I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1219 In terms of seniority, the master of the great world of gods and demons is the grand ma

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look weird.

He also discovered that the relationship between each other is simply too fucking messy!

If it's a reincarnation, the master of the world of gods and demons, he will be called Shizu.

Then the master of the ancient demon world, he needs to be called Grand Master!

Is this going to make us do something to deceive our master and destroy our ancestors?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but said strangely:

"If this seat is as expected."

"The master of the ancient demon world is your master, right?"

"You just let me kill him, is that really okay?"

Hearing this, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons, with a ferocious expression, snorted coldly:

"He ancient demon is also worthy to be my master of Shenmoyu?"

"This bastard, I didn't have a good intention to accept me at the beginning."

"I actually want to wait for the strength of this seat to improve, and refine it into his incarnation outside the body."

"If I hadn't discovered his plot, I would have been hunted down by him."

"This seat will not participate in the future, the sixth-order invincible battle road."

Having said that, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons gritted his teeth.

It can be seen from this how much he hates the Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World.

After all, if he hadn't discovered the conspiracy of the other party.

Then, he successfully escaped from the claws of the Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World.

I'm afraid he has now become the opponent's puppet.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly thought to himself that it was so.

This relationship is even worse than he imagined!

The Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World is also ruthless enough.

After finding an apprentice with strong qualifications.

Use it as a furnace to cultivate and refine special incarnations.

Of course, in Wang Mang's view, this is also normal.

After all, when he couldn't gather talent points back then.

He also thought about killing three apprentices to make up for him.

Therefore, the Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World should be the same kind of person as him.

Extremely selfish, a villain who completely puts himself first.

However, for the rhetoric of the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

Wang Mang was a little moved.

Once he killed the Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World.

It directly saves the battle with the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

Moreover, he can go directly to sweep, the east and south of the universe.

At this point, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay! I also want to kill a sixth-level top Great World Master."

"In this way, my reputation in the three-ring universe will be even greater."

"It will also be of great help to me in sweeping the remaining sixth-order top world masters."

Seeing that Wang Mang agreed, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons immediately laughed and said:

"Good boy, it's good enough, it's not too late, we'll start now."

"However, it is best to run with you."

"As for your strength, this seat already knows the general idea."

"You may be invincible, but it will be difficult to kill the Lord of the Great Ancient Demon World."

"This kid is extremely cunning and cunning, and also has supernatural powers of speed. It can be said that it is easy to defeat and difficult to kill."

"If he wants to escape with all his heart, no one will cooperate, even if it is me, there is nothing he can do."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded and said: "It's okay, you can sweep the formation for me! Just set up an enchantment, so that he has nowhere to escape."

The Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Bodhi, waved his hand and said:

"Teacher, you go back! I'm going to kill this old thing, the ancient demon, as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons directly soared into the sky and flew out of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

Seeing this, Wang Mang immediately cupped his hands to Patriarch Bodhi and said:

"Master, the apprentice left first."

"If there is a chance, I will come to see you next time."

Patriarch Bodhi chuckled and nodded.

Only then did Wang Mang soar into the sky, and he also left the world of gods and demons.

Seeing Wang Mang leaving and disappearing quickly, Patriarch Bodhi said sadly to himself:

"My apprentice! You are really outstanding, I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet again in the future."

"As time goes by, the gap between the old man and him will only grow wider."

Speaking of this, Patriarch Bodhi was filled with emotions, and his heart became extremely complicated.

He originally thought that it would be basically impossible to meet anyone from the Four Rings Universe.

But today he met Wang Mang, an apprentice!

And this apprentice was so powerful that he was ashamed.

In addition, this farewell is likely to be a farewell.

at the same time.

In the three-ring universe.

Wang Mang and the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons are on their way.

At the same time, on the way, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons also asked about his relationship with Patriarch Bodhi.

Regarding this, Wang Mang was also unambiguous, and told him the whole story in detail.

Moreover, Wang Mang believes that with his existence, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons should pay more attention to his master!

After listening to the encounter between Wang Mang and Bodhi Patriarch.

The Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons couldn't help but nodded and said with emotion:

"Bodhi's character is still acceptable."

"This seat also took a fancy to him at the beginning."

"As for the qualifications, don't mention it, even the blood is obtained by this seat."

"Otherwise, he might not even be able to break through the realm master."

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons laughed after a moment of silence:

"No wonder you still recognize him as a master, and you don't feel ashamed."

"Compared to this seat, your vision of apprenticeship is not bad."

"If you meet someone like the Lord of the Ancient Demon Great World, it will be miserable."

Hearing this, Wang Mang laughed without saying a word, and continued on his way.

Soon, after a few sticks of incense, Wang Mang came outside the ancient demon world.

Then, the two stopped.

"You and I, let's set up the enchantment together."

"At that time, this old thing can't escape."

"If there is no helper, this old thing would have died in my hands."

At this time, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons looked at Wang Mang and said.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, and even with the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons, he set up an enchantment together.

All of a sudden, the powerful law that covered the sky and the sun turned into an enchantment, covering the entire ancient demon world.

Moreover, as the two spared no effort to condense the barrier, the barrier condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the next moment, Wang Mang saw an aura of the fifth heaven of the extreme realm flying out of the ancient demon world.

This is an old man in a black robe, his face is gloomy and cold, and his breath is very gloomy.

When he saw Wang Mang and the Lord of the World of Gods and Demons, he suddenly panicked.

There is no other reason.

Wang Mang's aura is comparable to that of a traitor like him!

This proves that Wang Mang also exists at the same level as him!

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly took out the sixth-level top-grade divine weapon, and bombarded the barrier with all his strength.

This also led to the fact that the enchantment that Wang Mang and his two had just arranged became extremely fragile at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons said with a grim expression:

"Fellow Daoist, you can go and kill him now! I'll be in charge of setting up the barrier!"

"Today, he must be killed no matter what, otherwise it will be difficult to kill him again."

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