I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1306 Wang Mang's shamelessness? Even the onlookers who watched the excitement were not

So far.

Wang Mang immediately became entangled.

Although he has the confidence to become the Invincible Supreme.

But this confidence is actually not that great.

And, it's only been a little over a year.

Now there are Son of Light, Haoyue and Duguao.

If there are more arrogances, to be honest, Wang Mang has no idea.

Thinking of this, after Wang Mang was silent for a long time, he finally made a choice.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Mang couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said:

"System! I choose task three!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang took a deep breath.

Not the slightest bit happy.

The reason why he chose task three.

It is because the difficulty of the three tasks is increased step by step.

If he can really create the Supreme Law, he will never give up on the Invincible Supreme.

If he can become the Invincible Supreme, he will definitely want to be on the Supreme Rank!

This is an inevitable question.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang chose task three.

Anyway, the three tasks are very difficult.

With his choice, it is obvious that he either completes the task or does not complete the task.

The difficulty is the same, just choose the most difficult one.

If you can finish it, you can finish it. If you really can't finish it, there is no way.

After choosing the task, Wang Mang was about to leave.

Suddenly, he inadvertently saw nearly a thousand Heaven's Chosen not far away, who were watching the battle.

Obviously, Wang Mang didn't expect that the battle between them would attract so many geniuses to watch the battle.

The next moment, Wang Mang moved his body and raised his hands at the same time, the black and terrifying way of devouring swept the world.

This terrifying way of devouring was instantly condensed in the sky and formed a law enchantment.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the Tianjiao who were watching the battle from a distance changed drastically. Without saying a word, they began to flee in all directions, and began to attack the barrier frantically.

They can become the pride of heaven, so why don't they know what Wang Mang wants to do? ?

Obviously, Wang Mang didn't even want to let them go!

Prepare to catch them all in one go, otherwise it won't be possible to set up an enchantment.

This also made many Tianjiao want to cry but have no tears.

Paralyzed, isn't it just to watch the excitement?

Why is it so hot now!

All of a sudden, each of the celestial prides began to show their magical powers.

Some Tianjiao even took out the long-cherished seventh-order middle-grade teleportation talisman, immediately urged it to be used, and ran away.

Wang Mang had no choice but to do anything about this little genius, he had a seventh-order medium-grade teleportation talisman, so he couldn't stop it!

However, this number is still very small, and this is also where Wang Mang is gratified.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the barrier Wang Mang arranged became thicker and thicker.

These arrogances who couldn't escape couldn't help but despaired, and they all yelled at Wang Mang:

"Bastard! You already have the invincible supreme combat power, and you are still attacking ordinary heavenly pride like us!"

"It's not as good as a beast! I just watched the fun, so you fucking killed me too?"

"I really didn't expect that watching the excitement would bring me a fatal disaster. This city slaughter king is simply insane!"

"This is the City Slaughter King you're touting? Kill anyone who sees the excitement, this bastard, can you show some face!"

"That's right! I've never seen such a shameless person, just like a madman, don't you want to let him go if you have a talent?"

"King Tucheng, please let me go! I am willing to follow your example!"

"King Tucheng, I beg your lord to let me go! Afterwards, I am willing to buy my life with a seventh-rank middle-grade divine weapon!"

"King Tucheng, our family is very powerful, as long as you let me go, I will definitely not treat you badly when I return to the second ring universe."

For this kind of Tianjiao begging for mercy, Wang Mang didn't pay attention at all.

Why are you still waiting for you to return to the second ring universe?

Now if they really have the ability and strength.

It's not like you can't even get a seventh-order middle-grade teleportation talisman.

Therefore, the credibility of these guys is basically zero.

Moreover, Wang Mang could not wait for that time, it was too long.

When he enters the second ring universe by himself, what resources he needs, he can completely rely on himself!

As for why even thousands of Tianjiao spectators have to attack.

The main reason is that these arrogances are true, and everyone has learned to be smart.

Basically, they will not gather in the city.

Therefore, Wang Mang decided to kill the Tianjiao who were watching this wave.

It can be said that mosquito legs are also meat!

At least it's much better than only two or three hundred Tianjiao in a city!

Because of this, Wang Mang has no sense of guilt.

As for the invective of these guys.

Wang Mang ignored it even more.

It's not the first time this kind of thing has been done.

He has long been used to being scolded.

Those who make big things don't care about small things!

What happened to being scolded a few times?

at the same time.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang also arranged the enchantment almost.

Seeing this scene, the Tianjiao became even more desperate and terrified.

But in the next moment, before they were desperate, they fought Wang Mang desperately.

Wang Mang opened his hands, and the Dao of Devouring swept out.

The next moment, under the suction of Wang Mang's powerful way of devouring.

The celestial prides were drawn in uncontrollably.

"No! Don't! Don't kill me!"

"I beg you to let me go! I'm not reconciled! Why am I so unlucky!"

"I'm just passing by to watch the excitement! Slaughter King, spare me the life of a dog!"

"King of Slaughter, I'm just a legendary talent! It's not worth much talent to you!"

All of a sudden, a celestial pride begged for mercy in horror and despair.

It's a pity that Wang Mang didn't listen to it at all, and was still killing wildly.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang is considered to have successfully killed more than a thousand heavenly pride.

After killing more than a thousand heavenly prides.

Wang Mang immediately felt much better.

Because, these more than a thousand celestial prides.

It brought him more than 10,000 talent points!

This is a good sign!

As for why he is willing to have more than 10,000 talent points.

This data is very easy to calculate.

When more than 20,000 Tianjiao slaughtered the city.

They are all worth more than 300,000 yuan.

More than 2,000 Tianjiao are worth more than 30,000 talents!

Isn't this couple and a half worth ten thousand?

Even if there is a difference, it is not bad, not much difference.

Soon, Wang Mang packed up the storage rings left by these Tianjiao.

He raised his hand and started bombarding the barrier, ready to continue hunting Tianjiao.

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