I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1507 The six integrated compasses! A task issued by the system!

As soon as the words fell, all the saints on the fighting platform were waiting in full force.

Only Wang Mang stood there with a face of indifference.

Seeing this, the old man on the stage glanced at him and said:

"Okay, now the patriarchs of the six major clans are invited to come on stage."

After he finished speaking, the six patriarchs stepped onto the fighting platform one after another and stood beside the holy son of the same clan.

As for the other Holy Sons, they could only look at Wang Mang and others with envy.

Mo Yang, who came to Wang Mang's side, nodded to him.

After the six patriarchs took the stage, the old man announced again:

"Then it's up to the patriarchs."

"The old man went down first."

As soon as the voice fell, he walked towards the auditorium.

The next moment, the arms of the six patriarchs were slowly raised.

Afterwards, six dazzling rays of light flashed from their hands.

As the light slowly faded away, a mysterious compass appeared in their hands.

It is worth mentioning that each of these six compasses has a different shape, and words containing endless dao rhymes are engraved on them.

They are: ink! bone! deep! starry sky! bright! inflammation!

All of a sudden, six vast and profound Dao fluctuations suddenly appeared in everyone's perception.

The next moment, six compasses flew out from the hands of the patriarchs and slowly merged together.

Immediately, the countless avenue powers on the fighting platform began to surge crazily.

At the same time, waves of air swept towards everyone.

In an instant, the bodies of the six patriarchs unanimously erupted with powerful avenue power.

Afterwards, an impenetrable avenue enchantment slowly formed to envelop the Dou Zhan Shengtai.

This prevented the avenue power attached to the fusion compass from spreading towards the auditorium.

But people in the enchantment are not feeling well.

The holy sons of Wang Mang and the six major clans are fine, after all, their respective patriarchs are by their side to help dispel the power of the Dao that is scurrying around.

The holy sons of other small clans did not feel so well.

I saw that they were all struggling to resist the fiercely fluctuating power of the Great Dao.

Even some of the weaker ones could no longer stand firm amidst the fluctuations.

Regarding this, the patriarchs of the six great clans all looked at each other at the same time.

Apparently it was all their fault.

After all, only the saint sons of these small clans can reflect the strength of the saint sons of the big clan.

As for the power of the avenue inspired by the fusion of the compass, it is nothing more than they have injected other things.

The purpose is to embarrass the holy sons of other small clans.

This kind of trick may not be seen by other holy sons, but the powerful Wang Mang has already seen through a little bit.

Then, he whispered to himself:

"A boring trick!"

Hearing this, everyone on stage looked at Wang Mang.

The holy sons of all ethnic groups looked at Wang Mang suspiciously, and the six patriarchs on the stage also looked at him meaningfully.

The next moment, the patriarch of the Mingzu said:

"This is the new holy son of the Mo tribe!"

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. It really is talent, intelligence and strength."

To this, Mo Yang also responded:

"Nowhere, the Holy Son of the Mingzu is the proud son of heaven."


The patriarchs of the Holy Son around looked at the two people who were flattering each other and cursed secretly in their hearts:

"Two shameless things!"

Over time, the six compasses have successfully merged together.

The next moment, a huge disk slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

At the same time, the disc is still rapidly expanding until it fills up half of the Dou Zhan Shengtai.

Above it, six space domain gates of different colors slowly appeared.

Seeing this, the six patriarchs looked at each other and nodded.

Afterwards, the patriarch of the Starry Sky Ancient Clan stood up and said:

"Okay, please invite the holy sons of the six major clans to enter the corresponding realm."

"As for the other Holy Sons, entering any domain gate is equivalent to joining which camp."

"After the final camp wins, the people in the camp will also be rewarded."

As soon as the voice fell, he walked towards the audience.

Going down together, there are five other patriarchs.

Just when Wang Mang was about to enter the domain gate of the Mo tribe, the voice of the system sounded in his mind:

【Ding! The current situation of the host is detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Get the third place in the Endless Jihad! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Mission rewards: Indestructible treasure chest x1, Indestructible blind box x1, Dao crystal 10 million! 】


[Task 2: Get the second place in the Endless Jihad! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Mission rewards: Immortal Grade Boutique Treasure Box x1, Immortal Grade Boutique Blind Box x1, Dao Crystal 20 million! 】


[Mission 3: Get the first place in the endless jihad! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1, Dao Crystal 30 million! 】

Looking at the three task options given by the system, Wang Mang complained to it:

"There is nothing wrong with blind boxes and treasure boxes, but isn't your dao crystal worth too little?"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! With the strength of the host! The endless jihad is not difficult at all! Therefore, the available rewards will also be reduced!]

Hearing this, Wang Mang silently said helplessly:

"Okay, choose task three!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's prompt sounded suddenly:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Choose success! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

At this time, Wang Mang was the only one left standing there on the fighting platform.

The other Holy Sons have already entered their respective realms.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience discussed:

"Isn't this man the holy son of the Mo clan? What is he doing?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm afraid."

"That's not the case. It's probably the first time I've participated in the endless jihad and I don't know the rules."

"Haven't the Mo people told him?"

"Haha, look at the face of the Mo Clan patriarch's face has turned into a pig's liver."


Looking at Wang Mang who was stunned in place, Mo Yang's face darkened and he sent a voice transmission to him:

"The competition has begun, what are you doing!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately came to his senses.

Looking at the fighting altar that was empty except for him, Wang Mang cursed secretly:

"Fuck, this mission came at the wrong time."

The voice just fell. He hurriedly walked towards the domain gate engraved with ink characters.

Following a whirl of heaven and earth, he came to the realm of the Mo tribe.

At the same time, at the exit of the domain gate in the domain, Wang Mang's figure slowly emerged.

What came into view was a dozen holy sons of the small clan who were waiting for Wang Mang here.

Seeing Wang Mang coming, these holy sons hurriedly came to greet him and said:

"Master Shengzi, you are here."

"Yeah, I don't know what your plans are now, Master Shengzi?"

"Hey, compared to going to other domains, we still have too few people here."

"Yes, we still have a disadvantage here."

"It seems that this time the endless jihad will be at the bottom."

Hearing this, Wang Mang cast a glance at these people, and said lightly:

"If you want to join the domains of other great clans, go ahead, I won't stop you."

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