I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1234 Breaking through the secret of the seventh level, the sixth-level top-grade physical bo

However, this young man is too stubborn, and because of his physical strength, he will not admit defeat at all.

Therefore, this matter is now also discussed by countless masters and even monks in the three-ring universe.

Although they are not optimistic about Wang Mang defeating the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

But the problem is that they don't think that Wang Mang will lose, as long as Wang Mang is stubborn, he will not lose!

Because, they also basically knew where Wang Mang's strength lies.

That is to have a sixth-order top-grade physical body that even the sixth-order top-level world master does not have!

This incomparably powerful physical body also made Wang Mang invincible.

Unless, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds is even more frighteningly powerful, and can blow Wang Mang's body to pieces.

Or in other words, an attack from a seventh-level or quasi-seventh-level powerhouse broke out, killing Wang Mang!

It's a pity that these nine great worlds don't have autonomy, which can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds would not have been in a stalemate with Wang Mang for so long.

Also, it's worth mentioning that.

Wang Mang these days.

All means have really been exhausted.

Except for the Zhanshen Flying Knife, which has never had a chance to be used.

He even used a series of talisman papers such as good luck talisman and bad luck talisman.

It's a pity that it is still useless and completely unshakable, the old thing of the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

But even so, Wang Mang did not give up, because he still had the only chance to behead him.

It's just that there is never a suitable opportunity to use it.

At this moment.

Wang Mang suddenly planned to use the method of false surrender to try.

There is no other reason.

If the fight continues like this, he will also be suppressed.

Might as well try a sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang once again punched the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

Wang Mang took advantage of the situation and flew out backwards, widening the distance between them.

Afterwards, Wang Mang did not rush forward rashly.

He said helplessly:

"Old guy, when are you going to admit defeat?"

Hearing this, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds sneered and said:

"Admit defeat? Why did the old man admit defeat!"

"If you really want to admit defeat, it should be you."

"You have been suppressed by the old man from the beginning to the end."

"If I were you, I would have no face to continue fighting."

"You still want the old man to admit defeat? It's just a daydream!"

"This old man will never admit defeat in this life!"

After hearing the extremely strong and resolute words of the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

Wang Mang suddenly fell into silence, looking extremely hesitant.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds was immediately overjoyed.

Is Wang Mang going to admit defeat?

to be honest.

The two fought for three years.

Not to mention that the powerhouses of the three-ring universe are tired of watching.

They themselves are actually numb and disgusted.

Therefore, if Wang Mang took the initiative to admit defeat and retreat.

Such a result is naturally what the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds wants to see.

As for retaliation afterwards, he didn't care at all.

After defeating Wang Mang, he got benefits from the main god.

It might not even be possible for him to find a way to kill Wang Mang!

Therefore, what he urgently needs now is for Wang Mang to admit defeat.

Moreover, looking at Wang Mang's current appearance, it is obvious that he wants to admit defeat!

Simply, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds no longer made a move.

For a moment, he stood proudly with his hands behind his back, looking at Wang Mang indifferently.

Obviously, he was waiting for Wang Mang to take the initiative to admit defeat.

If Wang Mang continues to fight hard, he is not afraid, at worst, he will reach the sixth-level invincible battle and start the road.

He would like to see if Wang Mang would dare to continue fighting with him at that time, like a sixth-level invincible battle road.

Moreover, if his expectations are right, Wang Mang will never give up easily, the sixth-level invincible battle road.

Once he gave up, Wang Mang's strength would be useless, and the time to wait for the opening of the next sixth-order invincible battle road would be too slow.

He also basically expected that Wang Mang would definitely not have the ability to wait any longer.

Because, if it is delayed for a long time, the practice time will be delayed, and Wang Mang's future achievements will be greatly reduced.

This is basically an indisputable fact.

At that time, the same batch of Tianjiao who participated in the Invincible Conquest Road with him will leave him far behind.

No one can bear this kind of thing!

This is also the reason why Wang Mang, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds, will be determined.

He is not afraid of delaying time!

Anyway, he can't participate in the sixth-order invincible battle.

Procrastinate as long as you procrastinate, then we will see who suffers.

at the same time.

After Wang Mang was silent for a long time, he sighed helplessly:

"Senior, tell me about the seventh step!"

"Do you think I have a chance to break through to the seventh order?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds felt his heart skip a beat.

In his opinion, Wang Mang obviously wavered in his mind and continued to go with him!

At this thought, the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds also softened his face a little, and said indifferently:

"Seventh level, you still have a possibility."

Of course, this is just what he said.

If it wasn't for worrying about angering Wang Mang, they would fight him for another three years.

He even wanted to say directly, you are the only one who deserves the seventh rank?

Because, the seventh level is really not so easy to advance.

If it was easy to break through, he would have already broken through.

The world only knows that the seventh-order requires a sixth-order top-grade body and a sixth-order peak bloodline.

But all of this is just a lie to those fools.

It's just a glimmer of hope for those ants.

Although it is said that there are indeed people in the rumors, relying on the blood of the sixth-order peak to break through the seventh-order.

But there are too few such people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

The total number of successful cases is estimated to be less than that of the eighth-order powerhouse.

Mostly yes.

It requires a seventh-level physical body, a seventh-level blood qualification, and a seventh-level primordial spirit.

Once you have a seventh-level physical body, the chance of breaking through the seventh-level success rate is 30%.

Once you have a seventh-level physical body and a seventh-level bloodline qualification, the success rate is 50%.

Once all three have reached the seventh level, the breakthrough success rate can reach 80%.

But in this three-ring universe where there are few sixth-tier top-rank divine weapons and sixth-tier top-tier divine weapons.

Seventh-tier items are even rarer, and these three items require massive resources!

Unless there is another situation that has a great chance of success!

Which is the Invincible Supreme! The invincible supreme on the supreme list!

Only the supreme beings on the sixth-level invincible supreme list can break through the seventh level 100%.

They can already ignore the methods required by ordinary monks to break through to the seventh level.

Other than that, you can only take the traditional path of breakthrough.

Promoted to the seventh-level body, seventh-level blood, and seventh-level primordial spirit.

If the three areas are all up to the standard, it will be a matter of course.

Thinking of this, the master of the nine great worlds said:

"If you are willing to retreat despite difficulties, I don't mind explaining to you the secret of the seventh-order breakthrough."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with an extremely curious look:

"Senior, it doesn't matter if you say it. If the senior is willing to tell the junior, the junior doesn't mind considering quitting despite the difficulties."

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