I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1217 Easily defeat the Lord of the Great Arctic World! Do you want to defeat the Lord of the

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't even struggle to move, and was bound and trapped in the ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Great Arctic World raised his mouth slightly.

At the same time, he had an extra sixth-rank top-grade halberd in his hand.

This is a snow-white halberd, shining coldly like a crystal.

Apparently, the Lord of the Great Arctic World also likes to use great halberds.

This is still an exclusive magic weapon that fits his magic weapon rules!

The next moment, the Lord of the Great Arctic World holding a halberd couldn't help but taunted softly:

"If that's the case, I will end your so-called super genius!"

As soon as the words fell, he screamed out with a big halberd in his hand, as fast as lightning!

Then, the halberd in his hand pierced Wang Mang's head in the ice sculpture!

boom! Accompanied by a shocking explosion sound!

The ice cubes condensed by the law of ice all over the sky shattered!

Similarly, the lord of the Great Arctic World, the Frost Halberd, also slashed fiercely on Wang Mang's head.


Accompanied by a violent sound.

The Lord of the Great Arctic World looked at the scene in front of him with a stiff expression, his eyes full of shock.

Because, with all his strength, he chopped a halberd on Wang Mang's head, but he didn't behead him at all.

at the same time.

This moment stunned him!

How can this be?

He is a sixth-rank high-rank top-level magic weapon!

Could it be that Wang Mang's physical body is already so terrifying?

Directly ignoring the sixth-rank top-ranking top magic weapon?

After thinking of this possibility, the Lord of the Great Arctic World only felt his scalp go numb.

Because, if that's the case, he understands.

Why did the other sixth-tier top world masters lose?

Because, with such a terrifying and frightening body, Wang Mang was doomed to be completely invincible!

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Great Arctic World quickly came to his senses.

The next moment, he subconsciously wanted to retreat and distance himself from Wang Mang.

But at this moment, Wang Mang held his ice halberd with one hand!

All of a sudden, he couldn't pull the magic soldier out of Wang Mang's hands!

at the same time.

Wang Mang let out a sinister grin, and then swung the halberd in his hand, slashing at the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

This immediately shocked the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

Afterwards, he only hesitated for a moment, then used his supernatural powers to withdraw and retreat wildly.

Similarly, the Frost Halberd in his hand was also given up by him!

Because, if he didn't hide before, he would never be able to eat and walk around!

Because of this, after dodging Wang Mang's attack, the Lord of the Great Arctic World looked very ugly.

Now that he has lost the Frost Halberd, it is even more impossible for him to defeat Wang Mang!

Because, he doesn't have many sixth-level top-grade top-level magic weapons!

Don't think that the sixth-level top-ranking top-level magic weapon is a street commodity!

For a top world master, this is also a rare treasure!

This was only obtained when he participated in the sixth-order invincible battle road!

All of a sudden, the Arctic Great World, which had lost its magical weapons, became independent and somewhat at a loss.

Even though he still has a sixth-tier high-grade top-level divine armor, he still can't resist it!

Now he doesn't even have any magic weapons to attack.

How can he fight?

Could it be that he was allowed to fight Wang Mang in close quarters?

This is courting death!

How terrifying is Wang Mang's physical body?

Take his sixth-rank top-rank top magic weapon!

It can be said that it is not damaged at all!

If this is a close combat with Wang Mang!

He felt that he was not far from death!

Moreover, he without the magic soldier.

Even his shots against Wang Mang were restricted!

Unless he has been using supernatural powers.

Dodging and wandering around all the time!

But what is the difference between this and running away?

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Great Arctic World, after a moment of silence, said:

"I have already lost! It is indeed not your opponent!"

"However, if you want to kill the old man, it's impossible."

"Even if the old man abandons the Great Arctic World, he won't wait to die."

"What do you want, tell me."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned, but he didn't expect it.

The Lord of the Great Arctic World is so straightforward.

Of course, in this way, he will save trouble!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

"That's it! I won't bother you anymore."

"You just need to admit it to the outside world and lose to me."

"As for this magical weapon, I will accept it."

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The Lord of the Great Arctic World, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, nodded helplessly and said:

"Okay, I promise you."

In his opinion, Wang Mang didn't bother him.

Or Huo Huo his world is not bad.

There is nothing to say about winners and losers.

Seeing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction.

After that, without hesitation, he flew towards the north of the three-ring universe, the direction of the other big world.

For Wang Mang, this battle was absolutely the easiest.

Because, this guy was too careless, and directly used magical powers to freeze him.

Then try to behead him directly!

If it were another strong man, perhaps he would really be succeeded by the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

However, Wang Mang's physical body can already ignore the sixth-level top-rank top-level magic weapon!

This also led to him being completely invincible!

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to capture the opponent's magical weapon.

Then the next battle is self-evident.

If Wang Mang was stalking and stalking.

Once the opportunity is seized, it is really possible to kill the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

But the problem is that the Lord of the Great Arctic World has made his position very clear.

It is simply impossible to kill the Lord of the Great Arctic World!

People would rather give up everything than let him kill him.

If you want to escape with all your heart.

In fact, Wang Mang is also far behind.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not continue to entangle with this guy.

Especially from this guy, without hesitation, the move of abandoning the magic weapon.

Wang Mang knew that he was unlikely to kill the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

They even gave up the sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon without hesitation when their lives were in danger.

Not to mention the mere sixth-order top-grade top-level big world?

At this time, Wang Mang also started to continue on his way.

Now he has defeated a sixth-level top-level Great World Lord.

His confidence inflated even more!

At the same time, Wang Mang also hopes to be able to truly hunt and kill the sixth-level upper-rank top world master!

Soon, Wang Mang arrived, where the great world of gods and demons was located.

After seeing the great world of gods and demons, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth immediately raised.

Because, his plan is to kill the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons after defeating the Lord of the Great World of Ancient Demons!

After all, who let the master of Genting Great World say it all?

The master of this ancient demon world should be relatively weak.

The Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World is relatively weak. What does this mean?

It means that the possibility of Wang Mang wanting to kill the opponent is even greater!

Moreover, after he defeated the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

He then said his thoughts about killing the ancient demon world master.

He believed that the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons would be happy to help him sweep the formation to prevent the Lord of the Great World of Ancient Demons from escaping!

What's more, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons joins hands with him to suppress and kill the Lord of the Great World of Ancient Demons, which is more likely!

Because, Wang Mang had already learned about the relationship between the two masters of the great world from the master of Yunding Great World.

The two sides simply have a deep relationship between master and apprentice, and they both wish to kill each other!

The next moment, Wang Mang soon arrived, in the great world of gods and demons.

Then, he rushed in, stood proudly, and shouted loudly:

"This seat is the master of devouring, the master of the great world of gods and demons, come out to fight!"

The next moment, a figure whose aura had reached the extreme fifth level appeared in front of Wang Mang out of thin air.

This is a tall and majestic man, looking at him sharply.

His aura is very terrifying, except for the main god Wang Mang met.

Among all the sixth-level top world masters, he is the most threatening existence!

Just when Wang Mang was about to speak, a slightly familiar voice came from a distance:

"Wang Mang?"

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