I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1245 The upcoming sixth-order invincible battle road? Leave the earth world!

For a moment, Wang Mang was a little speechless.

He didn't know how to tell his parents.

Could it be that it is difficult for him to have blood descendants?

This is not Wang Mang's random guess, but the fact that it is.

The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to have blood descendants, which is well known.

That's the case for the fifth step, let alone the sixth step, or the peak of the sixth step like him?

Therefore, even if he finds a Taoist partner now, it is actually very difficult to have blood descendants.

So, after being silent for a while, Wang Mang suddenly said helplessly:

"Don't worry about your parents."

Hearing this, the royal father and queen mother suddenly became unhappy:

"What do you mean don't worry, aren't blood descendants important?"

"Don't you want your descendants all the time?"

"Also, when will you come back next time? A hundred years? A thousand years? Ten thousand years?"

"Maybe when we come back, we're all dead!"

After hearing what his parents said, Wang Mang was immediately speechless, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:

"Even if your parents die someday, my son can bring you back to life at any time."

Wang Mang's words were not casual, but the truth.

Even if the king father and queen mother really fall now, he can revive them at any time.

Even, even if the earth is destroyed, he can easily resurrect his parents.

Of course, if the parents have reached the fifth or sixth level, it will be a bit difficult.

Because, at the fifth level and sixth level, the true spirit has already merged into the six great rivers, and it is not so easy to resurrect.

The true spirit must be found in the six major rivers in order to be resurrected, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

In the same way, once the sixth and fifth ranks fall, it will be very difficult to revive them.

It's fine in the great thousand worlds, but it's very difficult if you die in the universe of the heavens and worlds.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the father and mother of the king were suddenly very angry, and they didn't know what to say.

What do you mean, even if they fall, it is easy to revive them?

Is this the reason to keep them waiting?

Doesn't this mean that they really can't wait for their grandson?

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother trembled all over with anger, and said angrily: "It's unreasonable."

"Is this to make us wait until we die without waiting for our grandson?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly swore:

"Parents, don't get me wrong, I can definitely wait."

"How could you not wait for your grandson?"

"It's just that it's been a while!"

Hearing this, the face of the king's father and queen mother eased a lot.

Later, the king's father and queen mother asked him about his experience of practicing outside the country in these years.

In this regard, Wang Mang also patiently explained it, saying all the good and bad things.

This is nothing to hide, since the second elder wants to know, he also minds to say it.

Of course, the dangerous moments were basically handled lightly by him in a few words.

But even so, this lecture is still several days long.

After listening, the two elders were very relieved, but also deeply moved.

Because, they didn't expect that their son could reach such a height.

According to what their son said, the strongest is the eighth rank, but now their son has reached the peak of the sixth rank.

Doesn't it mean that their son will be able to cultivate to the highest level in a short time?

Thinking of this, the two elders were very happy, and at the same time they did not forget to tell them to be more careful outside.

In a blink of an eye.

Decades have passed.

During these decades.

Wang Mang was accompanied by the two elders.

At the same time, it is also an experience.

Today's technological world combines modernity and spiritual practice.

For technology, Wang Mang just laughed it off.

Because, no matter how advanced the technology is.

But basically there is no future.

Especially after the fifth level, it is basically impossible to see the future.

what does that mean? It means that the end of technology is the fifth level!

No matter how powerful he is, he still cannot cross the fifth step.

However, Wang Mang did not correct the direction of progress in this world.

Even if this direction is wrong, Wang Mang will not correct it.

Similarly, no one knew of Wang Mang's appearance, except for a group of former subordinates.

Basically no one knows the existence of Wang Mang, or has forgotten the existence of Wang Mang.

There is no other reason.

The time since Wang Mang last stayed on Earth.

Too many years have passed.

It is inevitable that the world will forget him.

Moreover, Wang Mang doesn't need these ants to remember him.

After all, these ants were of no value to Wang Mang.

In a blink of an eye.

Decades passed.

This is already the ninth year that Wang Mang has been in the earth world.

Similarly, Wang Mang was also preparing to leave.

At this moment, by the lakeside of the Huanshan Reservoir.

Wang Mang looked at the lake with his hands behind his back.

The father and mother of the king watched Wang Mang quietly not far away.

They also knew that their son was leaving.

It's just that they couldn't even say the words to persuade them to stay.

As the so-called road of practice is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

This truth is also known by the king's father and queen mother who are also practitioners.

Moreover, after nearly a hundred years of Wang Mang's company, their cultivation has skyrocketed to the point of exaggeration.

It can be said that it is only one step away from Da Luo Jinxian.

However, neither of the two elders broke through Da Luo Jinxian.

Because, the two elders know that if one day they fall.

As long as they haven't reached Daluo Jinxian, Wang Mang can easily resurrect them.

But if they reached Daluo Jinxian, it would be very difficult for even their sons to revive them.

Therefore, it is not bad for them to reach the peak of Tier 4 without improving their cultivation.

In this earth world, it is enough!

It was Old Turtle, with the help of Wang Mang.

The old turtle's cultivation has reached the realm of a saint (divine emperor)!

This is already the strength of the fifth-order peak!

Moreover, this is still a situation where Wang Mang has spent a lot of resources.

Only then was it possible to help him rise to this level.

However, for Wang Mang, this little resource is completely a drop in the bucket.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no quota of world masters, Wang Mang can even help him break through the realm of world masters by force.

As for why Wang Mang helped the old turtle improve his strength.

First, let them guard the second elder.

Secondly, the old turtle stayed in the Huanshan Great Reservoir from beginning to end.

Therefore, this is also Wang Mang's reward for him.

Compared with the rest of his subordinates, he had already disappeared without a trace.

There is only the old turtle, who is still here without any desire or desire.

After doing all this, Wang Mang glanced at the second elder, and said slowly:

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to go."

Hearing this, the two elders nodded silently.

At this time, the old turtle who was following Wang Mang lowered his head and said in a respectful voice:

"The old turtle sent the master off respectfully, and wished the master the best of luck and great success."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a gratified smile.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of the three, Wang Mang disappeared out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, he had already left, the earth world.

After leaving the earth world, he flew in the direction of the three-ring universe.

Because, now, there are less than ten years left before the opening of the sixth-order invincible battle road.

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