I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1249 Obtain the Seventh-Rank Low-Rank Divine Weapon! Emperor Leaf Flying Knife! Successfully

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed by.

Similarly, Wang Mang's Huangye Flying Knife was almost refined.

But at this time, the battle between the two arrogant against heaven also changed.

The guy who refines the gods and overlords actually started to suppress the demon body Tianjiao!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was startled. Could it be that this guy can really kill the Demon Physique of Myriad Tribulations?

You know, Wang Mang has already heard about the fighting power of Tianjiao, the demon body of ten thousand calamities.

He saw with his own eyes that this guy had been fighting fiercely for half a year with the pride of the God of Refining and Hegemony.

The two sides have always been evenly matched!

What's going on here?

Why did the battle turn around?

Looking at Tianjiao, who is gradually being suppressed.

Wang Mang frowned suddenly.

Because, this is not the result he wanted.

The result he wants is that both guys will lose out!

Although, now these two guys are dripping with blood.

Even, the appearance looked distressed, but he was not seriously injured.

Therefore, while he was refining Huangye Feidao, he was also continuing to wait for an opportunity.

But judging from the current situation, the possibility of losing both will change?

Just then!

Sudden mutation!

A long sword appeared out of thin air in the hand of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique, which had been suppressed all the time.

Afterwards, Tianjiao, the Demon Physique of Myriad Tribulations, suddenly rose violently, and slashed at the Overlord Physique of Refining God with a sword.

Seeing this scene, Tianjiao, who had refined his body, sneered and easily dodged away.

At the same time, he also had an extra seventh-rank low-grade magic weapon in his hand, a huge cauldron.

At the same time, Tianjiao, who refined the gods and dominated the body, even said with a grinning smile:

"I've been on guard against you for a long time, and I still want to kill me!"

"Only you want to rely on this to kill me?"

"I will beat you to death today!"

After finishing speaking, he urged the huge golden cauldron above his head, whizzed out, and crashed into Tianjiao, the demon body of Myriad Tribulations.

Seeing this scene, Tianjiao of Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique suddenly turned pale.

Because, the magic weapon of this giant tripod can both attack and defend, which is much better than his sword magic weapon.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was even more stunned.

Good guy! These two arrogances even have seventh-rank divine weapons.

This fucking completely broke Wang Mang's cognition.

Fortunately, he still considers himself the number one powerhouse in the three-ring universe!

In front of these two celestial beings, he is considered the number one powerhouse in the three-ringed universe!

These two guys have reached the level of Little Supreme, not to mention.

What's more, there are even seventh-rank low-grade magic weapons!

This level of affluence simply beat him, a country bumpkin!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's face became extremely ugly.

At the same time, the killing intent in Wang Mang's heart became even worse.

These two guys must be killed!

These two guys are so rich!

After killing these two bastards.

His background will definitely skyrocket again!

Therefore, Wang Mang continued to calm down and waited.

Now that these two guys are fighting so hard, I think there will be a result soon.

In fact it is.

Wang Mang was not kept waiting.

Tianjiao, who refines the body of the gods, controls a big cauldron, and begins to crush the body of the myriad calamities in all directions.

Even if the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique has a seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon long sword in his hand, he still loses to Tianjiao, who refines the God Overlord Physique.

Because, Tianjiao, who is even a master of the gods, is really perfect at controlling a big cauldron!

From time to time, a big cauldron was thrown and smashed at it, tormenting Tianjiao, the demon body of Myriad Tribulations, into unspeakable misery.

Just then!


I saw Tianjiao Tianjiao, who was holding a long sword, was instantly blown away by Tianjiao, the giant cauldron.

But it was a coincidence that the arrogance of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique even flew towards Wang Mang!

This fucking is simply a joy from the sky!

The next moment, Wang Mang seized the opportunity instantly!

When he saw Tianjiao, the demon body of Myriad Tribulations, he was hit until he vomited blood, and even the long sword in his hand was shaken and dropped.

Wang Mang's speed was as fast as lightning in an instant, and within a single sword step, he tightly held the fallen seventh-rank low-grade long sword in his hand.

Facing Wang Mang who had been killed out of thin air, Tianjiao of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique suddenly became furious, and roared:

"Presumptuous! Give me back the Heaven Slashing Sword!"

While speaking, the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique endured the physical pain and angrily killed Wang Mang.

Once the divine weapon is taken away, he will not even have the qualifications to compete with the god-refining and overbearing Tianjiao!

The physical bodies of the two parties may be evenly matched, but the problem is that the opponent's huge cauldron weighs him down and he can't breathe.

If there is no seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon Zhan Tianjian, once this big cauldron hits him, it will really kill him!

His quasi-seventh-rank Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique physical body can't hold a seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon!

Seeing this guy attacking him, Wang Mang immediately grinned, and the law of devouring swept across a radius of one kilometer.

In just a moment, his aura has already reached the level of Little Supreme!

At the same time, Wang Mang held the Heaven Zhanjian tightly in his hand, and said with a light smile:

"This sword is a good sword, but you trash is too useless!"

"I waited for you to decide the winner, and I waited for half a year."

"At first, I was still thinking about it, waiting for you to fight and lose both."

"As a result, you, an unlucky guy, started to be completely suppressed and beaten by him."

Hearing this, Tianjiao Tianjiao, the Demon Physique of Myriad Tribulations, was furious, and said from embarrassment:

"I don't know the so-called miscellaneous! Let me die!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and made a tactic, and the giant palm of the law of terror slammed at Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly smiled disdainfully: "Just because of you trash?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang raised his hand, and also condensed a lawful giant palm and blasted it out.


After the giant palms collided with the two laws.

Tianjiao and Wang Mang, the Demon Physique of Myriad Tribulations, retreated a few steps one after another, but they didn't take advantage of it at all!

Obviously, compared to the strength of the power of law, his power of law is not much different from Wang Mang!

After all, Wang Mang has the blessing of the supreme domain, and his combat power is a small supreme level!

Seeing this scene, Tianjiao, the Myriad Tribulation Demon Physique, had a hard look on his face.

Now he doesn't dare to step forward rashly, he can feel that the supreme domain around Wang Mang is suppressing him.

Once you get close, you will definitely be affected to a certain extent, and it will be even more difficult to defeat Wang Mang.

Because, now he doesn't even have the seventh-rank low-grade magic weapon, so he dare not fight Wang Mang in close quarters.

Although his physical body is much stronger than Wang Mang.

But Wang Mang is still holding his Heaven Slashing Sword in his hand!

His physical body can't hold his own Heaven Slashing Sword!

Not to mention his physical body, no one can handle it if he refines his body.

Otherwise, I won't see him take out the magic weapon.

Immediately took out the cauldron and dealt with him.

Just then.

Suddenly, a mocking voice sounded:

"Who am I? Isn't this the strongest person in the three-ring universe?"

"Swallow master? Are you worthy of being the number one powerhouse in the three-ringed universe?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's expression darkened immediately, and he looked sideways at the same time.

I saw that Tianjiao, who was holding a big cauldron with one hand, was looking at him with a sneer on his face.

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