I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1228 Lord of the mighty world who doesn't love Wang Mang at all? Start a fight after a

"But if the fellow daoist wants to take the old man's life, the old man will abandon this top-level world at worst."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the tauren in front of him with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, this guy was very straightforward, bluntly saying that he couldn't beat himself.

Moreover, the meaning he expressed is also very obvious, if life and death are to be divided.

The opponent directly admits defeat and is not his opponent. If there is a winner, he can fight with him.

The other party made it very clear that it's okay to fight and win or lose if you want to, but you can't if you want his life!

But just when Wang Mang was about to speak, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The master of the great world of Tianzu was detected, and he was afraid of the strength of the host, so the battle was considered a victory for the host! 】

After hearing this, Wang Mang was even more speechless, he didn't even start fighting.

The other side is afraid that he will attack ruthlessly, and even the system will directly count him as the victory.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang said indifferently: "Since you are afraid of death, I will let you go."

"Admit to the outside world that you were defeated by this seat alone. In addition, this seat will leave after devouring the arrogance in your world."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of Tianzu Great World said with a smile on his face:

"Just do what you say!"

Seeing that this guy is so knowledgeable, Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, he took in all the talents of the whole world from a distance, and then devoured them all.

After doing all this, Wang Mang left Tianzu Great World without looking back.

Afterwards, Wang Mang continued to set off to the Shenwu Great World in the eastern universe of the third ring!

Now, he only needs to sweep the Shenwu Great World and the Nine Great Worlds.

With this in mind, Wang Mang continued to speed up his journey.

half an hour later.

Then Wang Mang arrived, where the so-called Great World of Divine Martial Arts was located.

Looking at the huge world of martial arts in front of him, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth rose, and without hesitation, he rushed in with a big halberd in his hand.

But after entering this big world, Wang Mang was still surprised to find out.

The Lord of the Divine Martial World is actually in the Divine Martial World.

Obviously, this guy is still very kind, and he is not afraid of him, the so-called No. 1 powerhouse in the three-ring universe!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang raised the corners of his mouth, stood proudly in the sky, and his voice resounded throughout the world:

"This seat devours the master, the master of the world of martial arts, come out and fight!"

As always, when Wang Mang's name was heard, the entire Shenwu world also caused an uproar and discussions.

At the same time, the master of the Shenwu Great World did not keep Wang Mang waiting.

Within a breath, he appeared in Wang Mang's sight.

This is a man who looks very burly and sharp.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and he was staring at him covetously.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was a little surprised.

Emotion, the master of the mighty world, is obviously not a good stubble!

Especially when he felt that the tyrannical aura around him was not inferior to the Lord of the World of Gods and Demons.

From here, Wang Mang can basically be sure that this guy's strength is not weak.

However, this is still not enough to threaten him!

Therefore, Wang Mang always looked calm.

"Come to fight!"

After a moment of silence, the Lord of Shenwu Great World said coldly.

After speaking, he flew out of the Shenwu Great World.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense and followed directly behind.

From the other party's attitude, Wang Mang already knew the result.

This mighty master of the world obviously has no fear of his prestige.

That being the case, then naturally it was a battle.

Sure enough, when Wang Mang also came to the three-ring universe.

Wearing a sixth-tier top-grade top-grade golden chain armor and holding a golden gun, the Lord of the Great World of Shenwu did not hesitate to kill him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also did not show any weakness, and rushed forward with a big halberd in his hand.

The Lord of the Great World of Divine Martial Arts actually wants to fight him, and it's not just a competition of supernatural powers.

Naturally, Wang Mang couldn't ask for more!

"Death to this seat!"

The next moment, seeing Wang Mang approaching, the Lord of Shenwu Great World said with murderous intent on his face.

As soon as the words fell, the spear in his hand stabbed at Wang Mang's head fiercely!

Seeing this, Wang Mang also did not dodge, turned the halberd in his hand, and swept across the opponent's head.

Bang bang!

I saw that the Lord of Shenwu Great World pierced Wang Mang's forehead fiercely with his spear, making a crisp sound of steel.

Similarly, what shocked Wang Mang was that the Lord of the Great World of Shenwu also grabbed his divine weapon with one hand without any damage.

For a moment, both of them were stunned.

Wang Mang's method of shocking the world of Shenwu, but the master of the world of Shenwu, why not?

You know, this is the sixth-level top-grade magic weapon!

In the end, it was stuck in Wang Mang's head, and there was nothing wrong with it?

All of a sudden, the Lord of Shenwu Great World subconsciously distanced himself.

There is no other reason, he seems to realize the seriousness of the problem.

It's just that his arm has been refined to reach the sixth-level top-grade level.

But Wang Mang seems to be more than that.

It is the whole body that has reached the sixth-order top-grade level!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle!

He spent several pieces of magic weapons just to refine his arms to the sixth-level top-grade level.

But what about Wang Mang! Already cultivated into a perfect sixth-order top-grade body?

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Great World of Shenwu's face became serious.

At this moment, he finally understood why so many masters of the great world were defeated by Wang Mang.

He knows how against the heavens the physical body of the sixth-level upper-grade level is, just like his current left hand.

Even the sixth-tier top-tier divine weapons couldn't hurt the slightest bit, but the price they paid was also very high.

He used too many resources to cultivate this arm to the sixth-level upper-grade level.

Although he realized that this battle was difficult to fight, the Lord of Shenwu Great World took a deep breath, and once again charged towards Wang Mang with a golden gun in his hand.

After all, it can't be over after one round, can it?

Earlier, he had fought without saying a word.

It's all finished now.

Do you just leave with one hand?

If this gets out.

He is the master of the mighty world, so he will become a joke of the three-ring universe.

Because of this, it is impossible for him to retreat, at least he has to fight hard.

At that time, even if he admits defeat and loses to the devouring master, he will not be ashamed.

Obviously, the Lord of Shenwu Great World has already thought about his next retreat.

In the worst case, he will fight Wang Mang, and it is best to let Wang Mang retreat in the face of difficulties!

Even if Wang Mang can't be made to retreat in the face of difficulties, there must be a decent ending!

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