I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1518 Yan Ling, who has fallen into a disadvantage! Surprised to burn the holy fire!

Hearing this, the old man quickly agreed:

"It's the patriarch, the old man is leaving for the top world of the abyss."

Hearing this, the Bone Clan patriarch slowly transmitted the voice:

"Well, that's great."

As soon as the words fell, an old man in the auditorium quickly got up and rushed to the outside.

Seeing this, the Bone Clan patriarch said silently with a gloomy face:

"Miscellaneous, if I hadn't taken into account your identity from the Nine Abyss Clans, I would have taken action to kill you."


At this time, Yanling in the Yan Clan's domain said in a low voice with excitement:

"A powerful enemy has come, just to try the magical powers I have newly comprehended."

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent shock suddenly appeared in his domain.

Seeing this, he quickly got up and said:

"Oh? Are you here?"

"Let me try your depth!"

As soon as the words fell, an incomparable divine flame suddenly emerged from his whole body.

The next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

At this time, looking at the wall of the world that was easily blown away, Wang Mang murmured to himself in bewilderment:

"Huh? Is no one blessing the walls of this world?"

This is very different from when they invaded the Bone Race Realm.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang, who was a little puzzled, glanced at the people behind him.

Immediately, the person leading the way behind him explained anxiously:

"My lord, this holy son of the Yan clan is naturally warlike, which is different from Gu Yi."

Hearing this, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and said in a low voice;

"Gu Yi? Is that guy's name?"

At this moment, a heroic voice resounded:

"Sage Son of the Mo Clan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Come to fight!"

As soon as the words fell, a fiery firework roared towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said with great interest:

"Are you naturally belligerent? Let me see how much you weigh."

In an instant, Devouring Dao suddenly appeared in his hands.

Immediately, the oncoming fireworks were easily caught by Wang Mang with one hand.

Seeing this, the Holy Son of the Yan Clan said excitedly:

"Hahaha, come on!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure with divine flames quickly attacked Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said with a chuckle:

"Do you want to fight me close, as you wish!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang also rushed towards the attacking Yanling.

boom! boom! boom!

All of a sudden, the figures of the two criss-crossed each other, making dull collision sounds.

Countless avenue powers are crazily vented in all directions.

Looking at it, Yanling Wang Mang who was in front of him said with great interest:

"Good, but that's all!"

As soon as the words fell, he slowly raised his fist.

Seeing this, Yan Ling who was opposite him said solemnly:

"What a terrifying physical strength!"

"As expected of the fierce man who killed Gu Yi."

The next moment, Wang Mang's fist responded.


In an instant, the divine flames on Yan Ling's body were scattered.

At the same time, his figure was blasted away.

For a moment, he couldn't believe it and exclaimed:

"My body, which has been tempered with holy fire for many years, is no match for this person!"

"Come again!"

The next moment, I saw his figure flying upside down stopped and continued to fly towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang praised:

"Oh? Is there still room to fight back?"

"You are much stronger than Gu Yi."

"The Immortal Body!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly felt that his physical realm had skyrocketed.

Feeling the continuous power in his body, Wang Mang slowly raised his arms.

With one hand clenched into a fist, Wang Mang's arm began to tremble slowly.

At the same time, countless devouring avenues rushed towards his fist.

All of a sudden, a palpitating fist power emerged around him.

Immediately, the attacking Yanling stopped immediately.

Feeling Wang Mang's ever-rising aura, he shouted in a low voice as if facing a formidable enemy:

"Thirty-six divine flames!"

The next moment, a wave of heat gushed out of his body.

At the same time, thirty-six flames of different shapes swept out from his body.

In an instant, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and stared closely at the radiant Yan Ling.

At this moment, Yan Ling made him feel a little threatened.

Seeing this, Wang Mang didn't hesitate, and quickly waved his fists to hit him.

Seeing Wang Mang attacking, Yan Ling shouted loudly:

"Today, I will see how strong you are."

As soon as the words fell, he flew towards Wang Mang without fear.

Suddenly, a red streamer collided with a black streamer.


With the sound of a collision resounding through the sky, countless strands of scattered avenue power surged and spread.

Wang Mang's Devouring Dao began to swarm towards Yan Ling.

Looking around Yan Ling's body, the thirty-six divine flames followed the Dao of Devouring and confronted each other not to be outdone.

In an instant, a scorching burning sensation appeared in Wang Mang's arm.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was a little surprised and said:

"Huh? Wasn't it manifested by the power of the Great Dao?"

You know, with his current strength, Yan Ling's power of the Dao is definitely not as good as him.

However, these divine flames hurt Wang Mang unreasonably.

It also shows that these fireworks are not formed by the power of the Dao.

With this in mind, Wang Mang said to himself:

"Anything else special?"

"It should be too."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang resisted the burning sensation from his arm, waved his fist and slammed towards him fiercely.


I saw Wang Mang's fist punching directly at Yan Ling.

Immediately, the divine flames floating around him froze.

The next moment, Yan Ling's figure was beaten back a few steps.

At the same time, he whispered unwillingly:

"Well, it seems that my physical body is indeed not as good as yours."

"You are indeed extraordinary!"

As soon as the words fell, he quickly moved away from Wang Mang.

At the same time, the divine flames around him began to blast towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said calmly:

"Have you learned to be smart?"

"Shadow Chasing Dreams!"

In an instant, Wang Mang's figure disappeared in place in a flash.

Seeing this situation, Yan Ling immediately looked around cautiously.

The next moment, Wang Mang's figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Yan Ling, who felt Wang Mang's breath, quickly controlled Shen Yan to blast towards Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang's figure flashed again and suddenly appeared in front of him.

Seeing Yan Ling with a surprised face, Wang Mang said with a shallow smile:

"Let's lose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang slammed his fist hard at his face.

In an instant, Wang Mang's fist hit his face hard.

Suddenly, his body leaned back uncontrollably.

At the same time, he covered his nose in pain and said in pain:

"Damn it, you don't want to slap people in the face if you don't do this!"

While speaking, a stream of blood slowly flowed from his nose.

The next moment, he said harshly:

"damn it!"

The next moment, he threw his fist at Wang Mang without hesitation.

Obviously, now he has been dazzled by the unforgettable pain.

Seeing this, Wang Mang smiled sinisterly, and grabbed him with one hand.

Immediately, Wang Mang's giant palm was firmly pressed down on his head.

Afterwards, Wang Mang followed him and quickly flew towards the ground.

No matter how much Yanling struggled, it was useless.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, the ground cracked like thin ice.

At the same time, Yan Ling's body was pushed into the ground forcefully by Wang Mang.

At this moment, being pressed under Wang Mang's body, Yan Ling spoke indistinctly:

"Burning... Burning the Holy Fire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a monstrous heat wave erupted from his body.

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