I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1302 Have you been completely suppressed before you even make a full shot?

After hearing the voice that came out of nowhere.

Whether it was Wang Mang, Duguao, or Haoyue, they all stopped.

After looking sideways, Wang Mang and others saw a figure in the distant sky appearing in front of Wang Mang and others.

From far to near, this figure is flying towards from the distant sky at a very high speed.

The next moment, when the blue-robed figure approached, Wang Mang realized that he was also a young talent.

The breath is also very tyrannical, and it has obviously reached the realm of invincible supreme.

However, this guy's strength made Wang Mang frown.

Because, he could feel that the strength of this guy was a bit different from him, Duguao, and even Haoyue.

Similarly, the madman with a relaxed face changed his face immediately after he approached carefully and sensed the aura of the three of them.

The ease on his face disappeared in an instant, and his face was full of solemnity.

at the same time.

Haoyue couldn't help but sneered on the spot:

"As long as you are an ant-like existence, plus ten of you who don't even blink."

Originally, he thought that another nemesis who had been suppressed by him had come back to life.

In the end, it turned out to be a madman. This so-called madman was indeed lucky.

Relying on the rise of Tucheng, it can be regarded as entering the realm of invincible supremacy.

But strength, it's not that he looks down on the madman, it's that he doesn't take the madman seriously.

The strength of the madman's aura is too weak, and there is a big gap with Wang Mang.

The gap with him is even greater.

His combat power has reached 49 times the combat power of Invincible Supreme.

Duguao's battle power has reached 35 times the battle power of Invincible Supreme.

Wang Mang's strength, according to his perception, should have reached 30 times the combat power.

As for the madman?

Now judge by breath.

If it is invincible, it will be 5 times the combat power of the invincible supreme.

Even if it is to use supernatural powers to increase combat power, it is estimated that it is impossible to reach 30 times.

Unless, like Wang Mang, he possesses the supreme method, or a very powerful seventh-level middle-grade supernatural power.

Needless to say, the supreme method, the method created by the super invincible supreme must also be in line with its own laws.

This is as difficult as climbing the sky, it is completely unattainable, and it is even rarer than a seventh-order high-grade supernatural power.

Therefore, it's not that he looks down on madmen, but that he doesn't take madmen seriously at all.

Similarly, Duguao was also very speechless.

He thought he had a great helper.

After all, when he appeared on the stage earlier, fortunately, he didn't come to this point, but his words were coquettish.

He thought it was some powerful character he didn't know.

In the end, it turned out that good guy was worse than Wang Mang.

Reminiscent of what the madman shouted when he appeared on the stage earlier.

Duguao suddenly became a little unhappy.

However, he didn't show it either.

After all, multiple people are good against Haoyue.

Ever since he fought against Haoyue, he knew how far he was from Haoyue.

Haoyue's strength is too strong, not to mention the terrifying combat power, the strength is even more outrageous.

To deal with Haoyue, even Duguao is completely at a loss.

Even with Wang Mang added, he still has no idea.

Because Haoyue is much stronger than before.

So far.

Duguao didn't speak anymore.

If it wasn't for joining forces to deal with Haoyue.

He ordered to taunt this guy directly.

What is this guy?

Also worthy of being with them?

Three times the combat power of the Invincible Supreme.

I'm also ashamed to come out and embarrass myself.

It's just better than those guys who have just stepped into the realm of invincibility and supremacy.

at the same time.

After regaining her senses, Haoyue waved at Wang Mang and the others, and said with a brazen smile:

"Come on! You go together, otherwise I really don't have any pressure!"

Hearing this, including Wang Mang, Dugu Ao and Mad Mo's faces were not very good-looking.

The next moment, the madman didn't talk too much, and immediately took out a suit of armor to put on his body, and held the long sword of the seventh-rank middle-grade magic soldier tightly in his hand.

Not only that, the next moment, the madman also began to display his supernatural powers, and his combat power quickly began to skyrocket. In just a moment, his aura reached 15 times the combat power of the Invincible Supreme.

But even so, Wang Mang couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Judging this guy's strength from his breath.

This guy is not enough to look at after he has been promoted!

But at this time, Haoyue didn't give Wang Mang and others any more thought.

I saw Haoyue making a tactic with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Dark demons!"

As soon as the words fell, the way of darkness condensed around Haoyue instantly condensed into giant monsters covering the sky and covering the sun, rushing towards Wang Mang and others.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately held the massacre halberd in his hand, and with all his strength of the Dao of Devouring, with the power of the magic weapon, he instantly chopped off the black dragon that was rushing towards him!

Obviously, although Wang Mang's combat power is indeed not as good as the opponent's, but relying on the power of the magic weapon, he can still resist the opponent's magical attack.

Of course, Wang Mang didn't feel comfortable blocking this supernatural attack, and was directly blasted back tens of meters by the aftermath of this dark way.

On the other hand, Duguao easily relied on his magical powers to disperse Haoyue's magical attacks.

After all, he was able to fight Haoyue for so long by himself.

Now that Wang Mang has joined the battle, the pressure he faces will naturally be less.

But at this moment, Wang Mang and Duguao heard a loud bang.

After looking sideways, Wang Mang saw that the madman was directly attacked by Haoyue's supernatural power, and smashed to the top of the mountain thousands of miles away.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

Even this kind of bastard dared to join the battle between them.

Wang Mang said that the madman belongs to the little bastard, and he really has the qualifications.

This guy's magical ability to increase his combat power is obviously very ordinary.

Otherwise, if he has a powerful supernatural power and improves his combat power, he may be more terrifying than Wang Mang.

At this time, without waiting for Haoyue to make a move, Duguao was still holding a big gun and bullying him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was also not to be outdone, he directly held a big halberd and roared out.

After seeing the two men killing them, Haoyue's face was filled with disdain, and four black iron claws spread out from behind in an instant, sweeping towards Wang Mang and Duguao.

At the same time, accompanied by two mechanical grasping arms, it swept over.

Wang Mang immediately raised the massacre halberd in his hand, and slashed at the black iron claw.

Bang bang bang bang!

Accompanied by two loud noises!

Wang Mang was even sent flying by the terrifying iron claw.

Similarly, the iron claw was not damaged at all, and swept towards him again.

This also made Wang Mang hastily raised his magic weapon to block the black iron claws that swept over him.

Clang, clang!

Ding ding ding!

Just for a moment.

This black iron claw shot at Wang Mang dozens of times.

Although Wang Mang was tired of coping, he was never injured.

But he was completely suppressed by these two iron claws.

This made Wang Mang aggrieved.

He was still full of confidence.

As a result, just the two iron claws suppressed him so that he was powerless to fight back!

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