I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1231 Desperate Strength! Master of the nine great worlds who has reached the combat power of

"This guy's strength has improved really fast!"

"Every time we meet each other, our strength increases gradually."

"Yeah! After Zida met us, this guy is the same as before, and his strength has changed drastically every now and then."

Hearing this, the Bear Emperor nodded and said with a serious face:

"It seems that we have to work hard, otherwise, I guess we will really be people from two worlds with this kid in the future!"

Having said that, Emperor Gou Xiong looked at Emperor Gou speechlessly and said:

"Don't look for women anymore, you are a dog, why are you so lustful?"

"There are at least one hundred and eighty people who dote on concubines, right? Can you two bastards bear it?"

Hearing this, the Dog Emperor said unhappily:

"You look down on me, don't you? I can hit ten in one night."

"As long as I think about it, I can fight till the end of time!"

But after chattering for a while, the Dog Emperor suddenly said bitterly:

"Oh, that's all, I can't continue to fall."

"Wang Mang is already invincible in the third ring universe."

"If our pace is too slow, we may really be people from two worlds in the future."

"Besides, when I think about this guy's arrogant face in front of me, I can't stand it."

Hearing this, Emperor Gouxiong chuckled and said indifferently:

"You don't know who he is? He has always been a bully and a villain."

After discussing for a while, the two fell silent, feeling extremely complicated.

at the same time.

There are many people who are more complicated than the two of them.

At this moment, on the top of a mountain peak, sitting cross-legged, the Master of Kamikaze, with a bitter expression on his face:

"This traitor has actually reached the fifth level of existence in the extreme state."

"Now I don't know how to honor my master."

"This son is really a person with a cold nature."

"The old man was really wrong at the beginning!"

Speaking of this, the master of kamikaze couldn't help a burst of envy and jealousy.

He found himself living his fucking years on dogs.

When Wang Mang ruled the strength of the initial stage, he was the one who ruled the Eight Heavens.

But now, he is still the ruler of the eight heavens, and his realm has not improved at all.

On the contrary, the apprentice who was accepted in the past has surpassed him as a master now!

Every time he thought of this, he couldn't help feeling a pang of heartache, and at the same time regretted it deeply.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have accepted Wang Mang as his disciple.

This apprentice let him down so much!

Totally ungrateful!

I also don't respect the teacher and honor the teacher!

Speak from your heart.

Seeing this traitor's strength grow with each passing day, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Obviously, if possible, he didn't want to improve Wang Mang's strength at all.

This feeling is like seeing others making money is more uncomfortable than being in debt!

at the same time.

Wang Mang also finally met, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

This is an old man with long white hair and an ordinary face.

However, Wang Mang could tell from the aura emanating from his body that this old thing was not weak.

At least in terms of breath, it can be said that it is not weaker than the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons!

This proves that even among the sixth-level top world masters, the nine great world masters are among the best in strength.

Although there is not much difference in strength between the sixth-tier top Great World Lords, Wang Mang is divided into three grades.

The difference is that the Lord of the Divine Martial World is the strongest, followed by the Lord of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

As for the Lord of the Great World of Gods... this doesn't count!

He is an eighth-order existence!

Can this be generalized?

Therefore, the strength of the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

In Wang Mang's view, being able to enter is the top three among the twelve world masters.

At this time, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds also looked at Wang Mang with complicated eyes.

Because Wang Mang's strength is stronger than his apprentice.

His apprentice is the Demon Lord Supreme, and also the fifth-order invincible Supreme!

But now by comparison, Wang Mang's strength indeed surpassed that of his apprentice.

Of course, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds is still optimistic about the Demon Lord Supreme.

Because, his apprentice was killed from the fifth level.

Moreover, he also got the fifth-order invincible supreme position.

Although, there is no existence on the supreme list.

However, he has more potential than Wang Mang to compete for the sixth-order invincible supreme position.

Thinking of this, his mood became much happier, and he said with a smile:

"Little guy, you are really young and promising!"

"In this session, you are the exception to the Abyss Nine Clans."

"In the three-ring universe, the first Tianjiao who has reached the fifth level of extreme combat power."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately put his hands behind his back, and said calmly:

"The battle strength of the fifth level of the extreme realm."

"I'm not the only one among the nine tribes of the abyss."

"At least there are as many digits."

Wang Mang's words were not false, the nine clans of the abyss are so powerful.

There are really a lot of Tianjiao with the combat power of the fifth level of the extreme realm.

Wang Mang initially guessed that the number should be at least five!

Of course.

Even among the nine clans of the abyss, there are still five arrogances of the fifth heaven of the extreme realm.

But Wang Mang is still extremely confident that he can suppress other Tianjiao.

Because, his current combat power is clear at a glance.

Defeated and killed too many Tier 6 top world masters.

In contrast, which of these old monsters is not experienced in combat?

But those arrogances of the Abyss Nine Clans.

Although it has also reached the fifth heaven of the extreme state.

But it doesn't matter whether it's combat experience or talent background.

Wang Mang didn't even think that he could be stronger than these sixth-level top world masters.

Because of this, this is also the reason why Wang Mang wanted to be able to suppress them!

Wait until he has swept through the sixth-order top world.

Once he returns to the nine clans of the abyss, he will be the most beautiful boy and the strongest arrogance!

Hearing this, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds smiled lightly and said:

"It seems that you have already received the support of the Abyss Nine Clans."

"Otherwise, ordinary people wouldn't be able to get this information!"

"From this point of view, strength, luck, and background have all changed."

"He is qualified to compete for the sixth-order invincible supreme!"

"Come on! Little guy! Let me see how strong you are."

While speaking, the master of the Nine Great Worlds had already flown out of the Nine Great Worlds.

After coming to the three-ring universe, the two looked at each other from afar.

The Lord of the Nine Great Worlds couldn't help laughing:

"At this moment, the old man seems to have returned to the time when he was young."

"The passing of time has made the old man's mentality grow old!"

"But I still like to look young, just pretend that I am deluding myself, thinking that I am still a young arrogance!"

While speaking, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds began to change around him.

I saw that his whole body began to crazily transform, and his old body became younger.

At the same time, his original old face, in the blink of an eye, also turned into a handsome young man.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became serious.

Because, he is not surprised that the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds has become younger.

But the breath of the other party began to rise extremely.

It far exceeded the previous breath, and the improvement was as much as ten times.

In other words, the opponent's combat power has reached the level of the Little Supreme!

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