I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1258 The land of ghosts! Super ghost powerhouse! The opponent of the former Nine Heavens God

Seeing this scene, the other four Tianjiao beside them also had a bad look on their faces.

Their strength is also not weak, and they are still five small groups, and their combat power is self-evident.

Basically all of them have small supreme level combat power, but in the end judging from the attitude of Wang Mang and the three of them.

They simply didn't pay attention to the five Tianjiao small groups!

Especially New Oriental and Wang Shen just ignored them!

It literally made them feel a burning sensation on their faces.

"Brother Xiu, these three guys don't pay attention to us at all!"

"Yeah! It seems that we have kept a low profile for too long, and no one remembers us anymore."

"Let's go, brother Xiu, after we hunt and kill these Tianjiao, we will go to the sixth-order invincible battle road, and kill all these three bastards who don't pay attention to us!"

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu's expression softened slightly, and he nodded and said, "Let's go too! Enter the sixth-level invincible battle road first."

Speaking of this, Zhong Shenxiu glanced at the nearby Tianjiao who were ready to move, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Then kill all these cannon fodder ants!"

Hearing this, the other four Tianjiao laughed one after another.

Afterwards, the five people moved one after another, and also rushed towards the sixth-level invincible battle road.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Tianjiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, these arrogances also rushed into the sixth-order invincible battle road portal in groups of three or four.

Of course, there are also smart people who are still not in a hurry to leave, but continue to wait nearby.

After all, they are not fools, and they are obviously worried that these powerful geniuses who enter it will hunt them.

Once it really enters, I'm afraid it will directly become the prey of others, the fish on the chopping board.

at the same time.

At this moment, the sixth-order invincible battle is on the way.

Wang Mang and others appeared in a barren plain.

At first glance, the barren plain is lifeless, and the main color of the land is darkness.

The sky is also extremely dark, as if here, the weather is always dark.

On the contrary, there is only a round blood-colored evil moon looming in the depths of the dark sky.

Moreover, the naked eyes can see the dead bones piled up in all directions on the barren plain.


At this time, a group of crows flew across the sky, their voices were like ghosts.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang and others stood where they were, looking at each other.

Similarly, Wang Mang was also looking around.

But the bloody smell here is too strong.

It is completely different from the environment of the fifth-level invincible battle road!

Moreover, Wang Mang could feel that there was a strong evil atmosphere here.

"It's too weird here!"

"Yeah! It gives me an extremely uncomfortable and creepy feeling."

"I don't know why, but I always feel like something bad is happening."

"Is this the sixth-order invincible battle road? Are you sure?"

"Why do I feel like I've come to a ghost land?"

"No! Why is no one continuing to send in?"

"Yeah! It seems that there are only us. What about the people who entered here before?"

"It's impossible that there won't be a Tianjiao coming in later, right?"

"Could this be a random teleportation? Even the portal has disappeared!"

"Sure enough, the rumors seem to be true. Once you step on the sixth-level invincible battle road, there is no way out!"

All of a sudden, all the arrogances began to discuss.

Similarly, seeing this situation, Wang Mang also frowned.

He didn't expect that entering the sixth-level invincible battle path was actually random.

Then, this proves that the sixth-order invincible battle has a long way to go!

Moreover, looking up, he didn't even see a city.

This means that they may be somewhere in the corner of the sixth-order invincible battle road.

Just then.

Wang Mang suddenly felt that the whole earth was shaking.

Ho ho ho ho -!

Then, one after another hoarse, like the roar of a ghost, resounded through the world.

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately sensed that something was wrong. On the ground, the dead bones instantly turned into ugly monsters under the evil black energy gushing from the ground.

These ugly monsters have a community, their eyes are blood red like light bulbs, and they seem to have no mind. After drilling out of the ground, they rushed towards Wang Mang and others.

"Fuck! What the hell are these!"

"Why does this look a bit like the ghosts I have encountered before?"

"Ghosts? It's a bit similar, but their aura is so strong."

"Yeah! All of them are dominator-level ghosts, isn't that too scary?"

"These ghosts came back to life under the black air. It's really weird!"

"That's right, these ghosts don't have souls, they are really weird."

While all the arrogances were discussing.

Wang Mang found that there were more and more ghosts.

At a glance, on the barren plain, there are still a steady stream of ghosts coming out of the ground under the envelope of black air.

Seeing this scene, even Wang Mang couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb.

If it weren't for the fact that these ghosts were not too strong, he would have escaped without hesitation.

When they saw these ghosts rushing towards them, these arrogances shot one after another!

Accompanied by the attack and bombardment of one after another fierce law, these ghosts also collapsed.

But soon, Wang Mang discovered something was wrong.

Those destroyed ghosts regrouped again.

Moreover, the strength has become even stronger!

Not only that, over time.

The strength of the ghosts climbing out of the ground is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also realized that something was wrong, and immediately said: "Get out of here quickly."

After speaking, Wang Mang immediately took the lead and flew towards the distance, intending to leave this ghost place quickly.

Similarly, after hearing Wang Mang's words, the disapproving geniuses immediately turned serious.

Because even Wang Mang was afraid, which proved that there was indeed a danger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a super talented person like Wang Mang to say these words.

All of a sudden, after hearing Wang Mang's words, the Tianjiao also began to flee quickly.

But at this moment, Wang Mang heard a series of miserable screams.

After looking back, Wang Mang saw many abyssal abyssal clans.

It was overwhelmed by this endless ghost.

Moreover, all Tianjiao who are drowned by ghosts will be divided and eaten, and devoured.

In addition, there are many Tianjiao who are attacking some ghosts while fleeing.

It's not that they want to attack the ghosts, but these ghosts also rushed up overwhelmingly.

Seeing them was like seeing prey, chasing them crazily, even Wang Mang did the same.

Moreover, even if Wang Mang increased his speed to the extreme, he still couldn't get out of this ghost land.

On the contrary, the ghosts that pounced on are getting stronger and stronger!

This also made Wang Mang's face heavy.

Just then.

Wang Mang felt the surrounding space tremble.

A deafening roar followed!

"Nine Heavens Demon Lord, I want to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge figure tore a crack in the ground.

Then, a giant ghostly hand that covered the sky and the sun came out from the crack in the ground and grabbed Wang Mang.

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