I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1273 Successfully captured hundreds of Tianjiao! Is a Hundred Pride-level Talent Pill stable

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang laughed from ear to ear.

Soon, this group of Tianjiao people jumped in one after another.

At this moment, Wang Mang was in an even more wonderful mood.

More than a hundred prides!

A Hundred Proud Grade Talent Pill is secured!

Especially after seeing all these Tianjiao entered the cemetery.

Wang Mang was even more elated, but he didn't rush to block the exit.

Because, how thick is the enchantment inside?

There is a ten-meter-thick enchantment!

This was arranged by Wang Mang for more than half a month.

Even if it is a super genius with the same level of combat power as Wang Mang.

It would take ten days and half a month to break the barrier.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, ready to continue waiting.

Because maybe there will be other Tianjiao later?

With this in mind, Wang Mang continued to wait.

But it doesn't matter if you wait, after a while, Wang Mang saw two arrogant auras flying towards this side.

Moreover, judging by the breath, Wang Mang can roughly feel it.

The strength of these two celestial arrogances has obviously reached the little supreme level of combat power.

Although he is only a mythical arrogance, his strength is not weak at all!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't hide anymore.

If he continues to hide, these two guys will enter the enchantment.

At that time, the prey that belongs to him inside will probably suffer.

Therefore, when the two walked towards the entrance of the cemetery.

The Huangye flying knife in Wang Mang's hand flew out instantly.

The next moment, there was a pop!

Accompanied by a streak of blood!

I saw that one of the little supreme Tianjiao was instantly beheaded by Wang Mang!

The other Tianjiao, with a look of shock on his face, quickly pulled the rope and retreated wildly.

Afterwards, the Tianjiao looked at Wang Mang with mixed eyes of surprise and anger.

If it wasn't for the fact that the closer he got to the cemetery, the more uneasy he felt, and he became more cautious.

I'm afraid, just like his allies, he was directly attacked and beheaded and fell!

At the same time, although Wang Mang, who succeeded in the sneak attack, was a bit regretful, he failed to double kill directly.

But one has been killed, and his mood has improved a lot.

Similarly, Wang Mang also directly gave up his disguise and jumped out from the lurking ground.

Afterwards, Wang Mang walked towards this proud arrogance, and said with a cold face:

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

While speaking, Wang Mang's hand exploded with suction.

Absorbed the body and flesh of this Tianjiao.

Then, Wang Mang directly took off the Tianjiao's storage ring, and also swallowed it into his mouth.

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a statue that dominates the Nine Heavens, the pride of mythology! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1.5 billion rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 500 talent points! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang suddenly felt better.

At the same time, after seeing Wang Mang, this proud Tianjiao's expression became even more ugly.

At this moment, he still doesn't know that this so-called cemetery is obviously a trap arranged by Wang Mang.

Is it to lure Tianjiao to come over, so as to hunt and kill these Tianjiao?

Originally, they planned to surround and hunt these out-of-the-ordinary talents.

Now not only did Tianjiao not be hunted down, but his friend died instead.

This also means that not only did they run for nothing, but they also got nothing.

So, it's no wonder he looks good!

But after feeling Wang Mang's aura, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He could feel that Wang Mang was stronger than him!

If it is said that he is the best in the small supreme class combat power.

Then, Wang Mang's strength is definitely the peak combat power of the Little Supreme.

After thinking up to this point, Fan Jian said viciously: "I will remember you, kid."

After speaking, Fan Jian retreated vigilantly and left quickly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction.

This kid is quite interesting.

If you don't know what's interesting.

Wang Mang didn't mind killing him.

But now he has no intention of killing this guy at all.

On the contrary, all his thoughts were placed on Tianjiao in the cemetery.

There are more than a hundred heavenly prides in the cemetery!

Still waiting for him to close the net!

Just as Wang Mang was approaching the entrance of the cemetery.

Wang Mang saw Shang Tianliang coming out of it.

Seeing this, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly and said:

"It's just right that you are here! Stand up!"

"I'm going to strike down these Tianjiao all at once."

After speaking, Wang Mang pushed it out of the cemetery.

Afterwards, Wang Mang began to arrange the barrier.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang has arranged a barrier.

Then, Wang Mang entered the cemetery and began to arrest Tianjiao.

Similarly, Wang Mang's strength, for these Tianjiao, has almost completely formed a crush.

But Wang Mang still did not take it lightly, so it took him a full half a day to arrest all the hundreds of Tianjiao.

After capturing these Tianjiao.

Only then did Wang Mang leave the cemetery.

Similarly, Shang Tianliang, who was waiting at the entrance of the cemetery, suddenly smiled and said:

"How? Has it been wiped out?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded in a good mood and said:

"All the arrests have been completed, but several Tianjiao died, so it doesn't hurt."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Shang Tianliang suddenly excitedly said:

"How about I lure another wave of Tianjiao over?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Are you confident?"

Shang Tianliang immediately grinned and said, "I'm confident, I've even found an excuse."

"Let's just say this is the cemetery of a Great Supreme, and the barrier is too strong."

"At that time, I will definitely be able to deceive many Tianjiao!"

"Once these Tianjiao see the entrance to break the barrier."

"They must have thought that these arrogances had already entered the cemetery."

After hearing Shang Tianliang's words, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Very good! Go ahead! I will continue to lie in wait for your good news."

Hearing this, Shang Tianliang immediately nodded confidently and said, "Don't worry, wait for my good news!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Tianliang flew towards the distant city again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also had a smile on his face.

After all, to be able to hunt another wave of Tianjiao again, he is of course in a good mood.

With this in mind, Wang Mang used the power of law to confuse the smell of blood nearby and the fluctuation of the law of the Little Supreme.

After all, these arrogances are not fools and cannot be careless.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be seen through by these arrogances.

After doing all this, Wang Mang continued to restrain his breath.

Lurk in the ground near the entrance to the cemetery and wait.

Now he is looking forward to how many arrogance Shang Tianliang can fool.

There don't need to be too many celestial arrogances from this batch of bluffs, eighty ones are enough!

Because, before and after, Wang Mang has captured 121 Tianjiao.

In other words, he will buy another eighty heavenly pride.

The two Hundred Proud Grade Talent Pills are basically stable!

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