I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1275 It's easy to sneak attack and kill two little supreme beings! Fighting head-on and

at the same time.

The five Tianjiao are now discussing whether they want to enter the cemetery, or wait for the Tianjiao to come out and hunt the Tianjiao.

"If you want me to say, let's wait here! Anyway, even if they get the inheritance of the Great Supreme, they will come out anyway?"

"That's right! If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. There is only one exit from this cemetery, and you will definitely come out here. If we wait here, we will definitely be able to wait for these guys."

"There are probably more than two hundred Tianjiao who went in one after the other! It is more than enough for us to carve up dozens of Tianjiao."

Having said that, all five of them smiled.

Obviously, they decided to sit on the sidelines here.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang didn't even have the slightest hesitation, and shot directly.

The next moment, Wang Mang threw out the Huangye Flying Knife in an instant.

Accompanied by a piercing sound!

At the same time, an exclamation sounded:


The next moment, the blood flashed across in an instant.

At the same time, two Tianjiao were beheaded one after another by Wang Mang's Huangye flying knife on the spot!

Afterwards, the two Tianjiao, whose heads were in different places, fell to the ground weakly.

At the same time, the other three Tianjiao, who survived by chance, retreated in panic.

In a short while, the three of them had already withdrawn from the long distance, looking at where Wang Mang was in horror.

at the same time.

Wang Mang, who took back the Huangye Flying Knife, jumped out even more.

Afterwards, Wang Mang waved his hands immediately, and the corpses of the two Tianjiao were attracted to him.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took off the storage rings of the two, and swallowed them at the same time!

Then, the system voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a statue that dominates the Nine Heavens, the pride of mythology! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1.5 billion rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 500 talent points! 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a statue that dominates the Nine Heavens, the pride of mythology! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1.5 billion rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 500 talent points! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Only then did Wang Mang secretly nod in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at the three people in the distance with an indifferent expression, and said indifferently:

"Go away! These are the prey that I set up to lure."

"Leave quickly if you are sensible, don't force me to start the killing ring!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the faces of the three Tianjiao youths were ugly.

At the same time, they also understood.

This is not a grand supreme cemetery at all.

Obviously, it's the whole set that this guy has set up.

But they are obviously unwilling to let them retreat despite difficulties.

After all, it's not in their nature to go home empty-handed.

Because of this, the faces of the three were gloomy and ugly, but they did not retreat.

Similarly, they also looked at Wang Mang warily.

Although Wang Mang previously relied on sneak attacks to suppress and kill two Tianjiao of the same level.

But Wang Mang's aura of strength is nothing more than the peak of the Little Supreme.

Even if they are stronger than them, with the three of them working together, they still have the confidence to suppress Wang Mang.

Seeing that the three of them had no intention of leaving, Wang Mang's heart sank.

Of course he also guessed it, obviously before, he didn't deter these guys!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang sneered suddenly.

Then, he, A-Bian, immediately took out the seventh-rank low-grade armor and a seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon.

This is a seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon of the spear type.

He found it in a Tianjiao storage ring not long ago.

Although it is not a magical weapon dedicated to the law of devouring, Wang Mang can make do with it.

Afterwards, Wang Mang held a big halberd and killed the three of them without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, the three Tianjiao looked at each other and shouted angrily:

"Shooting together, we don't believe it, he can fight three with one!"

After finishing speaking, the three Tianjiao took out the seventh-rank low-grade divine weapons one after another.

All three of them can be said to have one, the seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon.

The only thing is that there is no low-rank seventh-rank armor. After all, seventh-rank divine weapons are not Chinese cabbage!

To get a seventh-rank low-grade divine weapon is already a big burden for them.

Even if they are the arrogance of the second-ring universe, it is not easy to get seventh-rank low-grade magic weapons.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered even more, and Dang even locked his eyes on one of the Tianjiao.

There is no other reason, this guy's seventh-rank low-grade magic weapon is actually a stick, and the breath is also the weakest.

This is naturally the first target of bullying by Wang Mang!

Seeing Wang Mang killing himself.

Tianjiao, who was holding a black stick, suddenly looked ugly.

What does Wang Mang mean?

The three celestial beings, just attack yourself first?

Do you think you are easy to bully?

Under the rage, Tianjiao roared: "It's too much to bully people."

Then, holding an iron rod, he took the lead in killing Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth rose, and the spear in his hand stabbed straight into the opponent's head.

Seeing the long spear stabbed by Wang Mang, he raised the iron rod in his hand and threw it at the stabbed spear.

Bang bang!

With a bang!

The two soldiers collided instantly.

Obviously, Wang Mang's attack was blocked by him.

Even if he was forced back tens of meters by Wang Mang's powerful power of law.

But he still blocked it, if he hadn't been affected by this supreme domain.

I'm afraid he can really compete head-on with Wang Mang!

But this arrogance is too late to be happy.

The next moment, his eyes frightened.

I saw that Wang Mang's other hand held the Huangye Feidao in an instant, and cut towards his neck!

He subconsciously raised his other hand to block, but unfortunately he was still half a beat behind.


Accompanied by Wang Mang raising his sword and falling.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The next moment, the guy's head fell off instantly.

Obviously, he was successfully beheaded by Wang Mang just by breathing!

at the same time.

The other two Tianjiao who had already attacked and killed, saw this scene, their eyes and teeth were tearing apart, and they roared angrily:


While talking, the two of them were magic weapons in their hands, and they directly slashed at Wang Mang's head!

Xia Rinan, they also want to behead Wang Mang!

After all, they have already lost a partner.

If Wang Mang cannot be beheaded, it will only be more difficult for them to deal with Wang Mang next time!

Unfortunately, Wang Mang reacted instantly.

The next moment, Wang Mang quickly grabbed the Tianjiao's body, and at the same time withdrew and retreated.

Wait until the two sides distance themselves.

Only then did Wang Mang put away the headless arrogant soldier and storage ring.

Afterwards, he swallowed the Tianjiao's body in one gulp.

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a statue that dominates the Nine Heavens, the pride of mythology! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 500 talent points! 】

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