World.

In the endless black universe, after seeing Wang Mang had stopped.

Holding a sixth-tier top-level divine weapon long sword and a jade-colored sixth-level top-level divine armor.

It is not far from saying one more nonsense with Wang Mang, even if he directly kills Wang Mang.

But what made him furious even more was what Wang Mang said next!

I saw that Wang Mang had his hands behind his back, his eyes were indifferent, and he pretended to say:

"Old guy, don't say that I don't bully you."

"Look at how old and frail you are, I will give you three tricks!"

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