I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1516: The Counted Wang Mang! Squeeze Conley to death with one hand!

The next moment, I saw the old man among the two people, and said without shame:

"It's a good way to win."

"You should worry about Wang Mang."

Hearing this, Mo Gu took a sip of tea slowly, and said neither salty nor weak:

"Hehe, so what if Wang Mang is really eliminated?"

"As long as he is still in the Mo clan, the old man Mo clan will sooner or later crush your Starry Sky Ancient Clan under their feet."

As soon as the words fell, the yin and yang strange spirit who was on the side said:

"That's right, with your Mo clan having such an arrogance, you will definitely stand on top of the world in the future."

"I just don't know how long you Mo people can keep him."

While speaking, he was still silently saying in his heart:

"The spies sent to the nine clans of the abyss, why haven't there been any movements?"

"I don't know the situation, I really dare not touch this Wang Mang."

"Forget it or wait!"

Seeing Mo Gu who ignored him, Ming Di didn't speak again.

All of a sudden, the tea table fell silent again.

It should be said that there are definitely not a few people who have thoughts about Wang Mang.

But because the spies sent to the Abyss Nine Clans didn't come back, they didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

If Wang Mang still has something to do with the Abyss Nine Clans, then they will find a way to send Wang Mang, the great Buddha, away.

If not, then they don't have to be so careful.

But what they didn't know was that those spies had already been dealt with by Mo Yang.


At this time, in the domain of the Bone Race, Wang Mang was following Kang Li towards the wall of the world.

As time passed, the figures of the two stopped.

At the same time, everyone in the rear looked at Wang Mang with complicated expressions.

Obviously, they already knew what was going to happen next.

But they couldn't resist, after all, the patriarch had warned them.

At this point, they all looked at each other a few times.

At the same time, there were unidentified expressions on their faces.

But Wang Mang in front didn't notice this.

At this time, he summoned the slaughtering halberd, and countless powers of the Great Dao were blessed in it.

The next moment, as he waved the slaughter halberd, he blasted out a powerful avenue attack.


As a roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, at the same time a power of the avenue that went straight to the sky exploded.

In an instant, the wall of the world was finally smashed under the burst of devouring avenue.

All of a sudden, the few people watching the battle at the rear quickly fled towards the distance.

The next moment, a space turbulence surrounded Wang Mang impressively.

At the same time, a huge pulling force was constantly ravaging Wang Mang's body.

Feeling bad, Wang Mang quickly turned his head to look at Kang Li.

It's okay if you don't look at him, he's already gone at a glance.

Along with other people, they also disappeared.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang reacted angrily and scolded:

"Fuck, there is really no one who believes it."

While speaking, countless avenues of devouring gushed out from his body, resisting the constant turbulent flow of space.

However, these devouring avenues did not last long on Wang Mang's body before they were sucked away by the turbulent flow of space.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's face became very ugly.

This time, he can be regarded as experiencing the powerlessness of others in the face of the absorption ability of the slaughter halberd.

As the space turbulence continued to attack Wang Mang, the power of the Great Dao in his body was also rapidly passing away.

Consumed by each other, soon the power of the Great Dao in his body was almost exhausted.

After all, under the turbulent flow of space, he couldn't even replenish a little power of the Great Dao.

The next moment, Wang Mang's figure began to slowly drift towards the broken part of the world's wall.

No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't stop this situation.

With this in mind, Wang Mang quickly turned his attention to his personal belongings.

At a glance, except for the fact that the metamorphosis symbol may have some effect on the space.

None of the other items were of any use to Wang Mang's current predicament.

However, the function of the breaking yuan talisman seems to break the space blockade.

For a while, Wang Mang silently said to the system anxiously:

"System. Come up with a solution!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! The current situation of the host has been detected! Recommend the following disposable consumable items to the host! 】

[Seventh-order medium-grade teleportation talisman! Worth 5 million Dao Crystals! 】

[Item introduction: It can be directly teleported to the side of the person in the same world. When using it, you can teleport to that person by silently saying the name of the person in your mind! 】


[Seventh-Rank Mid-Rank Divine Blessing Talisman! Worth 10 million dao crystals! 】

[Item introduction: It can resist all attacks below the quasi-eighth level! At the same time, it can protect different levels of special offensive. 】


Looking at the item recommendations given by the system, Wang Mang said without hesitation:

"All of them."

"And send it to Conley's side right away!"

The next moment, the system voice sounded immediately:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Deduction of 15 million dao crystals was successfully purchased! Items have been released into Personal Items. 】

【Ding! The seventh-order medium-grade teleportation talisman was used successfully! 】

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's figure flashed and disappeared immediately.

At this time, everyone in the Bone Race Realm rushed towards the palace after getting away from the wall of the world.

After arriving at the palace, these people fell silent.

Then, someone slowly opened his mouth to break the silent atmosphere.

"Conley, do you think he will be eliminated directly?"

Hearing this, Conley said lightly:

"have no idea!"

"I can't help myself either."

"After all, the patriarch has given orders."

The voice just fell, before they could react.

Wang Mang's figure loomed beside Kang Li.

The next moment, an abrupt low voice sounded:

"Very good, dare to plot against me, how do you want to die?"

After hearing this sentence, the expressions of all the people present changed dramatically.

Afterwards, Wang Mang choked Kang Li's neck and raised his hand.


For a moment, Conley, who was suspended in the air, began to struggle violently.

Seeing this, everyone present panicked and begged for mercy:

"My lord, I am not involved in this matter!"

"Yeah, it has nothing to do with us, it's all done by Conley alone!"

"I implore my lord to spare my life!"


Looking at the crowd begging for mercy, General Wang Mang said disdainfully:

"Don't worry, I am not an indiscriminate person."

"But if you dare to be like him..."

As soon as the words fell, he followed him hard.

I saw that when Kang Li's head tilted, he lost his vitality.

Seeing this, everyone around swallowed in horror.

At this time, on the foreign viewing platform, watching Kang Li who was beheaded by Wang Mang, everyone talked and said:

"Isn't there no casualties in endless jihad?"

"That's right, this guy killed two people!"

"Um, but I still feel that these two people are really not kind."

"That's right, one directly fully recovers the inheritance fetish, and the other..."

"Oh, it's probably an order from the clan."

"Forget it, we civilians can only talk about it."


At this moment, Mo Gu, who was on the tea table, smiled and said:

"The little tricks of your Starry Sky Ancient Clan don't seem to be working?"

Hearing this, the old man in a blue robe said lightly:

"Hmph, the holy son of the old man's clan is not weak when he fuses with the inherited gods and artifacts."

"It is absolutely possible to fight Wang Mang."

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