I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1263 The situation is reversed! First team up to kill the special physiques of the two secon

Because of this, Wang Mang, who originally wanted to be a hunter, has now given up on this plan.

Mainly, there are many potential enemies!

If the other party is also a group of two, or a group of three.

Then he is alone, absolutely can't get any cheap!

Similarly, Wang Mang pondered for a while.

He decided to wait and see what happens, if there is no chance, he will leave at worst.

Moreover, Wang Mang knew almost without guessing.

He was definitely discovered by the two waves of people who were lurking first.

Therefore, let alone being a hunter, Wang Mang would be fine if he was not hunted.

Just then.

Wang Mang suddenly discovered that there were two super geniuses with special physique who were fighting.

The two people who were still fighting fiercely, suddenly shot with all their strength and blasted towards Wang Mang's direction.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was instantly stunned.

Similarly, while stunned, Wang Mang reacted quickly and retreated wildly.


Accompanied by a huge roar sounded.

The place where Wang Mang was before has been turned into ruins.

At the same time, the two super arrogances of Wan Jian Dao Body and Huang Gu Shen Body stood proudly, looking at Wang Mang coldly.

Then, the two coincided again and chased after Wang Mang, obviously wanting to suppress Wang Mang first!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's face suddenly became gloomy, and he quickly drew back and opened the distance, and at the same time he said in shock and anger:

"What do you two fellow daoists mean? I'm just hiding from the sidelines and watching the battle. Don't you think I'm a bully!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Jian Zun and Ye Bai sneered.

Do you really think they will easily believe this kind of deceitful nonsense?

If it was really just to watch the battle, would it stay for so long?

Are they really blind?

Obviously, when Wang Mang was lurking, they had already discovered it.

However, they were not sure if there were any enemies lurking around.

Therefore, after some discussion between the two of them, they finally decided to clean up the potential enemies and continue to decide the outcome.

Therefore, no matter what Wang Mang said, both of them had gloomy faces, and they joined forces to kill Wang Mang completely.

Moreover, Wang Mang is still refining the gods and overlords, so the idea of ​​lurking nearby is self-evident. He obviously wants to jump out to pick up the bargain after they decide the winner, or to play black hands.

For this kind of person, while they hate this kind of person, they also disdain it very much. Naturally, they don't mind killing the grass and roots.

Seeing that the two were still chasing and killing them regardless, Wang Mang's face became even more gloomy, and he said angrily:

"What the hell are you two trying to do!"

"I'm just watching the battle, and want to kill me?"

"And, there are at least two waves of people lurking near you."

"Do you think this seat is just an example?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the two men, who were about to suppress Wang Mang in a fierce manner, suddenly frowned.

At the same time, the two also looked around and searched carefully.

Unfortunately, the two did not find anything abnormal.

Because after Wang Mang was exposed.

People in those two positions also immediately raised their vigilance.

Especially when he heard that Wang Mang had discovered them, he was even more surprised.

At this time, seeing the two people still had some doubts, Wang Mang smiled even more disdainfully and said:

"These two directions, if you don't believe me, you can go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang pointed in two directions in the distance.

Hearing this, Sword Master and Ye Bai snorted coldly, and without hesitation moved in two directions, casting the Giant Law Palm.


After several laws of giant palms.

The people lurking in these two directions were completely forced to show up.

To Wang Mang's surprise, the two of them turned out to be New Oriental and his avatar.

On the other side, Wang Mang is even more familiar with them. They are the five super talented small groups of the three-ring universe in the past.

However, the faces of this party are obviously not very good-looking.

After all, it was exposed directly by Wang Mang.

This made their long-term ambush fall short!

Similarly, after seeing Tianjiao lurking around.

Whether it was Sword Master or Ye Bai, both of them had very ugly faces.

They can basically be sure that everyone present is from the three-ring universe.

Because they are generally familiar with the Tianjiao of the second ring universe.

But what made them feel angry was the offal of these three-ring universes.

To actually try to hunt them down, this is simply not paying attention to them!

But what I have to say is that these people are really powerful!

It doesn't matter if it's Wang Mang.

Or Wangshen and New Oriental.

Or a small group of five super geniuses.

The weakest strength has supreme combat power.

This also made the two of them dare not act rashly even though they were furious.

Because, even if they join forces, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the eight super geniuses present.

Of course, even though they were not sure that they could suppress Tianjiao present, the two still mocked with cold faces:

"Just because you dogs from the three-ring universe want to hunt us down?"

"It's really ridiculous. I never thought that one day we would be targeted by a few dogs!"

The two people's unscrupulous ridicule made all the people in the three-ring universe present, including Wang Mang, feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu, who was dressed in a white robe and elegant like a scholar, said again with a smile on his face: "Everyone, these two proud sons from the second-ring universe don't take us seriously at all!" !"

"It's better for us to join hands to suppress them!"

"It's better to let these two proud sons of the second-ring universe know that the dogs of our third-ring universe can also kill them."

After hearing Zhong Shenxiu's words, Wang Mang immediately said:

"Fellow Daoist is right, these two bastards actually look down on us."

"Well, let's kill them first, and what about the spoils later?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Zhong Shenxiu nodded with a smile on her face, "That's very good!"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Shenxiu put the folding fan on his waist, and at the same time made a formula with both hands.

The power of law swept out and began to cover the world, forming a barrier.

Seeing this scene, the other four Tianjiao also burst out laughing.

Then, without any hesitation, the four of them exerted their law power with all their strength and began to form a barrier.

Even Wang Shen and Xin Dongfang, after pondering for a moment, did not hesitate to start to arrange the enchantment.

Seeing this, Wang Mang also sneered, and also began to arrange the barrier.

If he could join forces to kill these two guys, of course he wouldn't mind.

As for the fight for the spoils later, Wang Mang also has full confidence in himself.

All in all, in the same level of combat power, Wang Mang really has never been afraid of anyone.

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